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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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maybe it's the aggression gene, lol


the downregulation 5ht2a poor-bind d2 one


lol, probably explains why i'm smart


i only do what feels passionate


maybe it's the whole persistence thing


honestly, i don't remember dejection anymore


to me, failing means starting, fast


honestly, i'm reading a book now


really reinforcing how much public education


vilifies future paradigm-shifters, praises yes people


there seems to be a staggering predominance


of people who quit school say


or told there's a proper way


and went on to submit essays


each page with different colored paper


lol, remember that still, grade 11


i got a lecture: the proper way


my essay was awesome, were done


something about me failing in life


telling me not to continue ib


prob a good idea, marks sucked


wonder if he got the point


these ceremonies, rituals, perpetuate fear, stagnation


my a essay gets a d


whatever, best thing that ever happened


cause leaving ib history, social 12


and a literally bad ass teacher


drove a beamer, taught for fun


taught about what real world events


even challenged me this one time


to write an essay defending hitler


of course i'm not a nazi


but seeing what academics could do


learning to challenge my own ideas


not being afraid to challenge others


a vocal tirade of f bombs


got me first research gig, seriously


i wonder if multi colored dip****


ever studied thomas kuhn, scientific revolutions


i love thomas kuhn, but anyways


it seems im drifting, but nope


i often come back to point


before people quit reading, simple nonsense


there's a certain personality type, ubiquitous


involved in changing paradigms, myself personally


einstein's my personal fave, newton, creep...


anyhoo that book im reading discusses


the personality characteristics, i've read before


the literature describing this personality


but this books interesting, integrates life


i'd love to meet einstein, wow


i'm sure we'd debate a bit


laugh over it aftter, then well


what else, get back to work




Successful accomplishments aren't easy to attain.
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f_d how many people, besides us


actually think read this ****? haha!


To read or not to read :P

That is the question you say.


There is a definite audience here/

Believe it or not, many read,

It is a pleasant diversion, no?

Sometimes, bit of a brain teaser.

Regardless, we enjoy doing the writing. :P


North Korea provocatively promises nuclear tests.


To question or not to question?

Do you doubt the true answer? :)

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Music and work make the man! :)


To have a sense of humor

and not to take yourself seriously

is a definite advantage in life.


Be the best you can be,

thereby living with absolutely no regrets.


2013. There is hope for mankind. :)

Let us not fight each other.

Love is more productive than war.

Nuclear war is not the answer.

Helping others to be productive is.

Let's get rid of poverty, violence.

Our citizens should live in dignity.


Is having sex required for pregnancy?


More you earn, more you want.

When does enough money become enough?

Is more money really that fulfilling?


Why are defendants presumed not guilty?

Is this the case in dictatorships?

Is the rule of law important?

Does this separate us from dictatorships?

What is the rule of man?

Does this lead to favourtism, corruption?

Which rule is better for society?


Citan is back at this moment. :P


If you wake with anxiety often,

you need another strategy toward life.

When striving, live should be pleasant.

If in emotional, psychological, academic turmoil,

time to gain perspective with help,

by professional help, be it counselling,

whatever. Remember, all problems are temporary.

Time, perspective are our greatest healer.


Thrive just going with the flow.


Productivity and fulfillment lead to happiness.

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It's a Wynne-win for Ontario Liberals.

(above is quote from CBC online)


Follow those who motivate, inspire you.


Never take path of least resistance.

Go where the facts lead you.

Regardless of obstacles, follow your dreams.


Are six words enough for clarification?

Yes, if you can be concise.

Being too wordy is not necessary.

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both can work, it really depends

on intended effect, sometimes concision clarifies

so saliently, to be more convincing

than obfuscating rhetorical word games

which have a different intended purpose

everything's useful, when style's used judiciously

to match your intended stylistic goal

speeches, letters, satire, inducing empathy, framing

a small list: type, and effect

just two factors one must consider

when deciding upon appropriate, effective style

**** the canon, trust your intuition

it's always worked for me, personally

but then again, like different intentions

stylistic interpretation depends on the individual

not just the reader, most obviously

but the writer as well: personality

imagine president obama ripping off nixon

it would just seem a little off

so in the end, just write

write for yourself, for your audience

for your intent, it's so complicated

that rules don't ever really generalize

my lack of punctuation is intentional

i'm not going completely rogue, iconoclastic

just bringing up the question, why?

why anything? why this nor that?

why trust those who know, inherently

they, like us, trusted the canon

i'd rather see for myself, personally

i've always enjoyed the personalities encountered

in thomas kuhn's writing, no coincidence

anyone who writes about paradigm shifts

is bound to mention people, traits

that i see in myself... narcissism?

not at all, i just wonder

why i'm the way i am

why i share so many traits

with people who induce scientific revolutions

why i'm different, biology or environment

silly me, black and white blasphemy

an algorithim for appraising ideas... silly

you don't even need any inquiry

just simple probability, understanding nuance, complexity

how black and white, can't be

just look at the idiosyncracies, ideologically

and the variations in our phenomenology

anything as transcedental as ontological truth

must result in inter rater validity

in both ideology, and in phenomenology

an idea as silly as phrenology

once the canonized, accepted scientific truth

in fact, pseudoscientific justification for atrocity

sterilization, as well as slavery, see?

