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Mmi Group On Skype, Starting Early February

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I am going to reach out to some of the OOP people hoping you are in my time zone... but if you are interested and I haven't contacted you, I am going to take the lead of coordinating small Skype groups (4-5 people max) for the next three weekends (probably on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning). PM me if you want to be part of the Skype group. I am in Ontario.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you guys doing this over Skype at all, still? 


Sorry for crashing this thread. :)


I would like to join or to have a Skype partner for MMI practicing purposes (even though I myself won't be interviewing for U of Calgary). 


If there's space and/or you as an individual would want another partner, PM me your Skype or FaceTime audio info! And let me know when your interview(s) are. Thanks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for joining this thread so late, but is anyone still practicing for the interview this weekend? I live in Edmonton. I'd be game for both in-person and Skype practice. Do let me know if you're looking for a practice partner and/or there's group I can join! 


Thanks a lot,


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