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Premed 101 Forums

Someone make me a mod please


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only ian can make mods and he's not around much. we have to upgrade the whole system to implement captcha and only ian can do that.


i don't know how many times we need to say this. apparently a lot.


the ads are down within a day. live with it.


I don't understand, how does this site stay up if there's no cash flow from ads? Or does Ian just spend a few G's a year to keep this going since he's making mad doctor monies?

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I don't understand, how does this site stay up if there's no cash flow from ads? Or does Ian just spend a few G's a year to keep this going since he's making mad doctor monies?


Actually it probably isn't that much...I knew a forum that wasn't VBulletin, one of those real paid for sites that had way more going on than this and it was only like $1,500/year.

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I don't understand, how does this site stay up if there's no cash flow from ads? Or does Ian just spend a few G's a year to keep this going since he's making mad doctor monies?


I run multiple similar systems on a single system that costs far, far less than the numbers you are mentioning. The server demand to keep this site running is not that high and thus the cost isn't either. Dr Wong is graciously footing the bill of couse but it wouldn't be breaking the bank :)

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