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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Yeah but despite that:


Optimus with a battle axe = pure awesomeness. But Prime is really ruthless these days...


Does it suck compared to the original comics/tv show? Yes, unfortunately it does. But the CG was fantastic (I pity the CG artists who spend hours watching these things turn, piece by piece by piece....yeah should MRI their visual cortex to see if everything is okay), I got to watch Patrick Dempsey get his ass kicked, and she has a hot body. Not as good as Megan Fox, but yeah not bad. I really go in expecting the very least from Michael Bay and Shia (his last transformers anyway) and I walk out a little happier.


Ignorance is bliss my friend. At least it was better than Green Lantern (lol hking is going to defrag me) and I expect good things from Captain America.

Yeah, but my suspension of belief can only go so far.


First of all, if Sentinel Prime was already working with Megatron, then why did the Decepticons attack his ship in Cybertron? And how did that ship end up on the Moon? By random chance or something? And why did the US government just leave the ship alone for 40 years after the space race ended? And why are the Autobots working for the US government to battle other governments the US don't like? Aren't Autobots supposed to be neutral to human conflicts? Also, aren't transformers supposed to be robots in disguise? How the hell are flashy $200k cars and a giant truck with flame paint on it conspicuous? And why is Megatron wearing a cloak in the middle of the Sahara? Is he hot or something? Is he trying to go for camouflage? He's a gigantic robot. And why is there another bimbo in place of Megan Fox? And that bird transformer kills the Asian physician's character to make it seem like a suicide...but then he just transforms from a copier or fax machine or something and starts shooting at Shia Lebeouf's character in the middle of the office...? But the Decepticon plan in the first place was to let the Autobots find out about the Ark in order for them to revive Sentinel Prime, yet they try to kill Shia Lebeouf the messenger and the Autobots at Chernobyl when they find the Ark piece...? This doesn't make any sense. What also doesn't make sense is when they go to a bar and inexplicably the Russian cosmonauts have guns on them since we all know all Russians carry guns on them. They also have classified photos of the Moon on them as well. Whatever. The Decepticon plan from the space race relied on the assumption that the Matrix of Leadership, which apparently turns the Sun into energon from the 2nd movie and revives dead robots, would be found in the 2nd movie in order to revive Sentinel Prime in the 3rd movie...And then there's the whole issue with the space bridge, which would allow the Decepticons to use humans as slaves to rebuild Cybertron, but why would a highly technologically-advanced space-faring nation want inefficient non-mechanised labour? And why was Bumblebee so flustered when the bimbo walked in? Is she so hot that she gives robots boners? Do the transformers want to **** our women? I also don't understand why there were hundreds of hidden Decepticon warships (apparently warships piloted by what could just have easily been warship-transforming Decepticons) and transformers hiding under moon dust. Megatron could've just called them up or something, or they could've ambushed the Autobots when they were on the Moon.


Okay, and then the guy from Grey's Anatomy kidnaps the bimbo in order to lure out Sam so that he would agree to letting the Grey's Anatomy character know what the Autobots were planning with that wristwatch Decepticon, but what was the point of that if Starscream was going to blow up the rocket ship containing the Autobots anyway? And there's that whole issue of luring out Sam. After Sam finds out the Grey's Anatomy character works for the Decepticons he places his bimbo girlfriend into that expensive car her boss bought for her. Why? And what was the point of keeping the bimbo afterwards? And the Autobots came back later on in the movie after Chicago has been decimated because Optimus wanted to teach humans a lesson. Basically, Optimus decided to sacrifice the lives of millions of people living in Chicago as the equivalent of a time-out. And then afterwards you see Decepticons shooting down fighter jets, yet somehow slow helicopters carrying soldiers are able to infiltrate the Decepticon defences and instead of just shooting the pillar thing from the air, they land on the ground where they meet up with other ground forces. Why didn't the army just go into Chicago via ground then? And how did Sam beat Starcream with a grappling hook and a bomb? Starscream is one of my favourite Decepticons and he looked like an idiot in that scene instead of the cunning power-hungry Decepticon he is. And Optimus gets stuck in some wires like a fly in a spider web. Seriously? And somehow the bimbo convinces Megatron to go kill Sentinel Prime, like Megatron is some sort of jealous child rather than a nefarious and super intelligent army commander.


I also had a problem with Optimus' attitude in the movie. He says "We'll kill them all" when entering Chicago and when Megatron offers a truce, he axes out his head and spine. And then when Sentinel Prime is lying on the ground defeated and says he only did it to ensure the survival of the transformer race and that he had to betray Optimus, Optimus says "You didn't betray us...you betrayed yourself". Optimus then locks and loads a gun and while Sentinel Prime is going "NO, OPTIMUS!", Optimus shoots him once in the head and another in the chest for good measure. What the hell? The Autobots are just as ruthless and unforgiving as the Decepticons. Oh, and Cybertron implodes for some reason.


