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Overwhelmed And In Need Of Advice.


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Hey Guys,


Having some trouble. I am 4th year Full time Life Sciences Student who is also doing a 4th year Research Project. I also work 24 hours a week to support my family, My dad is laid off and mom has only part time job. I work 3 full days a week including weekends and the rest of the days I am at school either in class or research. The problem is my schedule for work is fixed and without going into too many details, it is vital that I attend my shifts otherwise my workplace can't run at all. Worst part is I am the backup to another employee (Only two of us are trained for this job) who works rest of the week. My research supervisor wants me to do my first presentation on my project for the lab members on the day that I am scheduled to work. I naturally reached out to my boss and the other employee and they are refusing to cover my shift and are arguing with me that I have already been scheduled. Then on this side, I am too afraid to shatter my supervisor's expectations (I haven't told him that I work in the first place because I was scared he wouldn't hire me) by telling him that I can't do the presentation this week and that I will be letting him down. What do I do?


Thank you for any help. 

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I would tell your supervisor. Explain that you tried to get the day off work, etc. but it wasn't possible. You are in undergrad, not grad school. They cannot fault you for working. If it is just a presentation to the group, it should [hopefully] be flexible.

This x1000. You are a student researcher, not a professional - your livelihood is more important.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When confronted with a reality of a situation people tend to be much more openminded and forgiving than expected.  Transparancy is usualy the best option in any situations like that.  I would imagine your supervisor will be compassionate if you just told him big picture.  I think you're being a little hard on yourself. 


At the same time I respect your desire to help your family but it is not your job to be the superhero.  There are many players that could easily resolve your problem and take up some of the load on you.

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