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Third degree... Ugh advice!!!

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Hey all,


I've already got two degrees and despite getting straight As in nursing I think I might need to do another or at least do extra courses online to up my GPA, specifically I want to go to Mac. Any advice for a degree or courses? I'm thinking health science or athabasca human science degree. Does it even matter!?



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Hey guys,


Here's my info:

- Completed BA Hons Psych with thesis (GPA 3.77) and BSc Nursing (GPA 3.94)

- Currently work as an RN with lots of extra training (e.g., have advanced training performing pap tests and female exams, prescribe birth control and STI treatments)

- Ten years+ experience volunteering in all types of hopsitals, literacy programs for children, research labs (Infectious diseases, eating disorders), retirement homes etc...

- Have a publication, published abstract, numerous conference posters/presentations, student health research awards, and a technical report for Industry Canada

- Did not have great MCAT VR score - only a 7...plan to re-write!!!

- No hard science courses (only Anatomy/Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology and the like)



I have to say you are crazy if you plan to do a third degree. Your GPA is pretty competitive and your ECs look pretty good. Only thing you need to do is improve your MCAT (VR specifically). I would suggest a third degree only if you have too much money in your hand and are comfortable with wasting your time doing a useless third undergrad degree.


Just keep applying to med school while working as an RN. You'll eventually get in.

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Haha hey thanks guys! I actually just did my cumulative OMSAS GPA and it's only 3.66 all together, I think I was using the ten point scale from Ottawa U when I did that... So I'm a little stressed with this new revelation lol!


I'm thinking maybe just some courses then to up my GPA and get some prereqs under my belt.. I will for sure apply to other schools but not this year!

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Haha hey thanks guys! I actually just did my cumulative OMSAS GPA and it's only 3.66 all together, I think I was using the ten point scale from Ottawa U when I did that... So I'm a little stressed with this new revelation lol!


I'm thinking maybe just some courses then to up my GPA and get some prereqs under my belt.. I will for sure apply to other schools but not this year!



Considering you already have 2 degrees (say ~180 credits) taking a few more courses will have very little effect on your cGPA. Unless you wanna take 2 more years of full course load to be competitive for schools that look at last/best 2 years, if you don't already have 2 last/best competitive years. I still see no point in doing so. Thats just my 2 cents :) Good luck with whatever you decide :)

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Well I did the accelerated 2 year nursing program and a big chunk of our courses are clinical so that didn't help to bring up my GPA. My issue is that I want to raise my GPA to be competitive and I don't know what to do!! Or do I forgot that and focus on MCAT and science courses? I just need advice! :)

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I would suggest you apply for Masters, Nurse Practitioner. I don't know how you feel about being an RN right now, but not only a NP degree will get you a better salary, it will also give you a slight advantage over what you've already got on your resume. Med schools seem to like graduate applicants.

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Thanks legion, but again a predicament! I've only been an RN for one year so I can't go and do my NP yet... This is certainly my plan in 5 years if I can't get into medicine. So for now I'm stuck... How do I become more competitive and able to apply to more schools? Courses? MCAT? I'm so lost!!!

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+1 on rewriting the MCAT .... as many times as it takes.


Rather than going back to do another degree I would see how far a brilliant MCAT result can take you. There are people who get accepted with your stats, which is a nice combination of strong ECs, ok GPA, and hopefully an excellent MCAT result.


Since you have an excellent career on the go I wouldnt end that to head back to undergrad. Even if you pulled off a GPA of 3.85 in another 2 years, how much would that really pull up your CGPA?? With two degrees already doing another one hits that point of diminishing returns where if you concentrated on your MCAT you may become much more competitive without having to do further undergrad.


Just my thoughts.



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Thanks Beef! I think I will try and up my MCAT score over the next year and see where that takes me... As a non trad with no science background (except maybe bio sconces) would you (or others) recommend doing courses or do you think it's doable on my own?? When it comes to physics, Chem and o chem, I have zero preparation at this point besides some Kaplan and EK books...


Thanks :)

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If you feel like you need some help with the sciences, ya you could take some of the pre reqs. Another option is using various online sources such as Khan Academy or Chads Videos (have to pay like 30 bucks for each section of videos). Again, do not limit yourself to one school. You gotta be like a fisherman lol. Would you rather use a rod or a giant net?

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Yes I totally agree with you guys! I limited myself to Mac because I felt like I would never be able to get a decent score on te sciences and felt I could on the VR only. But perhaps if I dedicate the next year to learning te science content then maybe I will have a shot! This year Mac is my only option but im ok with that for now...


Thanks! :)

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Yes I totally agree with you guys! I limited myself to Mac because I felt like I would never be able to get a decent score on te sciences and felt I could on the VR only. But perhaps if I dedicate the next year to learning te science content then maybe I will have a shot! This year Mac is my only option but im ok with that for now...


Thanks! :)


If you don't mind I have a few other questions :)


ok that degree you last took - can you describe is a little? Was it at least 5.0 credits a year? Were there any pass/fail courses?


Your final year in your first degree what was your GPA in that year alone? Was it also at least 5.0 credits?


Overall in your last 6 years how many courses did you take each year? Was your GPA low generally in courses or only a few of them each year really dragging you down?


Where do you live? Where did you grow up? Do you speak french? What are your ECs like? Can you obtain great letters of reference?


What was your score on the other sections of the MCAT (sorry if you listed this already! :) )

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If you don't mind I have a few other questions :)


ok that degree you last took - can you describe is a little? Was it at least 5.0 credits a year? Were there any pass/fail courses?


Your final year in your first degree what was your GPA in that year alone? Was it also at least 5.0 credits?


