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Is an Ethics course important?


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I'm just wondering if you guys took any ethics courses in your undergrad (ex. Philosophy of Medicine). I know Waterloo in Canada requires it. However, is it a huge help when applying?


Some people I have talked to have said that it helps with their reasoning skills but the professor for the course rarely gives out decent marks. They say they enjoy the material but it is not an average boosting course.


If I were to take it, do you think I should put off taking it 3rd or 4th year?

Thank you.

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I'm currently taking my "Ethics" course and I'm only in second year. It's called Critical Thinking and is not technically and ethics course, but I checked with Waterloo Admissions to make sure it counts as an Ethics prereq, and it does! So far, it is not hard and will definitely boost my GPA. But most importantly, it's actually interesting. You learn about analyzing arguments, recognizing fallacies, practicing categorical logic, et cetera. And there's quite a bit of writing involved, too.


As for myself, I don't regret taking the course this early at all. If your school has a similar course, I would definitely recommend it. :) I would have loved to take Business Ethics, but it's a 2nd-year business course, so it doesn't count as an introductory ethics credit. :(

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