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Studying MCAT with no background in science.


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Interestingly, I think my honours degree in philosophy will come in handy during my application process. Reading hundreds of pages of very difficult text every week and engaging with complex concepts and argumentation has granted me some serious CARS skills. However, the shortcoming of this arts degree is that has given me no exposure to science whatsoever. Is there anyone out there who has been in a similar situation? If so, I would greatly appreciate your comments. Thank you for your time and energy. 

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Yup. I did a BA, and then an MSc in behavioural science. So I had no basics sciences aside from one physics class taken 10+ years earlier, although I had picked up a bit of statistics and psychology through the behavioural science stuff. Prior to taking the MCAT I ended up taking several of the standard science prerequisite courses part-time while I was still working, which I found extremely helpful, particularly for learning how to approach learning science. I still ended up having to teach myself the majority of the material in the physical sciences and biological sciences sections, and a good chunk of the psych/sociology material, but I found it doable (ended up with a 514: 126/129/129/130). You can PM me if you’d like to chat about it more. 

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