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Medical School Preparation- Class of 2017

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I am starting this thread to discuss all that we need to accomplish before orientation. If anyone from Memorial could assist us with their knowledge that would be appreciated.

Does the handbook still apply for this year?



We must have:

-English Pre-req

-Proof of degree and completion of course work (transcript)

-short and long white coats

-immunization record

-registration for classes/ when?

-criminal record check / when?

-Mun e-mail set-up ASAP for important info.


From handbook: 2 step Tuberculosis testing will be done in September as a class. 1 step TS testing will be done annually thereafter.

Is this true so we should not seek doing this ourselves? Also I do not have my childhood Immu. record so I am going to assume I will talk to my FD, get bloodwork and then possibly immunized again or boosters, whatever I/Mun needs.


Also as far as the short and long coats go, I have a coat from lab but it is quite cheap and I would like to buy nicer, do they sell these things at local hospitals like they do scrubs?


I already have my English credits done and do not have this box checked on the acceptance form.


For Proof of degree and completion of coursework (and English pre-req for that matter). Obviously just one transcript will do? sent to CaRMS, is there a date this is to be done by? or just ASAP after graduation/after all marks are inputted on transcript.


Also I have my Medical First responder which includes First Aid etc. that lasts 3 years. I have seen many Medical schools requiring first aid before starting class. I have not seen this anywhere for Memorial?


Registration and Mun e-mail- we will receive more info on this after we confirm our acceptances (stated in acceptance letter)


Anything any one has to add or anything clarified would be great! Thank You and CONGRATS!!


Regards, J

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Hey guys,


First off, congrats on making it in! To be completely honest, most of this stuff can wait until O-week. Biggest things are to get your deposit to admissions. Obviously make sure you have your prereqs, butother than that dont stress too much. If youve never been to NL, youll want to look into housing. There isnt much vacancy.


Any other details can be answered more specifically by your aunt or uncle the next year up once youve been paired up. The biggest thing for now is too make sure you are refreshed for September, because it gets heavy real fast.


Now then, if you really want to go out and do med stuff anyways, then you can buy your lab coats at this place on Blackmarsh Road down past the Sobeys. ITs called Professional Apparel or Uniforms and More... something like that. Its a couple blocks off Columbus and by the Big R! If you have a long coat from undergrad lab, thatll be fine. Youll just be using it for anatomy lab at any rate. The short coat is the nice one you use for the white coat ceremony and then again for clinical stuff.


Registration wont get underway until the summer.





PS. Practice up on your swing. Gander golf trip is within a few weeks of the start of school. Youll want to be in top form.

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So I sent my paperwork in the fastest I could with tracking, It was received yesterday! although I am assuming there is some sort of special signature they use as I could not make out for the life of me what it said. Should we getting confirmation of this? and does anyone know when we should expect more information from them? Very excited for more info.:D

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Does anyone know when we will receive further information, I was kind of hoping for a big acceptance package lol I am possibly calling to ensure my deposit and forms made it as I have not heard anything. Should we be expecting anything? I am getting very excited!

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Hey guys,


First off, congrats on making it in! To be completely honest, most of this stuff can wait until O-week. Biggest things are to get your deposit to admissions. Obviously make sure you have your prereqs, butother than that dont stress too much. If youve never been to NL, youll want to look into housing. There isnt much vacancy.


Any other details can be answered more specifically by your aunt or uncle the next year up once youve been paired up. The biggest thing for now is too make sure you are refreshed for September, because it gets heavy real fast.


Now then, if you really want to go out and do med stuff anyways, then you can buy your lab coats at this place on Blackmarsh Road down past the Sobeys. ITs called Professional Apparel or Uniforms and More... something like that. Its a couple blocks off Columbus and by the Big R! If you have a long coat from undergrad lab, thatll be fine. Youll just be using it for anatomy lab at any rate. The short coat is the nice one you use for the white coat ceremony and then again for clinical stuff.


Registration wont get underway until the summer.





PS. Practice up on your swing. Gander golf trip is within a few weeks of the start of school. Youll want to be in top form.


Isn't it a Dominion on Blackmarsh, not a Sobeys? (I miss Sobeys. There are none close by me where I am for residency so I end up at Loblaws or Metro. Metro is ultra crappy)


Also I could use a feed of Ches's right now.


Make sure you guys have a good relaxing summer. The coming year is going to be very busy.

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Hello, I have a question... Is there a secret way to get to NL? ferry rates to move my house will be insane! What is the drive like from port aux basques to St. John's (9.5 hours driving with a 3 year old, potty breaks and 2 year old)? Or should we do the Argentia ferry (more expensive and longer but only 1.5 hr drive)

I will have to drive with the truck and family to Sydney, possibly my wife driving our vehicle and myself driving U-haul? I am also getting mover quotes but I am sure it will be expensive. Ferry to port aux basques or Argentia and then on to St. John's, I have don't really have anyone in St. John's and with our daughters as young as they are, my wife needs to watch them while I unload.. hoping to take someone with us and fly them home or hire a kid to help unload a truck?

