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FAQ: What are my chances?

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Hey guys chance me please




last two (non-degree) year OMSAS GPA 3.87, 4.0 (both 5 full course equivalents)


Going to start a second undergrad at Ryerson


Haven't written the MCAT yet; I'm going to write it next August and I started the VR section and hopefully I'll finnish PS and Orgo during the school year.


Several work/volunteer/club/research experiences in the past.


I'm even thinking of moving to Alberta or elsewhere if I think I'll have a better chance there. Do you honestly think I have a chance at schools in Ontario?


I'll be waiting for your advice guys! Thanks!


Your best chances are probably Queens, UWO, Dal, maybe a few others. 2nd degree may not be the best idea, as it takes a few years to complete it. If you move to maritimes, Dal may give you IP status. Without your firm MCAT score, those are the best guesses. Now stop worrying about your chances and study the MCAT.

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I'd appreciate it if you guys could tell me if I even stand a chance:


- OMSAS cGPA: 3.61, UofT cGPA: 3.67 (3.70 if I ace the couple of requirements I still need to take).


- OMSAS GPA for last two years: 4.0, 3.90 (4 full course equivalents for both years)


- I've never had a year with a full courseload (5.0 FCE). I've always taken either 4.5 or 4.0 FCE per year.


- I have 1.0 FCE left so I'm sticking around for another semester.


- Haven't written the MCAT yet.


- EC's aren't great. Just lots and lots of lab experience. I spent all my summers working and/or volunteering in at least one lab. I've worked in 3 laboratories since first year. The lab I currently work at is the one I did my 4th year thesis and USRA NSERC at. I'm second author on two articles submitted to two different scientific journals with decent-but-not-great impact factors (4-6). I've worked as a secretary for a family member's clinic for a couple of years.


Should I even bother? Thanks guys.

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UWO, Mac, U of T, Ottawa, UBC, Sask, Dal, and probably Alberta and Calg are all out. Med schools don't like it when you take less than a full course load.


You may have a shot at Queens (although even this is a long shot with your lack of EC's) and maybe UMan if your MCAT is 36+.


Also, I'm surprised you even got an NSERC. At my school, you need a 3.8 cumulative at minimum to be considered.


I don't mean to be harsh, but your chances are slim. You'll probably need to do a second degree with a FULL course load and a much higher GPA.


Same as at ours, without a 3.8 and full course load they won't even take your app. This year one of my friends got denied one with a 3.96.. I was lucky I got mine because even a couple of our 3.98 and 4.0 students got turned down! (lucky to have 4.0 and a years experience from last summer where the prof paid out of pocket!)


Small schools are great for meeting profs, exposure, etc. **** for finding funding lol!


I also agree that it is a long shot atm, but if you score really well on the MCAT that might off-set some of your GPA issues, pick up some more EC's, maybe wait a year and load up in that dept.


Actually, if you have the time, money, etc, why not apply this year just to see? if you dont get in, kill the mcat, load up on ECs and reapply!

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So what's the best course of action then? Stick around for another year or two? Do a Master's degree? The latter wouldn't be bad for me since I really do love doing research.


I'm not sure how relevant this is but I'll mention it anyway: I've always had trouble handling a full course load and a few months ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. I was advised to continue taking reduced course loads for the coming semester(s). Should I try to handle a full course load despite the advice in the hopes that that will help my application?

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So what's the best course of action then? Stick around for another year or two? Do a Master's degree? The latter wouldn't be bad for me since I really do love doing research.


I'm not sure how relevant this is but I'll mention it anyway: I've always had trouble handling a full course load and a few months ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. I was advised to continue taking reduced course loads for the coming semester(s). Should I try to handle a full course load despite the advice in the hopes that that will help my application?


If you can't deal with a full course load in an undergraduate degree, how are you expecting to handle the course load of medical school? Or the work load and attention and effort required in residency and practice? Jw..


I wouldn't suggest applying and entering med school without first proving to others, and more importantly, yourself, that you can handle a full course load and do well with it.


But I haven't gotten into med yet, applying next year, so I can't say how tough it ACTUALLY is, but I would imagine it is AT LEAST comparable to a full course load in an undergrad, if not harder.

