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2011 Interview Discussion

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IMO, 50 interviewees posting on premed101 is a BIG number. McMaster may have had a higher amount of people posting but they have the most applicants by FAR.


I feel that all the interview invitations that have been sent are the only ones that should have been sent. I wish this wasn't the case as I didn't get an interview but I'm trying to be realistic. Obviously, I could be wrong...


EDIT: I guess I was wrong =P


Ya, I was trying to get a handle on how much use of pm101 forums has grown in the last year, because there were only ~60 some invites posted on last years thread. Last year's interview discussion thread had 315 posts and 46,000+ page views. This years discussion thread already has 537 posts and 73,000+ page views. Now admittedly, this morning's kerfuffle will have inflated those numbers somewhat, but I think that last years applicants would have also been neurotically hitting refresh over a longer period of time, as Queen's actually did post the invites in a rolling fashion over a period of weeks. Take it for what it's worth, but I believe them when they say that they're not done with the invitations. If anything, I would guess that they intended to release them all today, but then had much work to do after the initial screw up and never made it to the 2nd batch. Or perhaps there weren't batches at all and they just were going to go through the list of invites until they finished, but once they realized they were sending rejections to the wrong pile they had to stop and sort it all out.

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I heard theres people got interviews with Q, 9PS, 9BS....of course it appears they've stuck with 10VR...the one section I need to have dropped :P


What do people think the MCAT Cutoff is? I've seen a variety of scores. I'm curious because my 9PS, 10BS, 12VR, WS- R is kind of borderline I guess.
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What do people think the MCAT Cutoff is? I've seen a variety of scores. I'm curious because my 9PS, 10BS, 12VR, WS- R is kind of borderline I guess.


Judging by those who posted today, I think you should be ok in terms of your mcat score, but who knows how exactly the ABS and LORS play into all this. Given the flexibility of these cut offs this cycle I feel like their going to be interviewing well over 500 applicants, this compounded with the very low number of seats (100) doesn't seem so promising even if one is invited for an interview.

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not to stress anyone out but I heard from someone in Queens med that they've decided to interview less people this year...I think they are aiming for 400


Judging by those who posted today, I think you should be ok in terms of your mcat score, but who knows how exactly the ABS and LORS play into all this. Given the flexibility of these cut offs this cycle I feel like their going to be interviewing well over 500 applicants, this compounded with the very low number of seats (100) doesn't seem so promising even if one is invited for an interview.
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Judging by those who posted today, I think you should be ok in terms of your mcat score, but who knows how exactly the ABS and LORS play into all this. Given the flexibility of these cut offs this cycle I feel like their going to be interviewing well over 500 applicants, this compounded with the very low number of seats (100) doesn't seem so promising even if one is invited for an interview.


that's true....but I think the waitlist has been shown to move quite a bit in previous years.

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Someone with a 12/12/12 R and a 3.87 GPA just got rejected. He/she meets all the cutoffs so it is thought that the ABS and references had some part in the process of picking interviewees. I am really paranoid so here is what I think: some of the interview candidates selected yesterday were not meant to be selected; they were given interviews to avoid embarrassment and excess calls/work. Those individuals are marked and despite having an interview are inevitably going to be rejected. Everyone who got nothing yesterday will receive what they were intended to receive today OR maybe I am just crazy.


Seek help.

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Someone with a 12/12/12 R and a 3.87 GPA just got rejected. He/she meets all the cutoffs so it is thought that the ABS and references had some part in the process of picking interviewees. I am really paranoid so here is what I think: some of the interview candidates selected yesterday were not meant to be selected; they were given interviews to avoid embarrassment and excess calls/work. Those individuals are marked and despite having an interview are inevitably going to be rejected. Everyone who got nothing yesterday will receive what they were intended to receive today OR maybe I am just crazy.


Haha. I think the people who got interviews yesterday would be inclined to disagree with you. A lot of them had good stats too, so I doubt that is the case

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Someone with a 12/12/12 R and a 3.87 GPA just got rejected. He/she meets all the cutoffs so it is thought that the ABS and references had some part in the process of picking interviewees. I am really paranoid so here is what I think: some of the interview candidates selected yesterday were not meant to be selected; they were given interviews to avoid embarrassment and excess calls/work. Those individuals are marked and despite having an interview are inevitably going to be rejected. Everyone who got nothing yesterday will receive what they were intended to receive today OR maybe I am just crazy.




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Someone with a 12/12/12 R and a 3.87 GPA just got rejected. He/she meets all the cutoffs so it is thought that the ABS and references had some part in the process of picking interviewees. I am really paranoid so here is what I think: some of the interview candidates selected yesterday were not meant to be selected; they were given interviews to avoid embarrassment and excess calls/work. Those individuals are marked and despite having an interview are inevitably going to be rejected. Everyone who got nothing yesterday will receive what they were intended to receive today OR maybe I am just crazy.


I'm gonna go ahead and state that your speculation is probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

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man, I need a barf bag. I barely had any sleep yesterday. I was a happy guy until the start of this week. I have always been pessimistic about everything - it makes me really slow because I keep doubting myself. Those are not good qualities for medical school so I must change.


Ya. Chill out.

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