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Personal Interests

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Things that are just personal hobbies, like going for a hike or  bike ride or a jog, I left out.However I by no means am saying thats right. I have no idea. But personally, I felt a little silly listing those things, since I think it's safe to assume everyone does things with their time, i.e. I read every night before bed, but that isn't on my application. However I put down inter-mural sports, because it's more of a 'thing' I was involved in

For me, there is a line between application-worthy things, and just being a normal human being who does things besides work/eat/sleep. But there's no 'ok' and 'not ok', so I think if you feel like it adds value, then just add it :)

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I agree there is definitely a line between just including anything and more involved activities. I also read 2-3 times a week but i didn't include it. That said I do hike quite often for several hours, and its like sort of my "sport" if that makes sense. Some people like hockey or basketball, i plan and go on hikes. It sucks that its not more organized but not like there is a society on campus.

I also have played intermurals with various societies at school, but didn't list them. I found they were always seemed more just for fun and disorganized to really list that it was something that I did. seemed more like just out playing a game with friends. 


It seems to just depend what it means to each person I suppose. 

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