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Question On Class Demographics And Discrimination

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You confuse my rupp, you make some good points and then you say stupid stuff like this:

"If aboriginals had their culture on this land for 1000 of years that does not mean they are eligible to not pay taxes and get special privileges. Everyone in Canada is an immigrant including aboriginals (bering strait passage from Asia). So just because aboriginals lived here first does not make them any special."

You make good points that seem to show that you have an understanding, but then make other points that detract from your claims of actually have a strong understanding.

Are we being trolled?

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Haha that is a good point.




I just wanted to show that native people have also immigrated to Canada just like anyone else. So when people say they are the original inhabitants of the land and they have been wrongfully removed from "their lands" I question them. Everyone who came to Canada immigrated. So why are aboriginals claiming they should get special rights. Colonization has happened all over the world. It is based on survival of the fittest. The more powerful prevail over less powerful that is the reality of the world. So any claim that the world is perfect is false analogy. Aboriginals should have equal rights in our current society not special rights

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