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Try to meet Western "special year" criteria?

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I am doing an extra year of undergrad courses to (hopefully) get my 2nd strong year of GPA. As you may or may not know, that would make me eligible for Western and Queens since they will consider top 2 years of GPA. how much should I go out of my way to meet Western criteria?

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I think the other schools won't care at all but Western will of course (pretty easy to see a first year course floating around on a 5th year etc). Particularly if it is a course like bio 101 which the first required core biology course.


Queens will consider your last two years - Western is the best two year one.


hmmm with an engineering background it is pretty hard to get a lot of those 2nd year no rereq courses due to the structure of those programs (if I am remembering things correctly). I suppose that this point you have actually graduated right?


Hey guys,

I am doing an extra year of undergrad courses to (hopefully) get my 2nd strong year of GPA. As you may or may not know, that would make me eligible for Western and Queens since they will consider top 2 years of GPA.


Also, you may know that Western has a set of rules for courses in an extra/5th/non-degree year:

no 1st year courses

no 2nd year courses without prerequisites


Well I am finding that I really need to take some 1st year courses so that I am not overwhelmed (I did my undergrad in engineering, and I am taking these new courses in biology/science). Also many easy sounding courses are 2nd year without prerequisites.


So my question is: how much should I go out of my way to meet Western criteria?


At the end of the day I need to try to get a high GPA. If I do that taking 1st year courses and 2nd year bird courses, it will still bode well for me for Queens, US schools, Australia, etc.


Or do you think all these schools will find something funny with me taking "Bio 101" and western is the only school that clearly states it?

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hmmm with an engineering background it is pretty hard to get a lot of those 2nd year no rereq courses due to the structure of those programs (if I am remembering things correctly). I suppose that this point you have actually graduated right?


not sure what you mean by this...


What I meant was that say an arts degree will have a billion second year courses all depnding on you taking one or two first year courses. Like say PSYCH 101 letting you take at least 10 different 2nd year coures - you are never going to take all of those leaving a pile left over for something like a special year. In engineering because it is a professional program there just isn't that same flexibility.

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