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How'd it go today?

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With the Saturday MMI's coming to an end now, what did you guys think about it? Any general comments? General mood, setting, events during the day? No details, just some insight on how the day felt!


(Remember not to break confidentiality agreement)

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I went today at 730.


OVerall, a very pleasant experience. Everybody was extremely nice and the day was very organized.


The questions varied from tough to easy.


Don't fret about the "general" interviews: they will easily be your favorite stations.


They feed you after with an array of sandwiches, vegetables and pop.


The movie made by the med students was also very funny.


There also was no official confidentiality agreement to sign.... But i'm still going to keep everything on the DL just in case.


Good luck for everyone is tomorrow!

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Today at 9:50. Happy with essentially all of my stations. Only used 1 prompt at 3/8 stations and recieved them all after the one minute mark but I didn't feel like I was rambling. Nice students, nice facilities, great experience. Confirmed U of A as my #1 choice. Video was absolutely beyond hilarious. I was in stitches at multiple points.


Here's to praying.

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Today at 9:50. Happy with essentially all of my stations. Only used 1 prompt at 3/8 stations and recieved them all after the one minute mark but I didn't feel like I was rambling. Nice students, nice facilities, great experience. Confirmed U of A as my #1 choice. Video was absolutely beyond hilarious. I was in stitches at multiple points.


Here's to praying.


What time were you done, Jamer? Mine's at the same time as yours. Just wanted to know when I can expect to drive back to my own personal hell aka practicum.

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I felt it went horrible!!! 730 am was not a good time for an interview I was tired and couldn't think straight so it definetly affected my performance.


Plus I had this guy interviewing before me who would come out later and keep talking to me and not shut the hell up. It completely threw me off when I'm trying to read the question. My 9th interviewer thought it was a general interview and would not let me answer the question until it was 2 minutes in a question that I understood the answer so throughly and had a lot to say about.


I left in tears fkn horrible everything worked against me today!!!

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does one seriously loose marks for being asked the prompting question(s)?


(I am scared, I had at least one prompting question at each station, and a few more at others...at some bell rang as I was being asked the question...)




It's my understanding that being asked a prompting question has no effect on your score. If you are a naturally concise speaker it would be natural to finish the answer to the primary question before the time ran out. I had prompting questions at several stations - including one interviewer who seemed determined to get in as many as possible before the bell rang (he actually tried to ask the next question on the list while I was still answering the previous one).


I was in the 7:30 Saturday group and overall I felt it went all right, I don't think I was as calm and collected as I wanted to be but I didn't walk out of any of the stations thinking I blew it either. The first year video was brilliant and definitely helped to release some tension and let me get on with my life for the rest of the day!

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They stated in the pre-interview information that the use of prompting questions would negatively effect your score--they say that "the best interviews are ones where the interviewer says nothing at all."


How negatively it effects you is open for interpretation

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woot, I understand! MMI's can be stressful!!!

I had this one stone-faced woman. 9:50am. Need I say more... so I think I just rambled at her for 8 minutes (didn't use a prompt though). But seriously. I think it's better to use a prompt than to go round and round in circles for 8 minutes. If you need to stop talking, stop at a good spot, and wait for guidance. Because afterall, you don't want to circle the drain. You want someone to hand you the sink plug. Right?

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I interviewed students yesterday and I can say that use of prompting questions did not affect how I scored a person. However, if it did feel like pulling teeth to get the candidate to speak, they might have been scored lower. However, if a person rambled endlessly for the full 8 minutes without having a linear, well-thoughtout, response, then they would receive a lower score as well. It is much better to make sure that your response is well thoughtout, organized, and unpretentious - either short or long.


(Please don't be pretentious!! I hate it!!!)

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They stated in the pre-interview information that the use of prompting questions would negatively effect your score--they say that "the best interviews are ones where the interviewer says nothing at all."


How negatively it effects you is open for interpretation



No, prompting questions will not affect your score unless the applicants are using them as a major crutch - I.e. The applicant is solely (or to that effect) using the questions to formulate a response without giving any thought otherwise.

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I interviewed students yesterday and I can say that use of prompting questions did not affect how I scored a person. However, if it did feel like pulling teeth to get the candidate to speak, they might have been scored lower. However, if a person rambled endlessly for the full 8 minutes without having a linear, well-thoughtout, response, then they would receive a lower score as well. It is much better to make sure that your response is well thoughtout, organized, and unpretentious - either short or long.


(Please don't be pretentious!! I hate it!!!)


AKA don't be a douche... whoops, I think I was kinda douche-ish at one station, oh well - pharmacy here I come...

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haha, i was this morn @ 730... i used prompts on maybe 6 out of 8, and im sure most of stations went really well, sometimes you address everything you'd like to in 6 minutes, and you can address something else important with a prompt


overall great job to the organizers, i was super impressed plus felt very comfortable

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woot, I understand! MMI's can be stressful!!!

