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Any retakers this year?


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I'm rewriting at the end of May. I got 31Q on my first try (8VR FTL). My hope is I get good news on May 15th so I can go into my MCAT and bomb it, LOL. I'll try to make the rest of the retakers look as good as possible.;)


LMAO. That's fantastic. haha. That's bound to be such a good feeling, going into the MCAT, knowing that you don't even have to make an effort! :P And just coasting through it while all the other premeds are breaking out into a sweat. Best of luck deeman101.

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I am retaking but not this summer, probably in Jan/Feb or sometime around then. My first write I got (PS/VR/WS/BS)... 9/10/S/10 - 28S... second write I got 11/5/T/10 26T. That 5 just came out of no fricken where. I have no idea what happened, so I'm going to have to fix it and get the score i actually deserve.

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I am retaking but not this summer, probably in Jan/Feb or sometime around then. My first write I got (PS/VR/WS/BS)... 9/10/S/10 - 28S... second write I got 11/5/T/10 26T. That 5 just came out of no fricken where. I have no idea what happened, so I'm going to have to fix it and get the score i actually deserve.


Hey Law, thought you were reapplying for next year? Obviously not if you are retaking in Jan. Whats the plan, if you don't mind me asking? :)

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First time:

13PS 13VR 4BS :o Q = 30Q (argh, 30 in the worst way possible)


Second time:

8PS 8VR 10BS P = 26P (hmm, don't know what happened there)


Hopefully, I can get a 33R this time around with 11's across the board

Writing on July 30th

Gonna have a back up in September though, just in case

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he wants to start conquering the world in the summer...






the world of warcraft that is....LOL :P:D


Hmmm, you can help people in WOW, earning a high level of income of gold, work with serious professionals that have spent 16 hours a day for years perfecting their skill, solve interesting "problems" and earn a solid reputation and respect from your peers.


Doesn't sound that far of from medicine after all! :)

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First time:

13PS 13VR 4BS :o Q = 30Q (argh, 30 in the worst way possible)


Second time:

8PS 8VR 10BS P = 26P (hmm, don't know what happened there)


Hopefully, I can get a 33R this time around with 11's across the board

Writing on July 30th

Gonna have a back up in September though, just in case


I feel ya on the 4VR...i got the same score my first time around. hopefully this time it'll have a one before that four :P good luck!!

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Hmmm, you can help people in WOW, earning a high level of income of gold, work with serious professionals that have spent 16 hours a day for years perfecting their skill, solve interesting "problems" and earn a solid reputation and respect from your peers.


Doesn't sound that far of from medicine after all! :)


LMAO! Esp. at the "serious professionals that have spent 16 hours a day for years perfecting their skill.":D :P

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Hey Law, thought you were reapplying for next year? Obviously not if you are retaking in Jan. Whats the plan, if you don't mind me asking? :)


Ahh, the "plan emerges" comment in WED has found a new meaning to me. :P

I want to do some real science, so I'm looking to do a Masters next year. Lots of fields I'm interested in, especially cancer bio + heart disease stuff - learned a lot about these fields throughout undergrad and I'd love to get to do my own project. :) Will apply again closer to completion of my Masters, hopefully the cycle after this next one.

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Ahh, the "plan emerges" comment in WED has found a new meaning to me. :P

I want to do some real science, so I'm looking to do a Masters next year. Lots of fields I'm interested in, especially cancer bio + heart disease stuff - learned a lot about these fields throughout undergrad and I'd love to get to do my own project. :) Will apply again closer to completion of my Masters, hopefully the cycle after this next one.


Best of luck!

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I started reviewing Kaplan gen chem...I figured, I'd start with the easy stuff (that and bio) first and then if there are no good news come May 15th, I'll move on to the nasty stuff (physics and orgo). I would hate to review physics for 3 weeks only to find out I didn't need to...lol.

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oh thought I should mention.


I had a pure statistics question on my PS discretes, thought that was strange, don't know if they added a stats component recently


anyways it was like find the mean and standard deviation of a set of points, turned out to be easy the numbers were different enough that all you needed to know was the mean, the SD was not really required to solve it


edit: Ok right out of the aamc PS stuff, lol nvm


The ability to calculate the arithmetic mean (average) and range of a set of numerical data; an understanding of the standard deviation as a measure of variability; an understanding of the general concepts of statistical association and correlation. Calculation of statistics such as standard deviations and correlation coefficients is not required.

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so how did it go overall? think it went well? any abnormal thingies?


oh thought I should mention.


I had a pure statistics question on my PS discretes, thought that was strange, don't know if they added a stats component recently


anyways it was like find the mean and standard deviation of a set of points, turned out to be easy the numbers were different enough that all you needed to know was the mean, the SD was not really required to solve it


edit: Ok right out of the aamc PS stuff, lol nvm


The ability to calculate the arithmetic mean (average) and range of a set of numerical data; an understanding of the standard deviation as a measure of variability; an understanding of the general concepts of statistical association and correlation. Calculation of statistics such as standard deviations and correlation coefficients is not required.

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Yeah so physics went really well I felt, there was a curious amount of chem eng questions (an entire passage on mass transfer lol), and lots of dimensional/unit analysis which i always enjoyed, no friggen lenses either.


I don't know how i feel about verbal, I'd say somewhere in the middle, i was never writing below a 10 on practices so hopefully that will continue, also only one abstract passage.


Bio about the same as verbal, emphasis on systems (digestion etc) more than microbio/genetics, only 1 ochem passage, the ochems i find are easy marks most of the time, but the push by the aamc to cut down on ochem is pretty apparent.


Oh the essays were a breeze, one on politics, one on internet regulation...I'd say they were higher quality than my previous ones (Q), but it's hard to say looking back.


All and all a good experience i'd say, proctors obviously really nice, i was used to writing at home on a 22'' the screens at the testing centre were really small, which means more scrolling so maybe think about that.


So hopefully that mixed with a nice scale (lol everyone is getting off exams right) will get me what I need, if not well I have a lot of time to do it again, apart from it being a ripoff price wise, it's not the stressful gruelling experience that I once thought of it as.


i guess we shall see in a month.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just got my marks back.


PS:11 VR:13 BS:10 WS:Q


Improvement of 5 over my last write, a little ticked about another Q thought my essays were a lot better than that but who cares.


VR is the best predictor of all time anyways ;)

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Just got my marks back too.. so happy since it's my 3rd time writing it to bump up my verbal score -_-


1st time 13PS 5VR 11BS WS O

2nd time 13PS 6VR 12BS WS O


This time 12PS 8VR 13BS WS Q


I can apply for my home school (U of A) now!!! :D


Yeah and the WS was a shocker to me... I practiced for it only for the first time I wrote it... after that I just tried answer all their questions on the prompt.

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