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  1. Your best bet would probably be to look into MD/PhD programs. A lot of those are fully funded in the States, and when I was looking into it I found like 7-10 schools that accepted and fully funded international students. It is definitely really competitive, but the AMCAS conversion can work to some students favor. For example, if you study at Western, 80-100% converts to a 4.0 through AMCAS. From my understanding, banks won't loan you money without a cosigner if you are going to medical school abroad. Goodluck!
  2. 1. What are the best provinces to work in with regards to billing? 2. What are the best provinces to work in with regards to rural incentives? 3. Is it better to do residency in a particular location if you are planning on practicing there afterwards, or does this not matter as much? Thank you so much!
  3. I think you're in the "normal" waitlist then. Historically from what I have seen, acceptances dip into the normal list every year.
  4. I think it's in the wording of the email. Mine says: Although you were not ranked to receive an offer at this time, it was recommended that your name be placed on our Wait List. Any offers not accepted will be filled by individuals on the Wait List. In recent years, applicants in your position on the Wait List have received an offer of admission. What does yours say?
  5. Each academic year that is used for the 2YGPA needs to have at least 3.0/5.0 courses at that level of study. For example in your 3rd year, at least 3.0 of your course load needs to be at the 3rd year level.
  6. Time Stamp: 4ish Invite: Invite IP/OOP: IP SWOMEN: Yes 2YGPA: 3.91 MCAT: 386 (cutoff is 383)
  7. I remember calling in about this last year and from what I remember they said it counts toward that requirement. I recommend double-checking just to be sure.
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