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Dat Scores

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check where?

The site where you download your confirmation letter you need when you write your DAT. There's another link for scores, and will show them when they are available. I'm pretty sure that's how I got it.


Also, don't be too stressed. I thought I was going to do horrible since I bombed the MCAT so many times, but it came back really good. You'll be surprised.

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The site where you download your confirmation letter you need when you write your DAT. There's another link for scores, and will show them when they are available. I'm pretty sure that's how I got it.


Also, don't be too stressed. I thought I was going to do horrible since I bombed the MCAT so many times, but it came back really good. You'll be surprised.


Thank you for the encouragement and a positive input :) 


lol i know what u mean but a lot rides on these and im tired of being uncertain with future. 

Hence, my name ahah

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hey guys i got 22 reading, 22 academic average (22 in bio/23inchem) and 15 in pat


will my 15 in pat hold me back from western / toronto?


I've seen individuals get into UofT with a 15 in PAT but I am not sure what their AA was. That being said, 22AA 15PAT is definitely on the lower end of things so it will come down to your GPA! 


For UWO, it's hard to say but if they have a PAT cutoff, it may be 18 or 19 (like their RC cutoff) so I do not think a 15 PAT will be sufficient.

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I've seen individuals get into UofT with a 15 in PAT but I am not sure what their AA was. That being said, 22AA 15PAT is definitely on the lower end of things so it will come down to your GPA! 


For UWO, it's hard to say but if they have a PAT cutoff, it may be 18 or 19 (like their RC cutoff) so I do not think a 15 PAT will be sufficient.

When UWO looked at PAT, the policy used to be the total of your AA, RC and PAT and then a cutoff was set. So it really depends how UWO plans on looking at PAT. For UofT, I agree it depends on your GPA whether 15 will be enough.

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What would you say is a good gpa? Toronto drops your lowest year right so would a 3.95+ be sufficient? Like 3.98ish

And for western a 92%?


Yeah 3.95 with your DAT should be alright but still in the lower end of interviewees (if you do get selected for the interview). 

Well suppose you do meet UWO's cutoffs, 92% would be great but they have rejected 92%+ if their ECs haven't been up to par.

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Hey guys,


My scores on the feb DAT were: 22 bio, 19 chem, 18 RC, and 21 PAT. 20 AA & 21 TS. 

Are these good enough scores for western/ U of T, or should I be looking to repeat it in November?


I think your DAT is good enough for an interview at Western, assuming you also have a good GPA and strong ECs. It seems as though western is more focussed on well rounded applicants and doesn't focus as much as they used to on a strict cut-off for the DAT. I had similar DAT scores and interviewed this year, if that helps!

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