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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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How did you manage to rack up 22k in debt in the course of less than a summer?!


:eek: what did you buy a car or something?


Yea. Car. Its not even the initial expense of it but the insurance, gas, maintenance, etc. that put me in so much debt. Oh yea and I signed my lease.


Get the old school traps and bait with peanut butter or chewed up wad of gum. (If you are renting) Complain to landlord ASAP that you have vermin and want something done!


Good luck! I don't mind mice or rats, but only if they're in the lab!


Its not the apartment I'm going to. Its my parent's house that I've lived in for the last like 10 yrs. Funny cause my mom is deathly scared of rats. Haha

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Spent most of today shopping. :D Not terribly exciting stuff, though, just stuff we need for the new apartment - sheets, drawer liners for the kitchen cupboards and drawers, etc. Although we did buy a lovely automatic litter box for the cats, so there will be much less litter box scooping in my future! :D The cats are "mine" even though one has most definitely claimed my husband (Sphynx are incredibly affectionate and as loyal as dogs, so they attach themselves to one person and need TONS of attention) and so I am responsible for all the less-than-pleasant parts of cat maintenance (although to be fair, when I've been ill, my husband has always cleaned the litter box and cleaned up any cat puke). But a self-cleaning litterbox will make having cats that much easier, especially since Sphynx also tend to produce a LOT of waste, as they have very fast metabolisms to make up for their lack of fur.


We also picked up our AMA cards, and I MAY have found a family doctor accepting new patients, although I have to call the office back on August 3rd. Here's hoping! The office isn't too too far from our apartment, so that would be nice.


Also trying to find out from the Alberta government what my status is re: getting my provincial health card. I've been living in Munich for 4 years, so out of the country, but I've been a resident of Ontario for those same four years for taxation and other legal purposes, since we were only in Munich because the Canadian Forces sent us there, so we were still factual residents of Ontario, paid Canadian and Ontario taxes, had Ontario driver's licenses, etc. And while I need a health card, my husband doesn't, since the military covers his health care. But the province can't tell me what to fill out, since part of the form must be filled out if you are married, but my spouse doesn't also need a health card and there is no place to indicate that. But I'm not the first military spouse to get posted to Alberta, so I'm sure there is someone somewhere who knows what to do with me. :P

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Oh god. My dog died tonight.


*e-hugs* Sorry for your loss b_s. Hopefully your profs have a heart and understand. *e-hugs*


So there I was just watching some top gear on TV and a EFFING MOUSE just decides to poke its head out from under the other sofa. And then wanders out, a couple inches, and takes something, and wanders back under the couch. F@#K!!! Gotta load up on them rat traps now.


Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!:eek: I would have flipped out. I am absolutely TERRIFIED of mice:o


This is beyond ridiculous! The fax number on this page does not work! Like its disconnected or something. Finding OSAP is harder than finding bin laden!


EDIT: WOOOOWW! Even the toll free # that worked on tuesday no longer works today...


Haha... They found out that someone figured out how to get a hold of them, and now they have to change all their numbers to remain the mysterious bureaucracy that they are...


Caught a teeny mouse nibbling at my brand new laptop power adapter.


I suspect that Deeman dropped it off at my place.......


Eeeeeeek!!!! :eek: Peanut butter should work on a trap to catch it...


Thinking of mice (*shudder*) got me thinking of cockroaches (*double shudder*).... something I've always wondered is whether or not it's true that cockroaches will explode (eventually) if you feed them baking soda... anyone know if that's true or not?



Finally got to test out my new skates yesterday and today! It went really good yesterday (I was back working on most of the jumps I was working on before the new skates). And today it went really good too, but it looks as though I have blisters on my ankles :(. I was able to work on a few double axels though, and hopefully tomorrow I'll be back doing double lutzes and triple salchows... that is if it's not too bad with the blisters. I like that I don't really have a problem jumping after getting new boots. Spinning with new blades (that actually have a rocker on them! lol) on the other hand.....

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Caught a teeny mouse nibbling at my brand new laptop power adapter.:mad:


I suspect that Deeman dropped it off at my place.......


Lmao! Hahahaha. At least my mouse is being relatively benign so far. Its totally lost and stuck on that one couch in our living room. The guy/girl keeps going in and out of the cushions and pillows on it. I think its a juvenile. Relatively small and has a dark grey coat. I'm guessing someone let it in yesterday, since theres no way a mouse could've lived in our house for an extended period of time and not know where the hell to run to when we are just standing there watching it. Or at least I'm watching it while my sister and mom squeal in terror. :rolleyes:

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Lmao! Hahahaha. At least my mouse is being relatively benign so far. Its totally lost and stuck on that one couch in our living room. The guy/girl keeps going in and out of the cushions and pillows on it. I think its a juvenile. Relatively small and has a dark grey coat. I'm guessing someone let it in yesterday, since theres no way a mouse could've lived in our house for an extended period of time and not know where the hell to run to when we are just standing there watching it. Or at least I'm watching it while my sister and mom squeal in terror. :rolleyes:


hmm....I thought that if it isn't running away from youthat means it's not scared of you anymore, which means that......it's used to you?? :)

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Update to my vermin problems. This mouse is effing smart! And I'm guessing it got into my house very recently. Its reluctant to wander far from one of my couches. And it likes my cheese apparently. But whats annoying is its able to get the cheese WITHOUT getting caught in the glue trap! Well it did get stuck but it squeezed through narrow beams under my couch to free itself. Then it proceeded to eat the cheese...argh! I'm smart enough to make it into med school but not smarter than this mouse!!!



