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Roommate Or No Roommate?

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Incoming 2019 here! I'm starting to look into housing for the fall, and am stumped as to whether I should try to find a roommate or not. There are so many nice things about living alone, but I wouldn't want it to hinder me from getting to know my classmates / developing a solid group of friends. What do most Mac med students tend to do? Any thoughts about housing in general would be appreciated!

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During med school (not yours), I lived with classmates and it was terrific. We each had our own space, we helped each other when needed and now, although in residency throughout the province, we are very close. I recommend it.

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Living with people is a great experience, but it will not affect your ability to meet and interact with your class. Most of your interactions happen outside of the house. That's where you'll meet, hangout, have meals, go on trips etc... 

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