And there's the whole issue of drool and red oil made to look like blood and vaguely human anatomical structures when the Autobots kill Decepticons. And there was so much Lenovo laptop product placement. This movie was seriously bad even by Michael Bay standards.

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Dude... Before a post like that, you really need to have a spoiler alert.



SPOILER STUFF.... And why is there another bimbo in place of Megan Fox? MORE SPOILER STUFF


I can answer that question, however. The other bimbo replaced Megan Fox because she obviously doesn't know the meaning of "don't bite the hand that feeds you". After spouting off a bunch of crap about Michael Bay to the press, having arguements with him on set (of this movie), and saying that Transformers is terrible, I would expect nothing less than someone getting fired for that. Oddly enough, the "stupid" franchise is what made you famous. I don't think she realized that because she has no real acting talent, there are plenty of equally un-talented bimbos in Hollywood (or Playboy as it turns out) that can take her place.

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Do you have to do that when you just want a drip coffee?


I would like a triple ristresso con panna, please. :D


starbucks just makes me feel stupid when I order anything - I don't drink coffee, just tea, so I always get this horrible look from the teller like I am an uncivilized because I don't have some bizarre coffee I want etc :)

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I'm so sick of my stupid shoulders, they're driving me nuts!! Waking up each day wondering if they're gonna be better or worse, not knowing whether they'll play nice in the pool or be hell... I swam yesterday, was the best feeling in the water I'd had in like a year. Then today is like night and day, wth is their problem?!? I've been working really hard for the past 2 months trying to retrain my firing patterns because some muscles fire when they shouldn't.. of course that's down the drain today as well :mad: Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


/end rant (sorry)

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I don't give up often on books (actually can't remember the last time I did), but I just threw Inside of a Dog away after about 175 pages. Some interesting stuff in there, but it was really getting too scientific yet with not so sound conclusions :/ Starting Hot Lights, Cold Steel. I feel this is going to be a lot more interesting!!

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You made me look, expecting 46 here :eek: If there's no thunder I'm spending the day at the pool.


It is going to be the same.. I love summer heat but this is a little much. lol..


Please remember to fill up a birdbath or a small bucket of water for the animals.. i can't imagine being outside all day in that weather with a fur coat..


I think the last time it got to 37 w/o humidity was in 2008 or 2009.. in any case thank god for air conditioning. I just hope there is no blackout like in 2003.



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It is going to be the same.. I love summer heat but this is a little much. lol..


Please remember to fill up a birdbath or a small bucket of water for the animals.. i can't imagine being outside all day in that weather with a fur coat..


I think the last time it got to 37 w/o humidity was in 2008 or 2009.. in any case thank god for air conditioning. I just hope there is no blackout like in 2003.




I never thought about filling up a water bucket for the animals... but will do! Yes no blackout please.. I lost power tonight for an hour or so and just that became pretty uncomfortable.

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Wow, my CPR instructor for CPR-HCP was insanely hot. I was so completely distracted by her showing us how to roll a patient over when vomiting when she demonstrated on...herself and then told us to press in the middle of the chest by visualising an imaginary line connecting the nipples, and then proceeding to show us this imaginary line on her own chest. She also took off her sweater in the room because it was hot and revealed a low-cut top.


Damn hot CPR instructors.

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Wow, my CPR instructor for CPR-HCP was insanely hot. I was so completely distracted by her showing us how to roll a patient over when vomiting when she demonstrated on...herself and then told us to press in the middle of the chest by visualising an imaginary line connecting the nipples, and then proceeding to show us this imaginary line on her own chest. She also took off her sweater in the room because it was hot and revealed a low-cut top.


Damn hot CPR instructors.


Ask her for some "practical" guidance during your class ;)

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So I narrowed down my apartment search from about a bajillion to 23. It was at around 40 or so, but after I narrowed that list down based on crime in the area, it became 23. It might just be me, but 6 shootings in a 5 block radius since March are a few too many!:rolleyes:


If I can cut that list in half I should be able to see them all the weekend I come down to go apartment hunting.


16 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D




EDIT: I just realized the irony in my comment about the 6 shootings... Edmonton is currently leading the country in homicides this year, and we have 1/5 the population of Toronto! :rolleyes:

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We're expecting 46 here as well. :(


Yup. Its friggin brutal.


I went to the gym yesterday then onto football practice. I didnt stop sweating until 3.5 hours later and by then i just thinkmit was cause i had no water left in me to sweat out.


This is just disgusting

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The only thing I hate worse than freezing days in winter is hot as hell days in summer. At least when you're cold you can put more clothes on, or add blankets! :P


yeah the a.c. is down in my computer lab here. It is 43 and I have to get this program working today. yeah...... :)

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