Oh yea, heres something that'll freak some of the squeamish girls out. It likes to climb on top of that couch (no idea how it does it) and wander in between the cushions and pillows. Imagine watching TV, looking over, and seeing a mouse sitting there beside you just chillin'. LOL! I hope it dies...

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^ Pick it up and take it out. That's what I did. Mine didn't even move and sat there, squeaking. This is in dramatic contrast to the fast, evil, intelligent, ATP-packed mice I'm used to in Sri Lanka.


Dude, if I even take a step towards it the thing is gone like a flash of grey furry lightening. Plus I saw the bite marks it leaves. Vicious!

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Update to my vermin problems. This mouse is effing smart! And I'm guessing it got into my house very recently. Its reluctant to wander far from one of my couches. And it likes my cheese apparently. But whats annoying is its able to get the cheese WITHOUT getting caught in the glue trap! Well it did get stuck but it squeezed through narrow beams under my couch to free itself. Then it proceeded to eat the cheese...argh! I'm smart enough to make it into med school but not smarter than this mouse!!!



Oh yea, heres something that'll freak some of the squeamish girls out. It likes to climb on top of that couch (no idea how it does it) and wander in between the cushions and pillows. Imagine watching TV, looking over, and seeing a mouse sitting there beside you just chillin'. LOL! I hope it dies...




Smart mouse you have over there.... Sounds like you need a cat. Or you need to at least borrow someone's cat.


Sooooooooo glad I'm not there. I would have been freaking out:o

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Smart mouse you have over there.... Sounds like you need a cat. Or you need to at least borrow someone's cat.


Sooooooooo glad I'm not there. I would have been freaking out:o


Just make sure the cat has caught mice before, if you borrow someone's. ;)


Our two Sphynx are such pampered house cats, from a long line of pampered show/breeding/house cats, that I honestly don't know what they would do if they encountered any "real" prey. I think our little daredevil would no doubt try to play with it. ;) Our lazy boy, though, would probably just stare at it perplexed - he seems much more fascinated by birds and feather toys.

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Update to my vermin problems. This mouse is effing smart! And I'm guessing it got into my house very recently. But whats annoying is its able to get the cheese WITHOUT getting caught in the glue trap!


I hate to say it...but this is why you need the old school traps, not the mouse friendly glue or other traps...you need to get rid of the bugger and hope that none of its brothers and sisters have discovered their way in to the house.


Also, my apologies for my comment before about complaining to your landlord...I would guess your parents want the darn thing out as badly as you!

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oh dear God in heaven, why, why do mice even exist. i would DIE if i had one in my house. no really. i would lock myself in the washroom, sit in the tub with a baseball bat in my hands, cry and sob, and demand that a hotel room be arranged for me and that exterminators be called immediately, regardless of the time. it's not that i can't handle mice at all, it's ok as long as they're in cages, but yeah i can't imagine anything more horrific than sitting on my couch and feeling a mouse moving in the seats (watch me move my spot to the floor from my couch just because of your story dee - shakes fist)


i shall one day be the crazy lady with cats, just so that if a mouse ever comes near me, my cats can take care of it for me. go cats! :D


unfortunately... sometimes cats are not enough... the old house i used to live in had a few elder rats which were roughly the size of a medium cat. My cat was afraid of it... had to catch it with a bucket... so yeah... cats does not mean vermin-proof

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*screams like a girl*


are you boys trying to make me cry? because it might just work. *shudder* i've actually seen one of these huge mutant rats, which is probably why i'm so scared of them.......and if cats are scared of them,we're basically doomed. in that case, i need to find a big guy who isn't scared of them and marry him, so he can take care of such a situation for me, should it ever arise. in fact that's probably the only reason i will get married some day. every other bug i can handle........when it comes to mice, there is no way......i'm just not a rational person anymore hahahaha


Good idea.. getting someone strong also means easy disposal. I'll never forget the feeling when i had to dispose of the giant rats. In a bag, each one was roughly 2 kg in weight. I mean really... things with beady eyes should not get that big

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*screams like a girl*


are you boys trying to make me cry? because it might just work. *shudder* i've actually seen one of these huge mutant rats, which is probably why i'm so scared of them.......and if cats are scared of them,we're basically doomed. in that case, i need to find a big guy who isn't scared of them and marry him, so he can take care of such a situation for me, should it ever arise. in fact that's probably the only reason i will get married some day. every other bug i can handle........when it comes to mice, there is no way......i'm just not a rational person anymore hahahaha


you need the right cat - my maine coon cat took out rabbits and looked at small dogs as lunch :)

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