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Umm. BOTH. If it is late evening I love sleeping with the window open at night to hear the rain. But sunny mornings are awesome and love waking up to them.


If you could live anywhere in Canada where would you live and why?


Right here. I love PEI, absolutely love it. This is home. It's beautiful, the pace of life is slower here, I love having the ocean just minutes away, not dealing with big city stuff. I love that my community has more cows than people, and that when I buy produce, it was grown down the road from me. I love that my accent isn't considered an accent here, and that ceilidhs and kitchen parties are still considered the way to hang out. There's no place like home. :)


If you could get into any school of your choice, for any program *but* medicine, where would you go and for what?

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Right here. I love PEI, absolutely love it. This is home. It's beautiful, the pace of life is slower here, I love having the ocean just minutes away, not dealing with big city stuff. I love that my community has more cows than people, and that when I buy produce, it was grown down the road from me. I love that my accent isn't considered an accent here, and that ceilidhs and kitchen parties are still considered the way to hang out. There's no place like home. :)


If you could get into any school of your choice, for any program *but* medicine, where would you go and for what?


Probably Uvic for a doctorate in psychology.


If you could travel to any place in the world for work purposes and for vacation purposes what would it be.

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Probably Uvic for a doctorate in psychology.


If you could travel to any place in the world for work purposes and for vacation purposes what would it be.


I would love to see the Yale medical library, it's on my bucket list! So, New Haven. And at that point, I sort of envision myself doing some sort of neuro research and presenting at a conference.

^^ first thing that came to mind! NYC would be great too


Favourite day of the week?

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I would love to see the Yale medical library, it's on my bucket list! So, New Haven. And at that point, I sort of envision myself doing some sort of neuro research and presenting at a conference.

^^ first thing that came to mind! NYC would be great too


Favourite day of the week?




Favourite car company?

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In common terms, hedonism is regarded as a pursuit of and satisfaction with "base" pleasures. In that sense, I am not a hedonist. But in the classical sense, hedonism is regarded as a pursuit of pleasure in a view to happiness. In most hedonistic theories, the only currency of happiness is seen as pleasure (happiness=pleasure). In that sense I may be hedonistic.


What is your favourite cheese?

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In common terms, hedonism is regarded as a pursuit of and satisfaction with "base" pleasures. In that sense, I am not a hedonist. But in the classical sense, hedonism is regarded as a pursuit of pleasure in a view to happiness. In most hedonistic theories, the only currency of happiness is seen as pleasure (happiness=pleasure). In that sense I may be hedonistic.


What is your favourite cheese?




Favourite dessert?

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yeah, can't go wrong with sinatra once in a while. def not on my reg playlist but when he's on it's a treat for sure. amsterdam, paris or berlin have to be my top 3 on the place to live. i haven't seen much of asia or south america though, so you never know till you try. i'd love to live in cali or van, pref van in terms of north america...


u.s. laws scare me too much, i know i'm white and educated so possession with the intent to distribute means rehab for me... because you know, sometimes you're too lazy to visit opiate capital of the us, florida, drop 500 for 3 months oxycodone, drive down to mexico to get a mexican docs nafta protected prescription for desoxyn (medical meth in a pill), xanax, or... anything, sometimes you forget magic mushrooms in your car too, and being pulled over when they're dry versus fresh is the difference between jail time and no crime, besides, nyse traded express scripts have doctors on the line ready to serve your narcotic needs, who needs marijuana, express scripts can write you a prescription for marinol (thc in a pill) to induce hunger inhibited by my add treatment (inducing hunger is an indication, modafinil is an indication for shift adjustment disorder (aka, working shift work... it's not sociogenic, it's in the dsm, sorry officers) lol... kinda contra the ghetto, ethinic minority 5-10 minimum with an additional life you get from going nuts eventually living with hard criminals and stabbing someone after finally snapping because american prisons are worse than some pow camps, that's why you follow the educated persons rules for buying government regulated psychoactive drugs from jaansen, shire, lily and support u.s. business... buying cia cocaine cuts into private prison profits, legal bureaucratic profits (you could be making money off 5 people with the investment cost of losing to me, and they'd go to jail, i'm not an economical prosecution, heh, I mean I divert resources from creating a more just society... nothing to do with border patrol funding, military arms, submarines, man power funding (afghanistans poppies fund terrorism, arghh), police seizure profits, corrections industry of course, legal bureaucracy, and cia profits on importing cocaine obviously. like, you know, inflation, devaluation of your money... people like us don't understand, but the experts on cnbc talk about it being a hidden tax, well, one does, but you did the one guy with an opposing view so you can seem impartial and authoritive, right? anyhoo, so are drugs... lawyer spends 70 bucks on a dollar worth of coke, lawyer wont complain because of illegality... much profit goes back to cia... hidden tax, just like 6 bucks worth of my adderall xr, and 30 cents of my dexedrine ir is worth 40 and 10 on campus if i was inclined (i'm not, but you don't have to be to know what goes on, and when ppl text you at 1 am before their test, lol, people i don't know (someone obviously mentioned i have a friend of a friend thing))... but why would you do that (not take the traditional, legal means to obtaining pharmaceutical grade orally administrated meth (which is actually very safe (think first pass, purity, extended release, dosing differences, peak plasma concentration (huge effect on tolerance, which is why i'm trying to lobby to get xr formulations covered by blue cross, ir formulations have such a spike in c-max and rapid change in cerebral blood flow, plus abuse potential (few xr meds are insulfatable, all ir ones are) bioavailability differences between them, pharmacokinetic variability)). overall, street product purchases are unpatriotic and deserving of jail time! instead of stealing t3's, do codeine extraction, or use trypsin to extract lysine off vyvanse, then inject into heaven... there's even delsym diabetic for you dissociative anesthetic lovers... finally di-fluoro substiutited phenylamine backbone "research chemicals" are more dopaminergic than amphetamine, final tip: working long hours, coffee not doing it? why spend 200 a month on modafinil or 200 on straterra, adrafinil can be shipped to your door from france in a week, 45 min of metabolic magic and you have modafinil, reboxatine's like the straterra... except well, cheaper


haha, what a tangent that was, guess i got frustrated at the stratification in how we target our ethics, belief systems, and laws.


