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thoughts on the interview

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I myself was actually told to take a stand on those questions and defend my position, rather than flip-flopping.


The advice had come from a med student, so I do value his advice.


I guess it all depends on who you ask and what your panelists are like.


But then again, it's all done with! All this extra stress is just harming your body!


gazooks! what torment.

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I was terrified when one of my panelists' jaw dropped when I said something and he just stared at me. I wasn't making a controversial statement, so I thought it must have come off sounding wrong, so I back tracked and explained my point of view at which point he breathed a sigh and kind of gave me a look and said "Thank you" before moving on...


The more I think about my interview, the more unsure I am of what actually happened and what I'm actually imagining because I was so tense. I wish the wait wasn't so long! :(


no way - what the hell could've happened?!

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I squeezed my interviewer's hand too hard at the end of the interview. The first handshake was a firm one - the kind that if you don't reciprocate with equal gusto- you're asking for a bone crunching good time. This led me to overcompensating on the next one, and I can almost faintly remember the crunch of knuckles grinding :). I quickly apologized, but it really wasn't the lasting impression I wanted to leave on the only member of the panel who had smiled graciously at me during the course of the interview. Just to let you all know that faux pas' and gaffes probably occur during these things aplenty. In any case - a little over 2 weeks left till the end of times. Best of luck to everyone. Cheers.

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If I can recall correctly, I thought my handshakes were okay. I usually give rather soft handshakes, but I tried to give firmer ones during the interview. I think the 4th year medical student shook my hand with both of her hands, which kind of surprised me. Anywho, we are approaching May everyone!!

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So I guess it's safe to assume that if we don't get an email on the 15th - and we've already graduated the year before and there is no additional transcripts or grades to be sent in for consideration - that means we are either waitlisted or rejected?


yeah, but the OOP waitlist moves a lot so don't be dissappointed if you don't get one on the 15th.

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From reading old posts, people not addressed to a close proximity to Winnipeg get emails. Probably on May 15th if you find yourself in the bottom quartile, I think they must be nice enough to tell you 'sorry' to end the misery. Otherwise, my guess from reading old posts is that the waitlist/reject must come out in June but not May. Because of this 2/3 thing, I wonder if they accept 2/3 MB spots and 2/3 OOP spots on May 15 and accept the other 1/3's in June...

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