Getting to NL is a journey land and sea hahaha

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Hello, I have a question... Is there a secret way to get to NL? ferry rates to move my house will be insane! What is the drive like from port aux basques to St. John's (9.5 hours driving with a 3 year old, potty breaks and 2 year old)? Or should we do the Argentia ferry (more expensive and longer but only 1.5 hr drive)

I will have to drive with the truck and family to Sydney, possibly my wife driving our vehicle and myself driving U-haul? I am also getting mover quotes but I am sure it will be expensive. Ferry to port aux basques or Argentia and then on to St. John's, I have don't really have anyone in St. John's and with our daughters as young as they are, my wife needs to watch them while I unload.. hoping to take someone with us and fly them home or hire a kid to help unload a truck?

Getting to NL is a journey land and sea hahaha


Sorry, no secret way over here haha. Is the price to Argentia significantly more? I know it's a longer boat ride but at least you can relax. If you plan on driving from Port-aux-Basques to St. John's, you're looking at at least 10 hours including bathroom stops, gas, lunch, etc. Once you arrive, you may be able to round up a few new fellow classmates and have the job done in no time.

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Thanks guys!! Argentia definitely looks like a better option for all of us, less stressful.

Either way it is over 700 to rent the U Haul gas not included.


Port aux basques

195 for 2 adults + vehicle

120 for a cabin* (may not be needed this route)


Total 355 no cabin + extra gas expenses and hotel for a 10 hour drive.

+at least 200 for hotel and gas and food, probably more

makes total 555 and if we need a cabin for the crazy kids.....




450 for 2 adults + vehicle

172 for a cabin


Total 952


2000 ish dollars to move our family to St. John's (could be more or less depending on food and gas)

(our kids are Free)

I really appreciate the help from you guys! Excited to be where I have been told the people are the nicest!:D

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Thanks guys!! Argentia definitely looks like a better option for all of us, less stressful.

Either way it is over 700 to rent the U Haul gas not included.


Port aux basques

195 for 2 adults + vehicle

120 for a cabin* (may not be needed this route)


Total 355 no cabin + extra gas expenses and hotel for a 10 hour drive.

+at least 200 for hotel and gas and food, probably more

makes total 555 and if we need a cabin for the crazy kids.....




450 for 2 adults + vehicle

172 for a cabin


Total 952


2000 ish dollars to move our family to St. John's (could be more or less depending on food and gas)

(our kids are Free)

I really appreciate the help from you guys! Excited to be where I have been told the people are the nicest!:D


Keep your receipts, although I'm not sure if you can claim them on taxes because you are moving for school.


I will give you a heads up now to keep them if you move for residency. Because its a "job" to the CRA, all moving expenses are tax deductible. It gave me a bunch back on my return.


You (and your family) will love St. John's. I miss it every day.

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Does the pizza and beer rule still apply for med? Cause I do my best lifting after a slice of meat lovers and a cold beer.


+1. If I'm in st john's when you move I'd be more than happy to help you unload Silvantes. If admissions did their job right you won't have any trouble at all finding people to help!

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Does the pizza and beer rule still apply for med? Cause I do my best lifting after a slice of meat lovers and a cold beer.


There will be pizza and beer for all!!!!!..I like that type of pizza, tricky wording. hahaha I am sure for any others that may need help I will be available, once I have done the heavy lifting for my wife. She will be insanely cleaning for days anyway..haha

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+1. If I'm in st john's when you move I'd be more than happy to help you unload Silvantes. If admissions did their job right you won't have any trouble at all finding people to help!


Sounds great! Everyone has seemed more than nice and I am happy to be going to Memorial with these kinds of people! Also love your username, my wife and I have been waiting. Hoping to have people over every once in a while, my kids go to bed pretty well and we have trained them to sleep with noise ahaha.

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like . Also thank you for the advice!


I am also pumped about the rec facilities. I have been wanting to start going to the gym but have no motivation, hopefully these facilities will provide that.


Meh, not really. Either you're a gym person or you're not. The Works is unlikely to inspire you.

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like . Also thank you for the advice!


I am also pumped about the rec facilities. I have been wanting to start going to the gym but have no motivation, hopefully these facilities will provide that.


I gave up on formal gyms. I have a decent quality elliptical, a bench and adjustable free weights in my garage. Plus bike, hockey gear, rollerblades etc.


I found that as a med student and a resident, wasting 30 - 60 minutes a day to get ready, drive to the gym and change (plus the opposite to go home) was too much. Plus my hours mean sometimes I will want to work out at times the gym isn't open.


With having my "gym" in the garage I find I work out more and waste less time. Something to think about.

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Yeah, I would love to have space for a home gym but extra space will likely become play area, a place on campus would likely be best for me as no screaming kids, and a pool is cool. ahaha I hear ya though, I would prefer to either not be around anyone or with friends. It is unlikely to inspire much but a better option than I have had before.

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