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OMSAS 2008 questions

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So to keep the forum clean I decided to create a thread regarding the 2008 OMSAS application (madz would be proud :D ) so if you have questions/comments post them here...


so i will start... does anybody know if poster presentations and abstracts go under "research" or "other" in the 48 items?

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So to keep the forum clean I decided to create a thread regarding the 2008 OMSAS application (madz would be proud :D ) so if you have questions/comments post them here...


so i will start... does anybody know if poster presentations and abstracts go under "research" or "other" in the 48 items?


Last year I put them under research. But you should probably listen to more authorative sources.

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I also put the poster presentations under research. I'm pretty sure no school would exclude you for doing so, even if that wasn't the right way... and it is research anyway, right? For certificates from high school, provide a verifyer (ie anyone who can confirm you got it). There's no room to send extra material.

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I have some questions


1) regarding the Post-secondary part: when it asks for program, I can't find my program, so do I just leave it blank or should I just put science? below this question is asking what my conferred date of graduation. do i need to fill out this section if i'm going into my third year??


2) also, my graduation year (in the post-secondary section under the question asking you whether ur an undergrad, graduate student, etc. etc.) is 2009. there is no 2009 choice available...so what do i do?


3) if i took a non-credit course (which counts for nothing, i.e. no weight) do i still include it in the marking scheme or what?



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I have a few additional questions about the sketch:


1. I don't remember exact months, what do you suggest I do, should i take a reasonable guess, or is that considered lying on the application?

2. Do you need verifiers for each item in the sketch? How does that work if you mention you have a certificate, or if club presidents/leaders change each year???

3. What things would you consider petty to add to the sketch?

4. Is it ideal to fill up all spots?? I mean I know for certain that I can't, will that hurt my application




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I have a few additional questions about the sketch:


1. I don't remember exact months, what do you suggest I do, should i take a reasonable guess, or is that considered lying on the application?

2. Do you need verifiers for each item in the sketch? How does that work if you mention you have a certificate, or if club presidents/leaders change each year???

3. What things would you consider petty to add to the sketch?

4. Is it ideal to fill up all spots?? I mean I know for certain that I can't, will that hurt my application





wow you have alot of questions.. lol

well i can answer some.. it not required to fill evey spot. i mean if you do it would look kinda fishy (imo).. but add as much as you can...

also i have the same problem about verifiers, but what you can do, is to ask somebody that is already your verifier and show them your certificates and ask them to be the ref for those activities...

oh for the mths thing, well make sure you are not overexagerating and making a 1mth exeperience appear as 1 year lol ;)

hope it helps


hmm for the thesis question... im not sure... i didnt add my theses (pl ?) hm maybe i should...

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wow you have alot of questions.. lol

well i can answer some.. it not required to fill evey spot. i mean if you do it would look kinda fishy (imo).. but add as much as you can...

also i have the same problem about verifiers, but what you can do, is to ask somebody that is already your verifier and show them your certificates and ask them to be the ref for those activities...

oh for the mths thing, well make sure you are not overexagerating and making a 1mth exeperience appear as 1 year lol ;)

hope it helps


hmm for the thesis question... im not sure... i didnt add my theses (pl ?) hm maybe i should...

sorry for all the questions it's just that i'm getting nervous seeing people talking about how many things they have on theirs, I thought the sketch part was going to be a breeze, boy was I wrong, there are little things here and there that pop up and I need clarification with.


oh and one more question (sorry lol) I worked at a pharmacy for over 5 years and my boss actually left around the same time I did, he went off to med school inthe carribbean, anyway, I have no way of getting his personal contact information, so all I did was name him and gave OMSAS the contact info of the pharmacy, is this going to be a problem?



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oh and one more question (sorry lol) I worked at a pharmacy for over 5 years and my boss actually left around the same time I did, he went off to med school inthe carribbean, anyway, I have no way of getting his personal contact information, so all I did was name him and gave OMSAS the contact info of the pharmacy, is this going to be a problem?




is there anybody else that works there and that knows you, maybe you should put their name down... or maybe you can put a comment for that verifier and say, no longer employed please contact such and such, and if they call they will know who to talk to...