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Well, I'm hoping the meds I was prescribed can help me with that. Anyway, I know that question would most likely come up. But it's not like I had 4 courses and sat around doing nothing else. I spent at least 15 hours/week in lab(s) in addition to working throughout most of undergrad. I acknowledge that this is less than what many (most?) people do but it's still more than what's recommended for students with ADHD. This may be irrelevant in terms of admissions; just addressing the above questions.


Thanks for the comments/advice btw.

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Hi thanks for your input. I agree with you that I should work hard to get the highest MCAT score I can possibly achieve. That is why I started studying the MCAT this summer, and hopefully I'll get some parts done before I start TPR course next May.


I am wondering why youd think doing a second undergrad may not be the best idea. Do you think doing a masters would improve my chances? If not grad school, what else would you suggest other than a second UG?


Just so you know, I've been admitted to a masters program at UT but I chose to do a second undergrad because I thought my low UG GPA can't be compensated by doing a masters. Plus, the second UG would take about 2 years to complete.


Thanks for your help guys.

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EDIT: why is your U of T GPA higher than your OMSAS GPA? Did you take summer courses? You do realize that the weighting formula is only for people who have carried a full courseload every year, right?

Are you referring to my UofT GPA? I've almost always taken courses during the summer. I'm fully aware that the weighted formula wouldn't apply in my case. I was referring to my UofT cGPA (where anything 85 and up is a 4.0. I just happen to have a lot of A's but not as many A+'s).

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Your idiocy amuses me.


Sounds like you are annoyed because you didn't hear what you wanted to.


But anyways, good luck in whatever you decide to do.

All I did was ask for advice. Excuse me if I don't think your posts constitute the end-all, be-all advice. If I wanted to hear from you and only you I would've PM'd you. I apologize if I disturbed your god complex. My posts were civil and appreciative until you were unable to contain your douchebaggery. As you can see, I continued to respond to the other user politely despite the fact that he/she gave me, essentially, the same advice. Now any other person would come to the conclusion that it was your attitude, rather than your actual advice that prompted my response. But I guess you're too thick to realize that.


Alright, I don't want to derail this thread anymore. Sorry, guys.


Oh and don't bother replying to this, cap'ncrunchman. I wouldn't see it (read: ignore list).

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I'm Alberta resident. Going into my fourth year in the fall. I am planning to apply to Calgary, Alberta, Toronto, Ottawa, McMaster, Queens, and western.


My GPA for UofCalgary and UofAlberta are:

1st year: 3.88 (full courseload)

2nd year: 3.67 (full courseload)

3rd year: 3.97 (full courseload)

After dropping my worst year, my GPA is 3.93



1st yr: 3.83

2nd yr: 3.66

3rd yr: 3.91

If I qualify for UofT formula, my UofT wGPA should be ~3.90.

My best two year OMSAS GPA is 3.87.


MCAT 12,PS 9,VR 10,BS N,WS



-1~3yr 4 executive positions in 3 university clubs

-long term (>600hr) volunteering at local hospital

-1 summer+1 fall/winter two research positions, no publication

-1 yr minor student government involvement

-3 yrs university music ensemble

- less than a month just started volunteering for AIDS advocacy organization and distress centre


Could someone tell me what are my chances for the schools I listed, especially for the Ontario schools?


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Mac, UofT, and try for Queen's (your WS is low, but they may overlook it).


I won't comment on the schools out west because I honestly have no idea.


Mac you have a definite chance (will come down to your MMI/casper skills),. You should make the number cuts with your VR (bit low) and GPA.


However being realistic you cannot expect UT, Queen's, or Western. All of these schools have firm cutoffs that you will not meet (Queen's and UT writing, western VR). UT's cutoff is not stated but it is always higher than N in reality. I learned this the hard way, as I applied to these schools except western, with a 38 O, a 3.97 omsas GPA, and very strong extra currics (probably the strongest part of my app), and saw no interviews except Mac.


My gut told me to apply just in case, but I knew full well I had no shot at UT/Queen's. If you feel the shot is worth it (for the extra $50 or w/e), go for it, but I would not bank on these schools.

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I won't comment on the schools out west because I honestly have no idea.


Mac you have a definite chance (will come down to your MMI/casper skills),. You should make the number cuts with your VR (bit low) and GPA.


