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Sadly, I would go with the first. Even though he doesn't know you well, the second may be too close to you in terms of academic level and friendship (more than a professional relationship and may not be considered impartial). I would urge you strongly to consider any other options though.

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Meet with the prof eye to eye and give him your CV, transcript and a motivational letter. And ask if he would be willing to write a strong LOR. You will see his non-verbal cues in addition to hearing his answer, and will be able to judge his overall reaction and support. 

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Some med schools in the past required a Letter describing why medicine, your path to medicine. You want the prof to know you, to understand why you chose this career path. This will help him and motivate him.

The other question is more difficult. I would pop by his office with the material and ask for a strong LOR, letting him know all the material about you is in the enclosures. Remind him who you are, explain that LOR that is not strong who do you more harm than good.

A family friend who is also a physician won't have objective credibility.

zi am always available.

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