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St George vs Ross vs AUC vs Saba vs Etc..

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Okay so in terms of price, St George takes the cake but AUC and Ross will also leave you with debts upwards of 250 k. I feel like Saba and other schools like MUA and SMU are more competitively priced and their match lists are quite good. So are St George, AUC and Ross worth the price tag? They definitely are more established and have more history but there are a few schools that cost 1/2 the price and manage 90%+ on their USMLE Step 1s. Any thoughts are appreciated!

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Okay so in terms of price, St George takes the cake but AUC and Ross will also leave you with debts upwards of 250 k. I feel like Saba and other schools like MUA and SMU are more competitively priced and their match lists are quite good. So are St George, AUC and Ross worth the price tag? They definitely are more established and have more history but there are a few schools that cost 1/2 the price and manage 90%+ on their USMLE Step 1s. Any thoughts are appreciated!


90%+ on their USMLE step 1s doesn't mean anything

It just means they pass the first part of their licensing exams


matching is a WHOLE different story

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