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3.65 Sgpa - Uoft / Mac Ot

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Hey guys,


I'm interested in applying to UofT and Mac's OT programs very soon, but I'm kind of hesitant  because I feel like my SGPA is  too low. I was wondering if anyone who successfully got into these programs recently can give me any advice and comment if you met any fellow students  with this kind of SGPA who got in? And it'll be also great if you can comment on the average SGPA, based on what most of your classmates had.


In terms of the interview cutoff for MAC, I know it was a 3.64 for an invite last year so I might miss the mark this year. Queens and Western are out of the question since I don't meet the requirements. Here are some of my others stats:


SGPA - 3.65

CGPA - B- (admission told me this is not very important except for Queens)

Extracurricular - Research assistant position in the area of cognitive psychology and working with adults w/ development disorders with a fellow OT and clinical psychologist since October


Thanks for all your replies (if there are any any haha)

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