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Trying To Figure Out If Its Worth Upgrading My Gpa, Will I Have Any Chance At Pt.

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I've been considering taking a semester of classes this year to bring up my GPA. After upgrading my stats would be a cGPA 3.01 SubGpa 3.54. Based on my low GPA I really need a good personal statement and references even after upgrading for the slight chance of getting in.


I think my best chance is Queens, as I've heard they consider applicants even with lower gpas. My GPA is not competitive enough for UBC as that school is crazy competitive and I don't have the science courses fro Dal, or UOM and I don't live in sask..


MY GPA is on a 4.33 scale and I'm not sure how that converts to the ORPAS system. I remember hearing that applying from BC to Ontario you GPA is actually higher or..maybe its the opposite not sure.


Is it worth my time and money to enter another semester of uni of upgrading, or should I start looking into international programs and spend the year saving up money :P My current Cgpa is 2.88 and sub is 3.12, but with good grades and upgrading should be able to bring it up to the amount mentioned before. 


Any idea of the cut-offs for admission at queens? feels like a long shot.. any insight would be appreciated


Thank you


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Look. If you truly want something then you go for it. No time for hesitations or even stressing over it.

If you truly truly want to pursue PT as a career for the rest of your life, then it will show.  Grades are on grit and determination, I still argue that my GPA never reflected my "innate intelligence", our education system isn't good enough to deserve that from us.


Up until 3 years ago I was a D+ to C average student at York.  Never got any A's before (let alone B's actually).

Through my experiences volunteering at various places and being exposed to this career so called Physiotherapy - I didn't see myself doing anything else.


I bit my teeth down and worked for these grades that were "impossible" for me - yea I redid two years of schooling to construct this GPA of 60 credits.


I got into UT, Mac and Queens this year for PT on my first try. (heading to UT)  I will never tell you I got into Physio because I was smart. Don't listen to those around you who speak like that. 
I have no idea what your transcript looks like but it doesn't look like something that can be pull up to a 3.85+ with just a term.  If your heart says do PT then suck it up and make that 3.85+.. because you can do it.    If you're one of those many I've met who's just thinking about PT because it's just one of the options, then change your path and change it fast.  



PS. I've seen a lot of people who speak about Queens as a school who takes lower GPA students.  Keep in mind it's a school that also rejects perfect 4.0's. It just might be the toughest school to get into. Just thought you should know as I've repetitively seen students with lower GPA's aiming for Queens for the same reasons then fall even harder.  Make sure to solidify the extracuriculars too of course.  The majority I know that are heading to Queens have vast backgrounds of achievements... dancers, varsity athletes, high level coaches and even Pan Am Games qualifiers/athletes.  Don't give up and make that GPA. 

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To be honest, it will take more than one semester of trying to upgrade your sGPA (depends on how your mark breakdown is allocated). So if you are committed in pursuing your ambitions along with dedicating the time, money and effort then definitely go for it. 

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Okay thanks guys


Looks like I'll need more then a semester to upgrade this GPA. Another year of school for upgrading seems daunting... I'll have to consider it. I think my best bet might be just to suck it up and go overseas for the undergrad if physiotherapy is what I truely want. The programs are only 1 extra year which would be my upgrading anyway and at least I know I can get into them where with the trends for pt in Canada seem to be headed even with striaght A's there are no garentees of getting in.


Thanks for the help.

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Oh yeah, so it seems most schools only will consider my fall semester as well for admission into next intake. Does anyone know if any of the universities take into account the winter semester for the year im applying?? Cause if that's the case, a year of upgrading will not be fully considered until 2017's intake!, so looking at atleast two years before being accepted. as it doesn't seem possible to bring my GPA to a competitive level within the fall semester only.

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As far as I know, all schools have their decisions made even BEFORE your winter term grades are out, so those aren't taken into account. I applied during my fourth year, was unsuccessful, returned for a full fifth year of university, applied during that fifth year to the schools that I would meet the cut-offs, and was unsuccessful again. The third attempt I was successful, and was able to work for a full year to save some money up for school. So realistically its not a bad idea!

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Yeah U of A for residents isn't to bad, but out of province can be pretty tough, for physiotherapy in 2015 the lowest min GPA for admission for out of province was 3.9 according to UOA admissions staff. That's good to know that Queens OT will at least consider your application if you have a 3.0 cGPA.

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