everything stays the same, human fallacy

greed, charisma, and the herd mentality

while ideas change, the theme's unchanged

honestly, i use to believe fervently

who am i, to claim implicitly

supercede the mass conformity, that need

for a personality that fits; homogeneity

it's so much easier, swimming downstream

i wouldn't need to work hard

at least not so obscenely masochistically

but when you reach that point

where you know, no longer hope

where that faith in yourself sees

no longer something you follow blindly

because of conviction, of personal necessity

that certainty becomes bliss, masochism's gift

seriously, writing is like guitar riffs

1, 2, 3, 4 5th time

not yet, 6th times a charm

when it becomes intuitive, comes naturally

i'm writing this almost phonologically, well

at least in terms of speed

honestly, i hated those in authority

who preached blasphemy, canonized those ideas

which unknown, even to those experts

the people we call md's, phd

are not only false, whether flagrant

the inclusion of that which misleads

or the exclusion of thoughts, intentionally

for the purpose of, well nevermind

that list could go to infinity

my interest are those little facts

which cause pain and suffering, unknowingly

in the sense that the effect

remains so distant, from those canoinizers

propogating ideas that, recur in history

like the priests denying latin literacy

during the spanish inquisition, for fear

the average person may question doctrine

now that the technocracy, the clergy

lost it's exclusivity in interpreting lithurgy

honestly, sounds like lay people today

trying to read medical texts; language

remains the great barrier to equity

and despite many people's fervent belief

that money seperates the average and elite

money can be attained infinitely, limitlessly

and eventually, it has decreasing utility

knowledge, contrarily, is capital with equity

that grows exponentially, in utiliarian terms

even though, absolutely, growth is linearly

because non-linearity is critical, intellectually

novelty, the ability to see synchronicities

in every discipline, disparate when viewed

by someone who sees singularly, monetarily

monetary only metaphorically, a dimminishing return

is the underlying metaphorical link, see?

but when you learn to think

and to think critically, not oppositionally

but of everything you hear, see

even your own ideas, you see

that you can synthesize quite quickly

that you see similarities, motifs, everywhere

and soon your fluidity, galton right?

the prior leads to the fact

fluid intelligence breeds working memory, wait?

let me question myself here, healthily

yes, verbal fluency, and working memory

those correlate highly with fluid intelligence

to think on your feet, quickly

to make modifications, be synthetic, flexible

instead of confined to cold memory

turns out this allows for integrative superiority

the ability to learn extremely quickly

because of a highly networked interdependent knowledgebase

interlinked, to what seems like infinity

making the integration of new facts

well, lets say, it happens quickly

70 or 60, to those enthusiasts

of the learning pyramids empirical description

of learning style's correlation, with retention

and working memories, ability to fix

problems in fluctuating attention, yeah, seriously

your verbal memory becomes an anchor

to other sensory modalities, making adhd

well, an advantage, over linear thinking

because now those divergent thoughts, well

i find linear thinkers follow them

and forget my original idea, naturally

they just follow the trail, divergently

when you present information so interestingly

and which, at least binarily speaking

remain linked, it's inoticable, thinking linearly

to notice, how much, we've diverged

from our original topic, almost completely

until i use my phonological memory

to trace back to where i started

and they're astounded, now let's ask?

relatively, rather than normatively speaking

which one of use has adhd

because, linearity, is limited in capacity

at least in it's working memory

and hence capacity to see novelty

i love the shock people express

when they realize how two things

which seem so disparate, align relationally

still remember my original point, silly?

that challenging the norm, overcomming adversity

is at first challenging, almost masochistically

but eventually, probabilistically, you learn certainty

that very few can keep up

to those abilities inspired by empathy

and nurtured by necessity, from adversity

losing my belief in authority, implcitity

to be anti-establishmentarian a priori

would be to become those ideologues

the ones that i mean to critique

now going back further, remember still?

black and white thinkers, how dismissive

i am, without even hearing

their certainty, they're almost like shills

see, using esoteric, academic language kills

like a pill, for every ill

idioms, cultural relics, slang, ****, vulgarity

it juxtaposes extreme intellect, emphasizing emotion

since it's so out of place

and so direct, so **** it

**** it all, unlearn everything known

and relearn it, not via faith

but by your own conviction, conclussions

don't fall victim to easy illusion

the reward is high, buy in

just believe the paradigm, no questions

whether were wrong, right... to fight

means to suffer, to overcome plight

but undergoing this challenge, get ready

because after pushing yourself this hard

you're not going to the bank

you're ready to take flight, ignite!

because shades of grey, are bland

but project a life so bright

the things money can never buy

why would i trade sure riches

for what to most is risk

well, after a while, you push

to the point, that certainties limitations

are something boring, to those fortunate

to have a vocation, quite amazing

it seem like i'm almost insane

but the time it took me

to write this, well lets say

im after much more than amazing

and i'm risk averse, to me

this is as certain, say as...

a ccfp membership means 250k, certain

but like f_d said, money, respect

well, i get bored really easily

and because i'm risk averse, masochistic

because i also enjoy certainty, guarantees

the stage, the curtain, that's certain

and as a bonus, money's certain



Are six words enough for clarification?

Yes, if you can be concise.

Being too wordy is not necessary.

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Why is sixth time a charm?

Indeed, why anything you may ask.

The reply potentially is: Why not?

Why makes the world go round.

It didn't just kill the cat.

Curiosity is the root of knowledge.

If we didn't bother to explore

the known boundaries, discovering that beyond

how boring life would we for us.

We enjoy expanding horizons, learning more.


Being precise and concise is good

for the writer and reader too.


Don't surrender hope. Life gets better.


Rising from defeat is character building.

Relentlessness for the goal is required.


Cannot build a relationship without trust.


Interviews round the corner for many.

Some thought this would never happen.

Those rejected, your chance will come.

Just stay faithful to your dream


Team spirit embodies more than winning,

it's how you play the game.

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