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Interview Debrief

First Rads Choice (srry I only get 10 options on here)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. First Rads Choice (srry I only get 10 options on here)

    • UBC
    • UA
    • UC
    • US
    • UM
    • Western
    • MAC
    • Toronto
    • Queens/Ottawa
    • Maritimes

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There needs to be an eastern-centric counterpart to this poll... I like how McGill/Dal/MUN are all lumped together at the end ;)


It goes without saying that this shouldn't affect anyone's ranking decisions - go in order of preference.


particularly with McGill holding so many spots :)


Still this poll shouldn't really impact anyone's choices. Your optimal plan is to just pick what you want.

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With most schools interviewing anywhere between 1:6-1:10 number of students, I wonder what is the chance of people getting their 1st program choice is in radiology. Has anyone found this on the CaRMS website?


Also, I was curious what happens if lets say if:

You get only 1 acceptance spot in the least desirable program out of 10 interviews and ranked this school last. Had you ranked this school 1st you might have had a chance but each time the Algorithm goes through people's choices one at a time, from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, you might have lost out on getting ranked because someone ranking it higher would have match before you.

Can the algorithm not be likened to 10 rounds of musical chairs in this case?

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from what i gather it doesn't work that way. if you're next on the school's rank list, you will match to that school if you do not match to other schools higher on your list. in other words, if that school ranks you in the top X, where X is their number of spots, you will 100% match if you ranked that school at all.


and what do you guys think of the knowledge testing questions from some schools? one school in particular laid it on thick. i thought it was fair but i still got a beating.

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Hmm this is what I've been told as well tooty.

I also wondered about this because your match depends on where other people ahead of you go. If it is a turn based match system then there is the possibility of you not matching because you put too many reach schools high in your rank (as per the simulation). But if the website accounts for this some how then you'd be safe - I don't know how the algorithm would do this though... Pls enlighten us if you are math savvy!

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from what i gather it doesn't work that way. if you're next on the school's rank list, you will match to that school if you do not match to other schools higher on your list. in other words, if that school ranks you in the top X, where X is their number of spots, you will 100% match if you ranked that school at all.


and what do you guys think of the knowledge testing questions from some schools? one school in particular laid it on thick. i thought it was fair but i still got a beating.


I felt this as well. UBC, McGill, Western all did this and I wonder if they are objectively scoring us using academics the same as subjective factors. If this were true, I feel people on surgery or just did their radiology electives have an advantage.

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Hmm this is what I've been told as well tooty.

I also wondered about this because your match depends on where other people ahead of you go. If it is a turn based match system then there is the possibility of you not matching because you put too many reach schools high in your rank (as per the simulation). But if the website accounts for this some how then you'd be safe - I don't know how the algorithm would do this though... Pls enlighten us if you are math savvy!


i dont think its based on "turn"


from what i understand lets say you rank 6 places and carms has exhausted your first 5 choices then it looks at your 6th. suppose the 6th school is already "tentatively" full then it will look at the tentative people already matched and look at how you compare to those people on the schools ROL. then if you are higher than just one of those tentative people then you would take their spot.


thats my understanding at least, if this isnt right then feel free to chime in.

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