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Waitlist Movement??

Guest taos77

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Guest taos77

I have read through the past postings and it looks like Dal's waitlist doesn't really move much !?! So things are looking kind of bleak. Can anyone shed some new light on this?


Also...how are files reviewed at Dal week per week? Is it a random selection of who goes first or is it GPA/MCAT based ranking....just wondering.


And yet another question: Does everyone who gets deferred get on a waitlist or do they reject some of us?


Getting very sad as time goes on,


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Guest CaesarCornelius

Hey Taos,


There are numerous threads which answer all of your questions. But I can give you some answers.


The OOP waitlist moves quite a bit (relatively)... around 10-15 or so. The maritime waitlist moved about 5-6 spots last year. but it varies every year.


Files are reviewed at random, except when they review the oop files, those are reviewed all at once.


They make a deferred list of about 40. From that they fill the remaining seats, create a waitlist of about 12 and then reject the rest.


Good luck!!


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Guest taos77

Thanks CC:


I had pulled some of the information you had mentioned in your post from other threads as well (re: waitlist movement). Thought there might be some variation year to year but largely I am just trying to gauge my chances I guess.:\

I hadn't read previously that the selection was random but that's interesting...|I


I'm sorry if my questions were repetitive for you :o


I hope everyone hears something soon! Only 2 weeks left!!!



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Guest RealBeef



I have also been pondering my chances ... its all merely educated speculation though. With about 40 people in the deferred pile vying for 5 spots + the 5 -6 on the waitinglist that may get in does seem a little discouraging. Being in the deferred pile no doubt means that they saw some potential in you but now I wonder how they will differentiate between you or I and make that painful decision... is it that extra point on the MCAT or a certain clinical experience they will give the nod too. Who knows ... Ive been conducting interviews at the Institution I am at for my internship and I can tell you some of the selections are based on very trivial things, especially when you strain to pick amongst highly qualified individuals. Of course the stakes are different for the Dal Med Admissions process and the committee is experienced, unlike myself when doing my interviewing and selecting. In all likely hood we'll never know what makes the difference when they look through the final pile.


All in all though according to CC there may be as many as 10 people getting in, with the remaining getting the shaft straight up or off of the waiting list after such a long wait. Hey, it adds drama to my currently stale life :\


Real Beef.

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I contacted Dr. Hughes and Tracy Teed on Monday to open up my OOP spot. If the news hasn't gone out already - although I imagine it has - hope it brings good news for someone.

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