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I'm not crossing. And no, I don't think you can cross for some but not others lol


Here's quote I found that someone's prof wrote to his students:



Dun gone ahead and pulled out the sacrosanct!



That prof should be fired for incredibly poor reasoning.


What if someone passes day 1 and is uneducated on union matters. Picketers speak with them and they decide they don't want to pass again?


What if someone passes on day one and then realizes it is unsafe because of hostile picketers or drivers?

There are plenty of logical alternatives. Shame that someone gets tenure, but can't pass intro to critical reasoning.

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That prof should be fired for incredibly poor reasoning.


What if someone passes day 1 and is uneducated on union matters. Picketers speak with them and they decide they don't want to pass again?


What if someone passes on day one and then realizes it is unsafe because of hostile picketers or drivers?

There are plenty of logical alternatives. Shame that someone gets tenure, but can't pass intro to critical reasoning.


His entire email was:



Students cannot be penalized for not crossing a picket line. I would assume however that if a student shows up for even one lecture during this timeframe that they in fact do not hold sacrosanct the picket lines and instead are using it as an excuse to get out of work. If this is the case I will freely level penalties if they need to be levelled. If a student did not wish to cross the lines, I assume I would not see them at all until such time as the action is over. However, class will be continuing. What the provision will be for those that do not participate in the group presentation due to the strike has not yet been determined, but they cannot be penalized. However, since classes are continuing and I assume exams will be held, they are still going to be responsible for the work in absentia, since all of the information is provided to them. They will put yourself in a difficult position, even if we do not penalize them in any form.

They are still liable for doing the assignments; they don’t need to cross picket lines to submit those, so in my opinion they are unaffected by the strike. The lectures are still available online. It is up to each student to decide whether or not they wish to let theirgroup members down by this stance and not participating in the delivery of the in-class presentation. As for what may be happening in other classes that have tutorials taught by those that are still on strike, I have no idea. Sorry.
Unless you have strong philosophical reasons for not crossing, I would just give yourself some extra time to get here.
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His entire email was:


He takes for granted the reason for someone not crossing a picket line is due to a philosophical position. IIRC, senate policy doesn't say anything about why someone crosses or doesn't cross.


He should actually be fired.


edit: Anyways, Im going to cross the lines. I don't trust the school and I don't trust some of my profs.

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