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Do any family medicine residencies require HIV/Hep C testing prior to the start of residency?


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4 hours ago, ellorie said:

Well, depending on what off service rotations you do (emerg etc) the cpso will likely consider you to be performing exposure prone procedures and will require it for licensure in Ontario anyway. So that might be part of it. 

Makes sense. But there's no broad screening for any and all residents in family med or other fields? Visiting elective students now require to do them at queens/mac. 

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On 1/5/2018 at 2:08 AM, medigeek said:

I know queens has always required it and I believe Mac now does but this is only for students. Are residents required to do so for any family medicine residency? Seems to be a slow change among Ontario schools for some reason. 

Yes, I think that it is a good idea, as FM residents do emergency rotation + obstetrics rotation, you will be performing exposure- prone procedures that put you at higher risks

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On 1/5/2018 at 0:30 PM, medigeek said:

Makes sense. But there's no broad screening for any and all residents in family med or other fields? Visiting elective students now require to do them at queens/mac. 

I'm not sure what you mean by "broad screening" aside from what I mentioned.  The CPSO policy is broad screening for any and all residents in specialties that do EPPs, including family medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, etc.

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On 1/7/2018 at 10:06 PM, ellorie said:

I'm not sure what you mean by "broad screening" aside from what I mentioned.  The CPSO policy is broad screening for any and all residents in specialties that do EPPs, including family medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, etc.

Just meaning that everyone is screened automatically. 

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On 1/24/2018 at 1:46 AM, bloh said:

If I recall correctly, there was a bunch of HepC/HIV related questions on my practice license application. I would imagine if you lied there you'd be in deep trouble.

Questions regarding what? I'm only asking (thread title) as I'm interested in policy rationale when it comes to blood borne pathogens. 

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