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Threshold For Difficulty At Top Ontario Schools V.s. Other Low Rated School


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Just curious as to if anyone has any insite into this. I attend uwo, pretty great school academically and has amazing opportunities for students to join extra curricular activities.


I am wondering, if I am from western and my home province is Manitoba. What is the threshold of difficulty compared to a school like western versus a school like u of m?


It seems that u of m IP applicants had relatively low gpas and mcat scores in comparison to what I commonly see at western (3.9/4.0s with 520 mcat).


Although I am completely ignorant to u of m and the students that attend there so I cannot say which is theoretically a better school.


I would also assume that it is department dependent, for example I know that Ivey is a much better school than Asper.


I am wondering if u of m applicants have the same type of extra curriculars in comparison to western or other Ontario school.


Can anyone shed some insight into this?

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Are you an in province applicant for Manitoba? That's what would make the difference.


Also I wouldn't call Western a top Ontario school because they're all roughly the same when it comes to undergrad medical education. On top of that in my experience with clerks on elective from all over the country most Ontario schools seem to produce average quality clerks at best. No Ontario schools stands out in my mind as consistently producing above average clerks (compared to all other Canadian med students).


If you are looking at those McClean's ratings they don't really have anything to do with medical education.

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Just curious as to if anyone has any insite into this. I attend uwo, pretty great school academically and has amazing opportunities for students to join extra curricular activities.


I am wondering, if I am from western and my home province is Manitoba. What is the threshold of difficulty compared to a school like western versus a school like u of m?


It seems that u of m IP applicants had relatively low gpas and mcat scores in comparison to what I commonly see at western (3.9/4.0s with 520 mcat).


Although I am completely ignorant to u of m and the students that attend there so I cannot say which is theoretically a better school.


I would also assume that it is department dependent, for example I know that Ivey is a much better school than Asper.


I am wondering if u of m applicants have the same type of extra curriculars in comparison to western or other Ontario school.


Can anyone shed some insight into this?


I think OP is referring to Undergraduate studies (pre-medical studies). If this is the case, Canadian medical schools do not take into consideration where or what you pursued your undergraduate studies in.


On a side note, I definitely do not consider UWO as a "top Ontario school". Many go there because they are unable to gain admission into McMaster Health Sciences, and are afraid of the tough grading curves at U of T/McGill. 

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