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What's On Your Mind?

Robin Hood

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I always wonder what makes people commit to actually having kids. The amount of work I've done with them just doesn't seem worth it in the end..


Well, when they're your own, you kind of automatically adore them. Seeing yourself in the stuff they do is pretty awesome. Having a baby curl up in your arms, completely trusting and at peace, is rather amazing.


I like teaching them things, and seeing how they are so full of curiousity and wonder about EVERYTHING.


They are a lot of work, yeah, and sometimes (especially when they are both sick and I am too) I think I must have been crazy to have kids in the first place, but the good outweighs the bad pretty much all the time.

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I always wonder what makes people commit to actually having kids. The amount of work I've done with them just doesn't seem worth it in the end..


No idea. My husband and I don't have children and don't plan on having children. People think I'm crazy, and tell me I'll regret it later in life when I don't have anyone to look after me when I'm old. I think that's a pretty selfish reason to have children myself, just to have someone to look after you when you're older. Others say that I'm missing out on the joys of motherhood. But my life is pretty full and joyful as it is - I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything major by not having children. Still others claim unconditional love, yet I have that from my husband (I guess some of them don't have that kind of unconditional love from their spouse).


So no kids here, and no plans to have any (given my endometriosis, it would be extremely unlikely if I could conceive naturally anyhow, and as for adoption, well, I was adopted myself, so I know first hand the struggles with being an adoptee).

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No idea. My husband and I don't have children and don't plan on having children. People think I'm crazy, and tell me I'll regret it later in life when I don't have anyone to look after me when I'm old. I think that's a pretty selfish reason to have children myself, just to have someone to look after you when you're older. Others say that I'm missing out on the joys of motherhood. But my life is pretty full and joyful as it is - I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything major by not having children. Still others claim unconditional love, yet I have that from my husband (I guess some of them don't have that kind of unconditional love from their spouse).


So no kids here, and no plans to have any (given my endometriosis, it would be extremely unlikely if I could conceive naturally anyhow, and as for adoption, well, I was adopted myself, so I know first hand the struggles with being an adoptee).



I've always found that a terrible reason some people give for having kids.


If someone wants unconditional love, they should get a puppy, not have kids.


Kids are selfish. For the first couple of years, they are black holes of need, and until they are grown they still need way more than they can give. I'm strict, so I do occasionally get the 'I HATE YOU!' from my six year old, and many, many tears from my two and a half year old. While they very much do love me, I certainly don't expect to have that need filled by them, because it would be way too easy to be hurt by them being kids. I had kids because I wanted kids, I did not have kids to give them 'a job.'


Also annoys me how some of my mom friends kind of roll their eyes at people who don't want kids, or call them selfish, or say they will 'grow out of it.' While that is true of some, many people I know who have opted not to have children are very level-headed people who have put a lot of thought into it. Not having kids is just as valid a choice for people as having them. Then again, I also get flack for having kids as young as I did (19 and 23), or for having another kid after I had one diagnosed with a disability. Friends of mine who have 3+ get ragged on for having 'too many.' You can pretty much never win and *everyone* seems to think they have the right to an opinion about your family plans.

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for any boys out there:


How do I deal with my teenage brother who has wild angry outbursts? Does it get better with age!?!?! :( its awful!


Yes, it gets better with age. Maturity is a wonderful thing... once it kicks in. I suppose I've still got a ways to go on that front though :P

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amazon.com is such a great place for shopping. usually cheaper than what stores offer. I have family that lives in flordia and i visit them and pick up my pckgs they store for me

-no line ups

-no traffic

-no paying for parking/searching for parking spots


def see e commerce def expanding.

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Well, when they're your own, you kind of automatically adore them. Seeing yourself in the stuff they do is pretty awesome. Having a baby curl up in your arms, completely trusting and at peace, is rather amazing.


I like teaching them things, and seeing how they are so full of curiousity and wonder about EVERYTHING.


They are a lot of work, yeah, and sometimes (especially when they are both sick and I am too) I think I must have been crazy to have kids in the first place, but the good outweighs the bad pretty much all the time.


Sometimes I feel there are good points, but really I can't help but be scared of the what ifs of parenthood. What if my child becomes a loser? What if they have a disability? Then it's like more and more burden on myself. I would completely refute the "take care of you when you are older" because not all kids will be able to (reasons above) or they will not want to and just stick you in a home. I know myself I could never care for my mother when she is older, she is almost impossible now and it hurts my health and hers. I can't imagine the amount of effort I'd need for her later... She might end up being 24/7 care and if I work, well, either my dad or brother does it or she goes to a home.


But back to children.... I wouldn't know how to be a great parent and until I feel confident in that area and actually have the plain desire or kids, it's not happening. Not to mention I need a boy too :P

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Sometimes I feel there are good points, but really I can't help but be scared of the what ifs of parenthood. What if my child becomes a loser? What if they have a disability? Then it's like more and more burden on myself. I would completely refute the "take care of you when you are older" because not all kids will be able to (reasons above) or they will not want to and just stick you in a home. I know myself I could never care for my mother when she is older, she is almost impossible now and it hurts my health and hers. I can't imagine the amount of effort I'd need for her later... She might end up being 24/7 care and if I work, well, either my dad or brother does it or she goes to a home.


But back to children.... I wouldn't know how to be a great parent and until I feel confident in that area and actually have the plain desire or kids, it's not happening. Not to mention I need a boy too :P


I don't expect my kids to take care of me when I'm older. My parents don't expect it of my siblings and I, and my husband and I are making plans to ensure we won't be a burden to our kids in our old age should we be fortunate enough to live long lives.


My son does have a disability and as yet, we aren't entirely sure if he will be independent as an adult. He's six now, and it's too early to tell because of the nature of his disability. A friend of mine has a child with Down syndrome, and they know he will not be an independent adult. To be honest, while it isn't really something we just welcomed with open arms (you go through a grieving process when you have a child with a disability; mourning the future you had hoped they would have) you dea with it and move on.


Not everyone has to have kids. If you never decide to have them, that's just fine. But not wanting them because you're worried you won't know how to be a good parent... I'll say that everyone who DOES have kids worries about that. I still worry about it as my kids enter each new stage of development. Worrying about being a good parent is one of the surest ways to end up being one.

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need to buy



amazon.ca is like double the price wtf, i can still order from amazon.com but it is a hastle to visit my grandparents to pick up my pckgs so much easier if it came to my house. legit e-commerce come to canada

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ahh you beat me to it. I posted it like 5 mins ago in its own thread..


Which now got deleted by the mods... Why mods? More people would have seen the song in its own thread than buried in a comment on one of the largest threads on this website.


Also, good luck to everyone waiting on tomorrow!

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Which now got deleted by the mods... Why mods? More people would have seen the song in its own thread than buried in a comment on one of the largest threads on this website.


Also, good luck to everyone waiting on tomorrow!


sorry what got deleted?

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