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Applying to OT and PT?

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Some people do apply to both. It's true they are very different professions.. But if they both appeal to you and you can't decide, it's not a bad idea to apply to both. I don't think the programs will necessarily know you've applied to both- just don't mention it in your interview!

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Some people do apply to both. It's true they are very different professions.. But if they both appeal to you and you can't decide, it's not a bad idea to apply to both. I don't think the programs will necessarily know you've applied to both- just don't mention it in your interview!


I can't see how it can hurt you in an interview unless you dont have a clear rationale for applying to both. It depends on how you present it. You can say back up plan but that wont score you any points or you can say that both fields are in line with your career goals and explain how your undrgrad and volunteer experience prepare you for both

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I applied to both last year and interview in both. I mentioned in my OT interview (because they asked) that I also applied to PT and the woman looked very unimpressed.

I ended up getting into PT and not OT, which was what I had hoped for anyway but still.. Unless you explain well your rationale for applying to both I wouldn't mention it.

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