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What do you spend your money on?


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lol, i blow my money on all sorts of stupid ****, if i don't spend money i'm not productive enough to make any, sort of… like a dollar value on your time trade off almost… hahaha :)


Like, when you work part-time jobs during the summer and/or school year, what do you do with your earned money?


Personally, I save 30% of it, and spend the rest on food and music.

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Forgot to mention...spend $2900 on an engagement ring in May and proposed to my girlfriend. I sold a small collection of baseball cards and collectible comics on ebay and made about $1400 that I used towards the ring, so it wasn't so bad. But I'm out $1500, but it was one of those once in a lifetime thing.


The ring was was well worth the money. I saved about $600 by buying online at James Allen. My fiancee is very happy too. She's graduating soon and she'll have no problem finding a job (electrical engineering). She's already made great connections from campus recruiters. And she's ok with being the big earner for a while...


We're both confident about our futures in terms of income. Our families wanted us to wait to marry, but we're ready now. We're both very mature and independent and balance each other out really well (she's 5 years older, so maybe that's why).


But other than the engagement ring, I don't see myself making a big purchase like that anytime soon.

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Pet supplies


Coffee expeditions




Art Supplies


And that's purdy much the bulk of my expenses :)


i spend my money on

-clothing + accessories


-sports equipment

-electronics (headphones Bose Quiet comforts for the library)

-hanging out with friends(bowling, going out to eat, concerts)


I have spent way too much money this summer, I feel like i would prob spend like 500-1000 dollars by the end of the summer just for entertainment! I went way too overboard this yr

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o man, i seriously forget what its like to work, need to go back to school so i can get more free checks... of to help kids... yay!


it's not worth paying your debt off if u know how to get out of it, but i suppose i'm a bit morally reprehensible... :P

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my god, i use to drop like a g every month on i don't even know what... forget **** i actually bought


i spend my money on

-clothing + accessories


-sports equipment

-electronics (headphones Bose Quiet comforts for the library)

-hanging out with friends(bowling, going out to eat, concerts)


I have spent way too much money this summer, I feel like i would prob spend like 500-1000 dollars by the end of the summer just for entertainment! I went way too overboard this yr

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