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Minimal Science Background, Need Advice On Preparing For Mcat

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I am someone halfway through their undergrad, coming from a non science background. I recently became interested in medicine and would like to write the MCAT. However, I have very little exposure to chemistry, physics and biology. The CARS and social/psychology section of the MCAT are not a problem. I've been doing practice questions for that and doing well. It's just that I've only taken chemistry 11/biology 11 in high school. I never really pursued any sciences at the university level. What is the best way for me to go about studying for the MCAT?  

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Honestly, this test is minimal science really. It is more analyzing within the text


There were very few questions that actually appeared on my test that needed rote memorization.


The Psych/Soc section I had no background and always finished that section with 30 minutes to spare, know the major concepts and terms and be able to understand variables and statistics and you are set.


Bio/Bchem - had a lot of bchem in my test and the bio was very straight forward, the passages were very short for some reason so it made it easier


CARS - practice unless you are naturally a god at this section


Physics/Chem - focus on concepts here, I used Kaplan and I thought those books were very good for this section. I scored a 9 on Physics when I did the mcat years ago using TPR and then I used Kaplan for this time around and was scoring 130-131 on practice tests.


All the best, you can do it

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