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Is It Ok To Take One 1st Year Course In 3rd Year


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I'm going into 2nd year and taking 6 -2nd year and 4 -1st year courses . In 3rd year is it ok to take 6-3rd year, 3 -2nd year and one 1st year course. Would Medical School frown upon the 1st year course in 3rd year?


Can I safely assume all schools are Ok with the 60-40 rule ?


Thanks in advance

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What about a 5th year that has two 4th year, one 3rd year, two second year courses and a .25. 2nd year lab for a total of 2.75 credits. I already have 2 years that meet the rule for western, but I was wondering about toronto. I'm assuming it would still allow me to qualify for the weighting formula?

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What about a 5th year that has two 4th year, one 3rd year, two second year courses and a .25. 2nd year lab for a total of 2.75 credits. I already have 2 years that meet the rule for western, but I was wondering about toronto. I'm assuming it would still allow me to qualify for the weighting formula?


You should try contacting the school for confirmation. 28 credit hours should meet their requirements for a full course load. If you have at least 28, you should be fine. Again, and I can't stress this enough, contact them to make sure.

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You should try contacting the school for confirmation. 28 credit hours should meet their requirements for a full course load. If you have at least 28, you should be fine. Again, and I can't stress this enough, contact them to make sure.


Thanks, I will contact them for confirmation. I know 2.5 credits is considered a full course load, it was mainly the combination of courses I was concerned about.

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