Overall in your last 6 years how many courses did you take each year? Was your GPA low generally in courses or only a few of them each year really dragging you down?


Where do you live? Where did you grow up? Do you speak french? What are your ECs like? Can you obtain great letters of reference?


What was your score on the other sections of the MCAT (sorry if you listed this already! :) )


To answer your questions:

The last degree I took was nursing - I did the accelerated two year program and we would have 3 actual classes per semester and two clinical rotations (those are pass/fail).


The final year of my first degree (psych) was 3.7 from Ottawa u and that was four courses per semester (that's all I needed to graduate)


In the last six years of study I got consistenly good grades, usually A or A- but I did start out in a different major and got a number of Bs and one C+ in a course I didn't care much about in first year. Once I got into psych I achieved all As and only one B+ (stats lol!). If I were to go back to school now I'm confident I would get all As as I did in nursing.


I live outside of Ottawa and grew up in a rural community also outside of Ottawa, I also currently work as a PHN in rural communities. I do speak French as I studied in French immersion my whole life but it is not my first language. I have a ton of ECs - worked and volunteered in all hospitals here, clinical research work, publications and conferences, advanced training in female clinical assessments, youth tutor and mentor, research CIHR award, study broad student, etc...


Yes I am confident I can get good refs!!


Lastly my MCAT scores are too embarrassing to post but I have said I got a 7 on verbal (currently practicing and getting anywhere from 8 to 12 so frustrated!)... I'm good with the writing section, sciences killed me... Let's just say my combined science score was ummm barely in the double digits... It's all brand new to me. This is why I was aiming for Mac... I already know Ottawa U is out because they won't accept my nursing GPA and I don't think I'm rural enough for NOSM...


Feeling a little hopeless!!!

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So I think my options are:

A. Focus on MCAT for the next year and try to get good scores next year, potentially start nursing masters next year


B. start taking courses this fall to up my GPA and possibly take some prereqs...make myself more competitive for Mac next year


C. Do a whole new undergrad and do science couraes... make myself a candidate for Ottawa U, no MCAT required


I honestly don't know what to do!! I'm so worried I'll never be good enough to do the MCAT science sections well... I want to find the path that will be most doable and realistic for me but I don't know what that is. I'm willing to work my butt off and not give up, motivation and dedication aren't the issues!


What's best!??

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So I think my options are:

A. Focus on MCAT for the next year and try to get good scores next year, potentially start nursing masters next year


B. start taking courses this fall to up my GPA and possibly take some prereqs...make myself more competitive for Mac next year


C. Do a whole new undergrad and do science couraes... make myself a candidate for Ottawa U, no MCAT required


I honestly don't know what to do!! I'm so worried I'll never be good enough to do the MCAT science sections well... I want to find the path that will be most doable and realistic for me but I don't know what that is. I'm willing to work my butt off and not give up, motivation and dedication aren't the issues!


What's best!??


A blend of A + B in my opinion. Take 1-2 prereq courses (which help address weak areas in MCAT related material), study for MCAT. Write in Jan 2013 or later. Like the other posters have said; Those prereq courses will do little to improve your cumulative GPA! Option 3 is almost as hopeless as your option B alone. Like we said, counting on just ONE medical school is wishful thinking. There are no guarantees and you just need to play the odds.

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I do not know the exact breakdown of your marks, but from the looks of it you would only need one full time year at Ottawa (with a GPA of ~3.95) to be eligible to apply there. They do not require you to finish your degree. MCAT is priority here. I personally found the science coursework very helpful in preparing for it.

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I do not know the exact breakdown of your marks, but from the looks of it you would only need one full time year at Ottawa (with a GPA of ~3.95) to be eligible to apply there. They do not require you to finish your degree. MCAT is priority here. I personally found the science coursework very helpful in preparing for it.


A 3.95 is easier said then done especially when you come from a non-hard science backgroun. A few medicore lab marks and an average mid-term mark and long gone is a 3.95. I guess I could never get that so thinking other mortal humans may have a struggle with it as well :o

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Thanks guys! If I were to do a degree such as health sciences I'm confident I could do well but again I can't decide what to do! My nursing degree isn't going to be considered at a lot of Canadian universities and this was my best work lol! What's a girl to do!!


I thought of taking prerequisites and using those to help me learn the sciences but that still won't solve my lower

CGPA and I'm not confident I can get super high scores in the physical sciences....but maybe I'm being too pessimistic because I've never taken physics courses before.


I'm at such a cross roads!

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I can't apply to NP programs yet and even still don't most schools look at undergrad courses for GPA? I've only been a nurse for a year, and you need at least 5 to do NP so that's out!


I guess I have some thinking to do! Thanks everyone for your insights and advice :)

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Hey all,


I've already got two degrees and despite getting straight As in nursing I think I might need to do another or at least do extra courses online to up my GPA, specifically I want to go to Mac. Any advice for a degree or courses? I'm thinking health science or athabasca human science degree. Does it even matter!?







If you are looking to became a doctor and you find that your grades are not that good enough to enter medical school I might have the solution. I have personally assisted many students from north america in fulfilling their ambtion of becoming a doctor by studying in europe and helping them through the registration exams in US or Canada. The tutuion fees are also a fraction of the price and you get a second chance in achieivng your potential.

Some of my students are currently working as residents in the US.

Please do not despair there are always second chances.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I can't apply to NP programs yet and even still don't most schools look at undergrad courses for GPA? I've only been a nurse for a year, and you need at least 5 to do NP so that's out!


I guess I have some thinking to do! Thanks everyone for your insights and advice :)


Pretty sure many NP programs will take you after two years' (full time) experience. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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