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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Amazing, Mithril! You certainly are talented. :)


Onto my news: my kitty who has the lump on his leg had a fine needle aspiration of it this morning. So I will know this afternoon whether or not there is anything there - the vet is going to look at the slides and get back to me. If she's unsure, she's going to send it to the veterinary pathologist to read.


I'm sending the best vibes your way, MR. Lots of hugs. You are doing an excellent job and approaching this the best way you can.


Hope to hear good news <3

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Aww. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the HP movies. But, I'm very glad it will be ending. Sometimes, you just gotta say goodbye.


i do not share the same sentiments right now, i was one of the emotional bawler fans in the theatre that you had to kick out of the theatre once the movie was over because i was way too far into denial that it was truly the end. LOL

im currently rerereading all the books.

I feel like harry potter just dumped me.

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i do not share the same sentiments right now, i was one of the emotional bawler fans in the theatre that you had to kick out of the theatre once the movie was over because i was way too far into denial that it was truly the end. LOL

im currently rerereading all the books.

I feel like harry potter just dumped me.


Lol! I won't be going to see the last movie until at least next week when there are less people running to the movie theaters. But I can assure you I will be an emotional bawler fan too!! I've read the books multiple times each, and I still cry when reading the same scenes, and I also did in the movies. I'm currently finishing the first movie, with a marathon ongoing :D I love JK Rowling's writing style and HP universe, kinda wish there would have been more to it.



I'm completely dead.. Had weights this morning (eccentric work.. ouch!), then I ran a pretty quick 5-ish km. Then I went for a swim this afternoon and added some intensity and speed for the first time since my surgery back in March. Man my arms are weak in the water now!! It's strange... you can be really strong in the weight room, but in the water it takes so much longer for the power to come back! :/ I see my surgeon on Monday so I figured I might as well test both shoulders thoroughly this week :P Seems to be going relatively well even through the ups and downs. Crossing my fingers for no more problems!

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Someone I know went to a third world country this summer and posted, on FB, endless pics of herself with patients- MANY patients- varying from kids to old ladies. There's a lot of posing going on with the patients, many of whom have clearly visible health problems.


I'm just waiting for this to backfire really badly.....

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i do not share the same sentiments right now, i was one of the emotional bawler fans in the theatre that you had to kick out of the theatre once the movie was over because i was way too far into denial that it was truly the end. LOL

im currently rerereading all the books.

I feel like harry potter just dumped me.


Terrifying imagery.

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Someone I know went to a third world country this summer and posted, on FB, endless pics of herself with patients- MANY patients- varying from kids to old ladies. There's a lot of posing going on with the patients, many of whom have clearly visible health problems.


I'm just waiting for this to backfire really badly.....

A stupid med student or a stupid premed?
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Well, at least there was cell phone service! I would've been completely freaking out otherwise. Was in one of the major Toronto hospitals too...you'd think they'd have on-site technicians for this sort of thing!



I have two irrational fears; eyeballs and elevators (i think elevators are irrational?)


Both could probably stop me from being a surgeon.

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speaking of awkward date/experiences (other thread) i had someone ask me if they would me let them lick my eyeball... i was like uhhh no, but i'll lick yours, i don't want an infection... to be honest, i found the randomness to pretty endearing


i worked at continuing care centre that was like over a 100 years old, so i spent like 12 hrs of my life in stuck elevators over like 4-5 separate occasions over 5 years, its pretty freaky at first, i remember having to jump out when the fire department finally came (the bottom half of the door of the elevator was connected to top half of the outside door. after that, elevators become pretty kosher.


why would eyeballs stop u from being a surgeon? like besides optho?



I have two irrational fears; eyeballs and elevators (i think elevators are irrational?)


Both could probably stop me from being a surgeon.

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yeah, whatever happened to being a man's man, not like a testosterone filled roid junkie who wears ed hardy but like, traditional masculine roles... a lot of women still find that hot viscerally as long as it's tempered with decent manners etc. but a lot of guys are afraid to unleash the man's man inside... LOL!


I've discovered that dudes of the younger generation are quite a bit more emo than when i was in the same age group so that answer could easily be a yes haha
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To the guy with an irrational fear of eyeballs -> they freak me out too, specifically, touching them. That first trial run with contacts when one flipped over and then went behind my eye nearly caused an anxiety attack - I'm never wearin' those again!


As for elevators, I used to work in a pulp mill as an environmental technician. One night at about 9pm I was in the steam plant elevator which runs between two VERY large boilers (think about 16 floors high each with a big surface area). It was a very noisy, hot, and dangerous place. It was also an industrial elevator. On about the 9th floor we lost power due to a lightning strike and the backup generators don't power that elevator so I was stuck in this tiny elevator in the pitch black (although I did have my flashlight). Then with the power loss there was a risk of H2S leaks so the gas alarm went off so I had to scramble to connect a facemask to the O2 tanks and turn them on (in the dark). Oh, and then all the steam release vents went off to vent the pressure out of the boilers (which is so loud you can hear it across town - it's even louder from 15 feet away). Fun times.

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speaking of awkward date/experiences (other thread) i had someone ask me if they would me let them lick my eyeball... i was like uhhh no, but i'll lick yours, i don't want an infection... to be honest, i found the randomness to pretty endearing


i worked at continuing care centre that was like over a 100 years old, so i spent like 12 hrs of my life in stuck elevators over like 4-5 separate occasions over 5 years, its pretty freaky at first, i remember having to jump out when the fire department finally came (the bottom half of the door of the elevator was connected to top half of the outside door. after that, elevators become pretty kosher.


why would eyeballs stop u from being a surgeon? like besides optho?


LOL why would you even lick theirs, thats so freaking gross. :( I woulda been like "cheque please"


and holy crap haha that's some intense mission. I would honest to god just freak. And well I really wanted to focus on trauma, and you never know what you're going to get there. I volunteer in the trauma dept. and see eye issues so often I hate it.

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