However being realistic you cannot expect UT, Queen's, or Western. All of these schools have firm cutoffs that you will not meet (Queen's and UT writing, western VR). UT's cutoff is not stated but it is always higher than N in reality. I learned this the hard way, as I applied to these schools except western, with a 38 O, a 3.97 omsas GPA, and very strong extra currics (probably the strongest part of my app), and saw no interviews except Mac.


My gut told me to apply just in case, but I knew full well I had no shot at UT/Queen's. If you feel the shot is worth it (for the extra $50 or w/e), go for it, but I would not bank on these schools.


i thought u of t s writing cut off is N. so with your stats and EC, you didn't get interview because of your reference or essay maybe?

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I won't comment on the schools out west because I honestly have no idea.


Mac you have a definite chance (will come down to your MMI/casper skills),. You should make the number cuts with your VR (bit low) and GPA.


However being realistic you cannot expect UT, Queen's, or Western. All of these schools have firm cutoffs that you will not meet (Queen's and UT writing, western VR). UT's cutoff is not stated but it is always higher than N in reality. I learned this the hard way, as I applied to these schools except western, with a 38 O, a 3.97 omsas GPA, and very strong extra currics (probably the strongest part of my app), and saw no interviews except Mac.


My gut told me to apply just in case, but I knew full well I had no shot at UT/Queen's. If you feel the shot is worth it (for the extra $50 or w/e), go for it, but I would not bank on these schools.


Queen's is known for its high writing sample cut-off...has hovered around Q and R in the past, which would explain why your 38 "O" didn't get you an interview. As for U of T...once you have met the cut-off for MCAT (9,9,9,N), a high MCAT score will not "increase your application's chances". In your case, U of T rejection pre-interview, even with 3.97 GPA and 38O (Assuming all minimum met)...would probably be due to personal statement, reference letters and whether you are a 3rd year or 4th year applicant.

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Yep that's my bad, I totally forgot that I was 3rd year for a second. Although you "can" apply to UT as a third year, I've heard the odds are low (ie no one let in after 3 in a number of years?). I'm confiden that my references were not a weak point in my app, and although no one can know for sure, I have a feeling my personal statement wasn't either (but I guess its possible!).


So if you're a 4th year, maybe UT is possible (although for them marks are big so GPA might be a tad low?)

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Hello everyone! I haven't posted in awhile and I thought Id restart by getting opinions on my chances for meds. I'm in Ontario and have just finished my Honours BSc Bio. Ill be starting my MSc this September. Heres the stats


Grades: 1st year 3.56, 2nd year 3.96, 3rd year 3,98 and 4th year 4.00. That makes my overall 3.88

MCAT: I haven't had a chance to write it. Ive either been away for summers or been sick. I plan on writing it this year while doing my MSc. My supervisor is aware of this and my schedule is about 30 hours a week in the lab which I would say would leave me enough time for studying. I plan on writing in June so I have LOTS of time still. Any opinions or insight on this plan?? Ive done the Kaplan practice MCAT tests that they sometimes hold at my school and I got 11/11/11R. I studied for about a month and a half or so before this practice test. I was going to write the actual MCAT that summer but I contracted pneumonia and spent some time in the hospital so I was unable to write it.

Volunteering: worked with kids quite extensively for several years now including special needs programs, camps, schools, sports programs (worked as coach, counselor, etc), crisis line volunteer, quite a few extracurricular in terms of sports and arts (played on a soccer team, dance team, etc), on the executive council for a local community group (VP for 2 years, am now treasurer), quite a few research assistant positions both at universities and with the government (4 conferences: 2 talks and 2 posters and a possible publication in the works), lots of trainings and courses in things like CPR and first aid, will be volunteering at a hospital in the fall. Any other suggestions or does this seem like enough?

Applied previously: I applied to UofO but didn't even get an interview. They said my sketch was not extensive enough which made me quite worried since I don't think I could possibly even find time to do more!


I know its hard to evaluate without an MCAT score. Do you guys think it will be possible to do well if I study while Im doing an MSc? My schedule allows for about 20-30 hours a week for MCAT studying. Also, how do the extracurriculars look? Any suggestions? Thank you very much for all your input!