so yeah, the law can be interesting (anything can be interesting for real! everytime i hear that's an anomaly from people I think that's because most people thinking not following convention and avoiding it makes it an anomaly... my buddies a lawyer and the head of greenpeace here.


i'm not a huge greenpeace dude, but i always laugh when people say the law (or profession x in general is boring) it is for a lot of law jobs, because most law students self select based on personality and choose boring respectable jobs (same with medicine, although because of the variety in specialty choice I'd say much less so)... bay street sounds glamorous, but the whole suit, and looking for minutia in 200 page documents to screw people everyday doesn't seem fun to me, but doing the same thing to help an innocent person is just well, kind of like some boring medical procedures: the process is tedious, the results are thrilling.


i'd so much rather do something that serves people, i don't need a suit or cocktail party to enjoy work. besides, no bull**** for me, if there's anything i can't stand it's people who pretend to be something they're not, i was at a party full of lawyers couple weeks ago and omg, i'm sorry... being a lawyer doesn't mean the woman you're objectifying wants to cheat on her husband to be with you, and what's with suit, it's a party guy. i know suits are important when you want to convince lay people you're not an overpaid librarian and help with the self esteem, but please leave it at work and have fun, talking about work doesn't convince chicks you're doing important work (haha, venting, but yeah, all comes back to the something you're not thing... obviously appearance plays some role, but like, huge secret, the best way to look important and competant and be competant is to be competant, and no 2000 dollar suit will convince people you're good for more than 5 minutes.


So question, why do people fake things to impress people, people find out eventually, even sig others. I guess I looked bad for 2 minutes not wearing a suit in a party full of male lawyers looking to pick up chicks, until i spoke, then it's like, yeah, i'm sorry, cockblocking isn't my thing, but obnoxious professionals ignore me to no end, everyone at the party thinks you're a tool, and making fun of my hurley shorts means i'll vicariously let everyone shut you up in a couple minutes, because well, if i did law, i wouldn't work for atco or do it to pick up one night stands... because unlike you, i dislike rather than admire pretentious people, and don't think being an x means anything impressive, unless you're top 2-3 percent shut up... also, don't assume everyone here wan't to **** you, they don't... not to be elitist, but finish top 5 u of t, not have to kiss ass, and do something you enjoy, while making money, and don't be a douche, and you'll be much cooler and impressive, cause i hate people who brag about being a x professional... i compete with myself, so i don't like to brag, no one cares what i do anyways, but seriously, if i did your progream, i want top 3, will make more money than you not having rbc tatooed on my ass, plus not be a douche, i'm also kind of really fun, so stfu, and don't call drug addicts scum, unless you want a biological, historical, and legal spanking, cause yeah, the average person can't put you in your place, but i love doing it for them.


anyhoo, yeah, i obviously have an identity thing, i expect the best of myself, but prefer the company of normal people (i don't like hanging with professionals usually, i prefer ecclectic people (i.e. pharmacists who also go to burning man, play soccer... just balance instead of this monolithic rigid personality), but my aspirations lean toward the professions)... which is a bit of a problem.


so question is, if you're in premed, do you prefer premeds or non premed, if you're in med, med students or other friends, feel free to respond if your in dent or anything else either.



same city i am currently in. if i wanted to be somewhere else i would work towards that, but i like where i am right now.


do you like frank sinatra

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not as bad as being between two fat people on a plane ride, lol, omg!


i find it annoying, i honestly just stand up, since i prefer it to sitting usually.


which two posters do you think would make a theoretically good couple, lol :P


A cat of a crazy old cat lady.


How do you feel when there is a fat person next to you on the bus/subway and they are crossing the seat line, thus reducing your amount of space?

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not as bad as being between two fat people on a plane ride, lol, omg!


i find it annoying, i honestly just stand up, since i prefer it to sitting usually.


which two posters do you think would make a theoretically good couple, lol :P


It's a no brainer hahaha, AtomSmasher and brooksbane hands down. They're meant for each other (all in good fun of course).


If you could spend one day with any professional athlete, who would it be?

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It's a no brainer hahaha, AtomSmasher and brooksbane hands down. They're meant for each other (all in good fun of course).


If you could spend one day with any professional athlete, who would it be?


A gymnast without question... probably Eva Kanaeva.


How many hours do you spend on the computer in your leisure time?

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Dentistry? I mean it WAS my first choice back then, but the thought of looking at open mouths (with possibly weird/rotten stuff inside) made me change my mind :(


Do you think you have enough sleep everyday? (Not necessarily 8hrs, enough to get you going for the rest of the day):)


During the summer - yes.

During the school year - NEVER.


How often do you eat out?

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