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Morning exams

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I was looking at my exam schedule and i have 4/6 (overload) of my exams in the morning. I was wondering what time do you prefer to write exams?


I like night exams so i study all day and then write the exam. My sleeping patterns are going to be so messed up, mind you I am planning to start to study for exams right now.

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I was looking at my exam schedule and i have 4/6 (overload) of my exams in the morning. I was wondering what time do you prefer to write exams?


I like night exams so i study all day and then write the exam. My sleeping patterns are going to be so messed up, mind you I am planning to start to study for exams right now.


I am not a morning person! I hate morning exams. But I don't like night exams either, I just feel like they are a pain. I like afternoon exams the best. I'm sharpest in the afternoon.

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I am not a morning person! I hate morning exams. But I don't like night exams either, I just feel like they are a pain. I like afternoon exams the best. I'm sharpest in the afternoon.


I don't like exams. period. lol. But really, my exam schedule is horrible this term. Have three on the same day, two are back to back, and stupid school is not making accommodations (unless I make a petition for a make-up exam, which is usually 10X harder). :mad:

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I hate morning exams as well...


I find that getting up a bit earlier than you usually would helps. Say your exam is at 9AM and you would usually get up at 7:00 in order to get there on time with some time to go over things. Get up at like 6:15AM. Get yourself to bed at an appropriate time as well. Not too early or you won't fall asleep, but just head straight to bed when you feel tired. Wake yourself up and eat something. Really get yourself up to the point that you are alert. Then review on the way to school and I usually get there about an hour early to go over stuff.


Obviously it's not the ideal set up - you would want like 3-4 more hours to go over stuff, but you just have to study the night before, plus get a good night's sleep to consolidate the stuff you learned.

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i always have this debate with a friend of mine, he goes to bed early and wakes up 4 hours before the exam to study, i usually just study as late as i can and wake up an hour before the exam, otherwise i think i'd be asleep by the time the exam came


I hate morning exams as well...


I find that getting up a bit earlier than you usually would helps. Say your exam is at 9AM and you would usually get up at 7:00 in order to get there on time with some time to go over things. Get up at like 6:15AM. Get yourself to bed at an appropriate time as well. Not too early or you won't fall asleep, but just head straight to bed when you feel tired. Wake yourself up and eat something. Really get yourself up to the point that you are alert. Then review on the way to school and I usually get there about an hour early to go over stuff.


Obviously it's not the ideal set up - you would want like 3-4 more hours to go over stuff, but you just have to study the night before, plus get a good night's sleep to consolidate the stuff you learned.

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Last semester I decided I would sleep during the day and stay awake at night to prepare for my morning exam. It did not work out too well.

Morning exams are awful. Thankfully this semester I was blessed with only 4 final exams (One kines class doesn't have a final) which are all 3-4 days apart and only one in the morning.

3:30pm exams are best.

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I don't like exams. period. lol. But really, my exam schedule is horrible this term. Have three on the same day, two are back to back, and stupid school is not making accommodations (unless I make a petition for a make-up exam, which is usually 10X harder). :mad:


Yeah I hate my exam schedule too. 3 exams within 2 days. I don't know why I always have bad luck when it comes to the exam schedule.

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I was looking at my exam schedule and i have 4/6 (overload) of my exams in the morning. I was wondering what time do you prefer to write exams?


I like night exams so i study all day and then write the exam. My sleeping patterns are going to be so messed up, mind you I am planning to start to study for exams right now.


i like exams at night. Ideally from 6-830 or 7 to 930.

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I HATE early exams. 3/5 of mine are at 8:30 this semester. I just find it hard to wake up for 8:30 class... getting up for a 60% final at 8:30 just blows. 11:30 is my favourite, because you have a little time to review, but you aren't waiting around the whole day to get the stupid thing done.

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I hate hate hate morning exams (and midterms).


I'm totally lazy with studying so usually I end up studying all the material the day before till about 10-ish at night ( i never do all-nighters -i figure when I'm tired i don't absorb the information right) then I wake up at about 3 or 4 in the morning get to university by 5 am and study for 3-4 hours till the morning exam.


Evening exams (and midterms) are good though.


I get to sleep in ( i usually skip all my other classes that day) and just study all the material that day. I have a bad habit of waiting till the last minute, but it works for me. I couldn't stand studying a little bit at a time everyday, It it just not my style.

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I like afternoon exams... I usually won't get enough sleep if it's early (and when I say early, I mean before 1pm or so lol)... and if it's too late, I just end up wasting time half-studying throughout the day... good cramming for me requires a sleep after the cram, so I can wake up with everything magically consolidated... mid-afternoon, 1 to 4, can get a good long sleep, eat, and then write and have the night off

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Don't care either way. I'm almost always up by 8am latest (usually 7am) so morning exams are not a problem.


I also got the best schedule ever this semester with 4 exams spaced out almost evenly over 3 weeks. The pleasures of research courses (no exam) :D!

Most people I know at my campus have very good schedules this term(an usual occurance at utsc!)

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Don't care either way. I'm almost always up by 8am latest (usually 7am) so morning exams are not a problem.


I also got the best schedule ever this semester with 4 exams spaced out almost evenly over 3 weeks. The pleasures of research courses (no exam) :D!

Most people I know at my campus have very good schedules this term(an usual occurance at utsc!)


glad to see it's not just me! Sleeping in for me is like 9am, lol.


Morning exams are not that horrible for me either, I just love the amount of time I have to review for exams that are at like 2pm.

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