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Don't worry about all the questions, that's what the forum's here for! They're all questions I had too when I was applying, I totally understand... ahhh, it's a long process!


You do need a veryfier for everything... if you don't put one, they will not consider the activity. I had that problem for some volunteer jobs, where the people changed all the time and they did not keep a written record of anything. For some, I asked people who volunteered there with me (friends) to be a veryfier. For others, when I was unable to find anyone who could attest, I just didn't include it. I had something to fill all the spots though (I'm 25, that makes much it easier:o ), so if you don't, maybe it would be worthwile to try extra hard to find a veryfier. Remember that it can be anyone who remembers you did that (doesn't have to be a boss if you can't find one), or, for some jobs, it can be someone who never met you but has your name on a record, with the dates you worked there. That's what I did for my hospital volunteering. They didn't remember me (it was like 10 yrs ago) but they keep a record of all volunteers + hours. Just make sure you contact them to confirm that if someone calls to verify, they'll be able to do so!


As for what you can put on the sketch, they definitely don't all have to be grandiose activities or anything. I had a mixture of things such as one-day volunteering experiences and even my home yoga practice (had roomate as veryfier!:P ), and more typical things like lenghty hospital volunteering or jobs. I'm not sure if I got any points for the yoga & one-day volunteering or not... but I figured it couldn't hurt... I figured they were things that were part of me just like anything else... so it definitely doesn't have to be all competitive sport teams or lenghty volunteering experiences & jobs... a balance is probably good.


What I did when I was building my sketch was to first make a list of everything I could think of that would go on there. Then, I looked through all my old resumes to see what I forgot (quite a bit!) and then I really tried some more to see if I could think of anything else. The longest part was really to contact everyone. I ended up with like 54 activites, with the last ones acting as buffers for when I couldn't find a veryfier... In the begining, I was sure my sketch would be horrible... but as I got closer to completing it, I realised I had done more than I though!


Finally, in case I worried you about filling all the spots, I'd guess they also look at how many entries per year you have, so they can compare with others... as long as you show you're a well-rounded person who does other things besides just studying, you should be fine...

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Q: Can you list items in your autobiographical sketch that you will start in the fall of 2007?

you should start the activity by the time you submit the application


Julie, AMmd thanks a lot for the advice




you're welcome ;)

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What you guys think about ceritificates like First Aid and CPR? are these relevant? would they go under "other"?

Also in high school I did a bunch of those math contest exams (Fermat, Cayley etc.) but I didn't win or anything. Do you think I should put them on? Under extracurricular maybe?

Also, can parents be verifiers? For example, I play piano but I stopped having formal lessons when I was 15 (and I think my teacher moved out of the city). Can one of my parents be my verifier since I just play casually now? Or I guess I can just list one of my roommates... I'm thinking that's kind of sketchy though.

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I think CPR is relevant... I included it in my sketch...


As for parents being verifyers... maybe... I don't find it less sketchy than roomates though... I think I would pick roomates over parents if I had the choice (and if your roomates hear you play)... but it's really up to you.

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also i have the same problem about verifiers, but what you can do, is to ask somebody that is already your verifier and show them your certificates and ask them to be the ref for those activities...


what a brilliant, briliant idea!...i wonder who's the super-smartie that came up with that :cool::D:P

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That being said if I was reviewing an application and someone used their parents to verify a volunteer or work experience I would be sketched out.


Well, this depends on the activity. For travel experiences, there are usually very very few people who can really verify that you were actually abroad and doing the things you claimed to be doing on the sketch. Interestingly, for my applications I put my neighbor down to verify travel experiences. They've dropped me to the airport on more than one occasion, and are pretty aware of where I was going/what I was doing.


In terms of advice, I would suggest trying to get verifiers who are well aware of your activities within a specific organization (at least two of my verifiers were called this year and were also asked to comment on my personal qualities) and are also closely tied to the organization, too. This isn't always easy, and does require legwork, but is worth the effort.

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