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Hello everyone! I haven't posted in awhile and I thought Id restart by getting opinions on my chances for meds. I'm in Ontario and have just finished my Honours BSc Bio. Ill be starting my MSc this September. Heres the stats


Grades: 1st year 3.56, 2nd year 3.96, 3rd year 3,98 and 4th year 4.00. That makes my overall 3.88

MCAT: I haven't had a chance to write it. Ive either been away for summers or been sick. I plan on writing it this year while doing my MSc. My supervisor is aware of this and my schedule is about 30 hours a week in the lab which I would say would leave me enough time for studying. I plan on writing in June so I have LOTS of time still. Any opinions or insight on this plan?? Ive done the Kaplan practice MCAT tests that they sometimes hold at my school and I got 11/11/11R. I studied for about a month and a half or so before this practice test. I was going to write the actual MCAT that summer but I contracted pneumonia and spent some time in the hospital so I was unable to write it.

Volunteering: worked with kids quite extensively for several years now including special needs programs, camps, schools, sports programs (worked as coach, counselor, etc), crisis line volunteer, quite a few extracurricular in terms of sports and arts (played on a soccer team, dance team, etc), on the executive council for a local community group (VP for 2 years, am now treasurer), quite a few research assistant positions both at universities and with the government (4 conferences: 2 talks and 2 posters and a possible publication in the works), lots of trainings and courses in things like CPR and first aid, will be volunteering at a hospital in the fall. Any other suggestions or does this seem like enough?

Applied previously: I applied to UofO but didn't even get an interview. They said my sketch was not extensive enough which made me quite worried since I don't think I could possibly even find time to do more!


I know its hard to evaluate without an MCAT score. Do you guys think it will be possible to do well if I study while Im doing an MSc? My schedule allows for about 20-30 hours a week for MCAT studying. Also, how do the extracurriculars look? Any suggestions? Thank you very much for all your input!


Why are you even asking..

Seriously, if you get a good MCAT you will definitely have a shot.

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Hi all,

I'd like your opinions on what my chances are for Canadian medical schools.

My GPA is... mediocre (3.88, 3.85, 3.39, 3.35)

I wrote MCAT twice (PS/VR/BS/WS: 11/9/10/M, 11/7/11/N).

I know I have to write MCAT again, but I'm focusing on my MSc right now.

Anybody have suggestions/advice on what I can do to make my stats more competitive?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi all,

I'd like your opinions on what my chances are for Canadian medical schools.

My GPA is... mediocre (3.88, 3.85, 3.39, 3.35)

I wrote MCAT twice (PS/VR/BS/WS: 11/9/10/M, 11/7/11/N).

I know I have to write MCAT again, but I'm focusing on my MSc right now.

Anybody have suggestions/advice on what I can do to make my stats more competitive?

Thanks in advance!


Raising your MCAT VR score will be critical for you to be successful at UWO and Queens and Dal and Mac. Ottawa, UT can be pretty much scratched off.


Also, where do you live? IP for any province? SWOMEN? Do you speak French? Were you born in Quebec? To accurately assess your chances more information is needed.


If you are from GTA your chances are very slim. I don't think your MSc will help you a great deal if you are in Ontario.

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Hi all,

Reading these forums for a long time and want to take a moment and thank you all for the insight and guidance. First time posting, so apologies in advance if i breach any rules.

From Toronto, Ontario

Omsas GPA-3.61

Best 2 years for Western and Queen's-3.88

UoT wGPA (dropping 4 full year courses)-3.863

Ottawa wGPA-3.842

MCATs-11 VR, BS 12, PS 11 and R


ECs-3 summers of research, thesis year, 1 second author abstract, funded by Ontario Scleroderma society, 3 posters, American Society of Nephrology conference (probably in November), 2 manuscript submitted-1 mentioned above, both second author.


Volunteering-with disabled kids for over 5 years (won 3 awards including ontario volunteer service award and nominated for the ontario medal for young volunteers), and also some international volunteer experience (Bolivia), nursing homes and mosques, executive position at a committee and some other places


Others-Shadowing a physician, taekwondo for a year, cricket team.


I need some feedback and guidance on what to do if things don't work out the first time around.

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