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damn got rejected from three US schools =(


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Which schools and what stats if you dont mind me asking.


Im no expert, but from what I have seen on SDN, the US is more MCAT oriented, and some schools are not too fond of canadian applicants. The ones that dont mind canadian applicants, are usually pretty expensive (i.e Wayne).

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3.65 cGPA (American), 35Q

Rejected from BU, North Carolina, Maryland


rejections came few weeks ago actually...somehow I overlooked emails from these schools until today (out of avoidance, just assumed it was generic newsletter-esque email)


how many did you apply to? US schools can be a numbers game, so your odds are good of getting in SOMEWHERE if you applied to like 20 schools.

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Expect to get rejected from a lot, every US school gets like a zillion applicants, and as a non-US applicant, your chances are already slim even without taking that into consideration. If you apply to 10+, you should expect an interview somewhere, though.


Don't all private schools basically treat everyone equally? american or canadian.

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Sorry to hear that. I've been getting the rejections myself, and they're not pleasant. Just got rejected from Brown today. Got rejected from Virginia on Monday, before that Stanford, Cornell, and 6 or 7 other ones.


Being Canadian definitely puts us at a disadvantage. Even private schools seem to have a bias.


Applying this late in the game puts us at a disadvantage (I applied in October, which is late as well).


And the combination thereof, being Canadian and applying this late in the game is a very bad combination ..... think synergistic effect.


I feel your pain. Good luck with the rest of your applications. Do you have other applications outstanding?

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Sorry to hear that. I've been getting the rejections myself, and they're not pleasant. Just got rejected from Brown today. Got rejected from Virginia on Monday, before that Stanford, Cornell, and 6 or 7 other ones.


Being Canadian definitely puts us at a disadvantage. Even private schools seem to have a bias.


Applying this late in the game puts us at a disadvantage (I applied in October, which is late as well).


And the combination thereof, being Canadian and applying this late in the game is a very bad combination ..... think synergistic effect.


I feel your pain. Good luck with the rest of your applications. Do you have other applications outstanding?


I would saythe biggest factor in your case would have been applying late. It's a huge deal for americans, so obviously it's as big of a deal for canadians. Especially for any rejections you have gotten from private schools.

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I would saythe biggest factor in your case would have been applying late. It's a huge deal for americans, so obviously it's as big of a deal for canadians. Especially for any rejections you have gotten from private schools.


Are you sure about this private school making Canadians equal as Americans thing? i for some reason have never heard of such a thing so find it hard to believe.

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Not all private schools are created equal. Some private schools actually get some state funding so they have to favor in-staters (Med Col of Wisc, and some others) and even favor Americans.


All private schools are not for profit, so the education at each is considered equivalent. There is one for profit DO school.


It's not easy to get into a US school as a Canadian. When I applied 10 years ago, I applied to 30 (some were reach schools that I had no chance for like UCLA, UCSF), interviewed at 8, accepted at 2. And I had pretty good stats too. Key is to apply broadly.

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yeah US is a numbers game.

when i applied 6.5 years ago - i was also "late" and got my secondaries submitted from sept - nov.


applied to 12, interviewed at 3, accepted at 3. but my list wasn't full of harvard-esque schools. i had 3 top schools, 2-3 "low tier" and the rest were some where inbetween. there tend to be some "canadian friendly" schools and the schools I chose to apply to consisted mostly of those.


I also looked at MSAR carefully and made sure that the school wasn't "US citizen/permanent resident only" and that my stats were above avg for that school. Being Canadian, having avg or below avg stats just puts you at that much more of a disadvantage.


Hang in there.

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Are you sure about this private school making Canadians equal as Americans thing? i for some reason have never heard of such a thing so find it hard to believe.


It's what I've always heard, but it'll vary a bit of course. A majority of private schools should consider all equal.

I do know a couple people who got into MD schools in the US after being rejected all over Ontario. And lets remember in the US your GPA needs to be above a 3.5 (like a 3.6) to give you a solid chance. In the meantime in Canada, 3.8 is needed for the same chance (just from a GPA standpoint). And also they favour the MCAT a lot more than in Canada, so I would think it'll just vary a lot from applicant to applicant.

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yeah US is a numbers game.

when i applied 6.5 years ago - i was also "late" and got my secondaries submitted from sept - nov.


applied to 12, interviewed at 3, accepted at 3. but my list wasn't full of harvard-esque schools. i had 3 top schools, 2-3 "low tier" and the rest were some where inbetween. there tend to be some "canadian friendly" schools and the schools I chose to apply to consisted mostly of those.


I also looked at MSAR carefully and made sure that the school wasn't "US citizen/permanent resident only" and that my stats were above avg for that school. Being Canadian, having avg or below avg stats just puts you at that much more of a disadvantage.


Hang in there.

What were your stats if you don't mind me asking? GPA and Mcat? and which schools?

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