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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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2 minutes ago, OTuofahopeful said:

I did last year and was also rejected, however my cGPA was much lower than my sGPA and queens looks at all 4 years of undergrad. Also I am OOP, and I believe both western and queens give preference to ON residents! 

Hmm I am worried as well because im OOP and my cGPA is only a 3.44 (which I believe is above the cutoff but still nervewracking)

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10 hours ago, PTPTPT said:

Thanks so much for sharing! Do you mind if I ask what your GPA was? :)

GPA at McGill it calculated a bit differently than the Ontario schools. I am not 100% certain of my cGPA, but I had a 3.71 cGPA for my 1st undergrad and 3.99 for my 2nd undergrad. I'm not sure if they averaged them both out or smt.

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10 hours ago, mrk88 said:

How important are the casper results for such Pt programs (McMaster, Western, etc)? I have a perfect gpa and decent experience but horrible casper results... didn't really type that fast :(

Who knows how important they are! But even if your Casper results aren't the best, there still might be hope. I scored in the 2nd quartile and still got into McGill (who I believe emphasize Casper a lot).

BTW, McMaster doesn't use Casper for its PT program and I know UofT only uses as prescreening (as long as your in the 16th percentile and above... you good).

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2 minutes ago, Let_Me_in said:

Who knows how important they are! But even if your Casper results aren't the best, there still might be hope. I scored in the 2nd quartile and still got into McGill (who I believe emphasize Casper a lot).

BTW, McMaster doesn't use Casper for its PT program and I know UofT only uses as prescreening (as long as your in the 16th percentile and above... you good).

Did you get into McGill just this year? Do you mind me asking what date you took the Casper test? Bc I think the schools get our scores relative to everyone whereas we just know relative to the people from the same day as us

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21 hours ago, nevertoooldtolearn said:

I applied to the states too

Do you mind me asking what schools you applied to? I only applied to 1 in the states, it was kinda a last minute decision, MCPHS and got accepted. But I'm just confused if i should go because my preference is Ontario :(

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9 hours ago, FingersCrossed_OT said:

Did you get into McGill just this year? Do you mind me asking what date you took the Casper test? Bc I think the schools get our scores relative to everyone whereas we just know relative to the people from the same day as us

I took the test on January 5th I believe

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11 hours ago, OTPT2022HOPE said:

Do you mind me asking what schools you applied to? I only applied to 1 in the states, it was kinda a last minute decision, MCPHS and got accepted. But I'm just confused if i should go because my preference is Ontario :(

I applied to several schools in the US. I think I will go there if I don’t get into Ontario schools 

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33 minutes ago, gonnagetOT said:

Does anyone know if we would be able to withdraw our acceptance at UofA after we send the acceptance deposit? I don’t need the deposit back but I just need to be able to withdraw my acceptance just in case 

Yes you can! You just lose your deposit and most likely won’t be able to apply again in the future but it won’t matter if you have another offer 

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just got accepted to uofa PT with a 3.84 GPA (in province) 

I just want to say that please don't get discouraged if you don't make it in this year. last year i went back to school and took 10 additional courses and gained a lot more experience and got in this year. I know the bad news is super hard and disappointing but let it encourage and motivate you! 

Also feel free to reach out to me with any questions or anything you think I might be able to help with :)


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3 hours ago, Daniela0bsc said:

Got my offer from UofA for Edmonton Campus PT. IP with 3.89 sGPA! This is my third time applying, so for all of you who didn’t get good news, please please please don’t get discouraged by this setback! I’m happy to answer any questions :)

Congratulations on getting an offer, that must be so exciting! What would you say you did differently from the last 2 previous cycles? And how did you feel the MMI went for you? 

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30 minutes ago, juon229 said:

Congratulations on getting an offer, that must be so exciting! What would you say you did differently from the last 2 previous cycles? And how did you feel the MMI went for you? 

Thank you so much! I made no changes to my sGPA aside from having to retake anatomy as it no longer sufficed the application requirements (was out of date). I also felt very comfortable with my sGPA as I got an interview offer my first time applying so felt no need to upgrade courses. My first cycle the MMI was shifted to Casper last minute, and last years' cycle I did minimal prep for the zoom MMI. The biggest difference maker for me was taking UofA's PT practice MMI through their career centre. They gave amazing feedback after the simulated interview and boosted my confidence enormously heading into the MMI. I felt really really good after the interview. I left very happy with the pacing, robustness, and structure of my answers. Hope that helps!

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Hello everyone! I am late joining the forum because I actually had no idea this existed! I have applied to Queens, McMaster, and Western for OT. I am happy to share more information if anyone is curious.

Both McMaster and Western acknowledged my application in an email, but I never heard anything from Queens. I know it's a bit late to be wondering with only a week left, but I was curious if anyone has received an email acknowledging their application from Queens? Or perhaps they don't send them. I'm a bit worried because I feel my best chance for admission is Queens since my references are quite strong and they look at two written statements rather than only one.

Any advice is appreciated! Best of luck to everyone! Only one week left :) 

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21 hours ago, Boukenbc said:

Was wondering if anyone from past years knew how movement of the waitlist works ( for UofA). Do they tell you your exact numbered position or just top/middle/bottom

They tell you top/middle/bottom and how the movement compares to previous years. 
I wish they told us exact position though! I’m in the middle

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17 hours ago, canadaphysio2022 said:

Got into physio at U of A! Interesting because I’m bottom of the waitlist for OT… 

in Provence 

GPA: 3.8


That’s really interesting! I always assumed PT needed the higher GPA? Is your experience more PT related??


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