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Besides the advice you will receive here, you may want to look at SDN and other resources as a US citizen. Depending on if you have in-state residency, this may help guide the application process. It appears to me as if you have excellent stats, which would make you competitive at top-tier schools. A few posters here have mentioned successful applications to such schools.

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Hi everyone! I'm currently doing my undergrad at a school in Canada but I'm a dual citizen. I know my grades are good but I'm not sure about my ECs and where they stand. Another thing to note, in my province we can't shadow doctors due to a legal restriction which is why i don't have any shadowing however I do have other clinical things which may hopefully make up for this. I was planning on applying next cycle. Do you guys have an idea of which schools I should apply to or any other specific things I should be doing to improve? Much appreciated


MCAT: 523 

GPA: 3.95

science GPA: 3.99


ECs and other non-academic stuff:


1) 50 hours over 8 months volunteering in a hospital (library cart, visiting patients)

2) 30 Hours over a month volunteering in a neurology clinic

3) 225 hours over 7 months working part time in an outlet store

4) 70 hours over 5 months working as a research assistant in a hospital recruiting patients for studies (mostly patient interaction involved with this as well)

5) 150 hours over 1.5 years volunteering at the aquarium (gallery educator, doing crafts and facepainting to teach kids about marine life)

6) 120 hours over a 12 month period involved in orientations at my university in a senior role (i.e. training orientation leaders)

7) 24 hours over about 3 months volunteering during reading week doing education projects for various middle schools

8) 640 hours over a 4 months working in a research lab in ophthalmology

9) 35 Hours over 8 months working as a tutor

10) 150 hours over 1.5 years running workshops for a language exchange program


Total volunteer hours are around 550



From Highschool (not sure if i schould include any of this at all):

6) 20 Hours over 8 months working as a tutor

7) 60 hours for 2 years playing tennis

8) 110 hours over 10 months as a high school chemistry lab assistant

9) 30 hours over four months doing photography

10) 70 hours over 3 years in community service type club




Really appreciate your advice on where I should apply





Really? Ok, here goes: you have an excellent chance at getting in somewhere. Good luck.

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