I had this one stone-faced woman. 9:50am. Need I say more... so I think I just rambled at her for 8 minutes (didn't use a prompt though). But seriously. I think it's better to use a prompt than to go round and round in circles for 8 minutes. If you need to stop talking, stop at a good spot, and wait for guidance. Because afterall, you don't want to circle the drain. You want someone to hand you the sink plug. Right?


Haha, the tall slim lady with grey hair or the shorter blonde one? They were both pretty stone-faced, though, IMO....





LOL, and some of the interviewers were the same as last year!



EDIT: lol, totally forgot we had like 8 groups at a time, so we might not have been in the same group....lol, but pm me, maybe we were.

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I had one question where I relied on prompting a lot, I can't even remember which one. It was weird because the lady wouldn't actually ask me those...I finished my thoughts and then sat there for about 15 seconds and she just stared at me, so I asked her for a prompt...answered that, then she sat there and stared again...I was like, "please, just go ahead through the list, we might as well go through as many as we can." But then I still had to ask her to read the next question to me every time even though I had clearly finished addressing the preceding one....lol, it was kind of awkward.




Anyway, overall, I had a good interview. I only had 45 mins of sleep the night before, so I was worried I'd zone out or something, but I think I was as on the ball as I would be having rested before. Most questions were very good, with lots to think about, some questions were a little odd (like the ortho or the ocean one, lol), but overall I think they all tested my thinking ability and my knowledge of major issues fairly well. The interviewers ranged a fair bit in terms of how interactive they were. One of my interviewers kept talking about how much he hates the awkward MMI silence, so he kept discussing what he thinks the question was looking for, giving me his opinion on the topic, and saying I answered it well, etc (which I'm sure means nothing, lol). Another one asked me like a million follow-up questions, WAY more than 5 (it was a very fast-paced station for me, he just kept firing off questions, and as soon as I'd say 2 sentences in response, he'd take it in another direction), so I'm pretty sure at least some of them were of his own device....lol.




I really liked the general stations, very nice way to ease in and also to talk a little bit about myself. I know they are not supposed to officially grade you on those 2, but given the fact that you have an MMI with both of these people, I'm sure that whatever you end up saying at the interactive stations has a bit of an impact of what they think about you as a person.



Anyway, had a good day, I thought this was way less stressful and tiring than the U of C interview, and the questions were a lot more varied. Plus, the student video had me in stitches! And the catering was sweet.

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I felt it went horrible!!! 730 am was not a good time for an interview I was tired and couldn't think straight so it definetly affected my performance.


Plus I had this guy interviewing before me who would come out later and keep talking to me and not shut the hell up. It completely threw me off when I'm trying to read the question. My 9th interviewer thought it was a general interview and would not let me answer the question until it was 2 minutes in a question that I understood the answer so throughly and had a lot to say about.


I left in tears fkn horrible everything worked against me today!!!


sorry you felt it didn't go well. hopefully, keeping a cool head throughout it all came across. if you explained your situation in your feedback at the end of the day, there's a chance it may help. maybe there's a bit of hope in there.:)


Honda RA300 history

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Guest rpuff

12:10 today....first two stations owned me hard but I recovered....we'll see in a couple months


U of A video >>>>>> U of C video.

U of A questions required a lot more knowledge about current issues and government actions than U of C as well.


My set leaders were sweet you can tell the atmosphere is younger at U of A, lots of social events.


Interviewers ranged from so stoic i wanted to give up, to friendly and completely interactive (on an MMI station).


My only complaint is they held us in Bernard Snell foyer for way too long, I lost a lot of energy and we weren't let out till 4:45.

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I survived. I think I could have done better on some questions, did well on others, did not completely blow any of them...at least in my mind :rolleyes:


The intro/exit interviews were very nice, although I do wonder how much interviewer bias can affect your MMI score when you return to that interviewer at the end of the cycle.


The overall experience was positive and I found all the first year students that I spoke to had no problem speaking candidly and frankly about their experiences within the program.


Thanks to all who helped out/organized and best of luck to all the candidates. :)

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My only complaint is they held us in Bernard Snell foyer for way too long, I lost a lot of energy and we weren't let out till 4:45.


Yes! I got there 45 mins early, too, so I spent like 1.5 hours there altogether...I thought that with us having to be there by 9:50, we'd be out of there at 10.

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one thing i found weird was that for a lot of my stations the interviewers werent really writing anything while i was talking, they were just listening (i thought in the intro talk they said that the interviewers would have a lot to write or something)

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it was good. over all the ua experience was way better than uc.


i didn't watch the video but i'm sure it was 1000x better than uc's, which was a total lame-fest.


interview questions were fair. i liked the general interviews before and after mmi's.

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