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Scary, Mean Pre-Meds


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I've read a lot about them, but I still haven't met one. Everyone I've met is really nice and willing to help out with whatever and I'm pretty sure most are med school hopefuls.


I really want to meet one, just for kicks... because they're sounding like a mythical creature to me right now. I study at McGill btw.

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Wow, I haven't been nearly as lucky as you. I go to McMaster and there are definitely many nice people, but there's always some *****y girls who don't want to help you out, but expect help from you. Really really fake and complete users.


I tend to never talk to them again after I figure this out.

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I've read a lot about them, but I still haven't met one. Everyone I've met is really nice and willing to help out with whatever and I'm pretty sure most are med school hopefuls.


I really want to meet one, just for kicks... because they're sounding like a mythical creature to me right now. I study at McGill btw.


Same here, although im in a program where most people are aiming for med, I have yet to come across one of these "gunners". There sort of an understanding amongst students in my program to help each other out, if someone has an edge they usually share it with everyone else.


Maybe this is more common in the US? who knows.

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I've read a lot about them, but I still haven't met one. Everyone I've met is really nice and willing to help out with whatever and I'm pretty sure most are med school hopefuls.


I really want to meet one, just for kicks... because they're sounding like a mythical creature to me right now. I study at McGill btw.


I didn't get to meet one until third year... trust me its not fun... I try to avoid him now but yet can't... its too late :(

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Same here, although im in a program where most people are aiming for med, I have yet to come across one of these "gunners". There sort of an understanding amongst students in my program to help each other out, if someone has an edge they usually share it with everyone else.


Maybe this is more common in the US? who knows.


If I had an edge I would never willingly give it out to people, although I would definitely share it if anyone cared to ask. But there are actually people here who load up their notes, solutions and other resources on discussion boards without being asked or even expecting any thanks - quite shocking imo.

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The biggest "gunner" I've had the misfortune of meeting so far has been person X (I really don't know his name). Aside from all the usual gunner stuff (sitting in the front row of every single class, seriously this guy must camp out overnight)- here are some peculiar experiences with person X:

-He offered to pay our BIO lab TA to tutor him for CHEM! I felt awkward just watching that from afar

My lovely lab partner for said bio class, thought it would be hilarious to give my phone number fo person X, so that person X could call me on a friday night and have me explain to him for 45 minutes how to do some calculations for a lab. (I'm putting this down as an EC when I apply)

As you may have already guessed, person X, despite being a gunner, is not too bright, so he'll probably never get into med school anyways ( and I take comfort in that).

This thread's title should be Scary, mean, and ANNOYING premeds, so that my story will be relevant :D

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The biggest "gunner" I've had the misfortune of meeting so far has been person X (I really don't know his name). Aside from all the usual gunner stuff (sitting in the front row of every single class, seriously this guy must camp out overnight)- here are some peculiar experiences with person X:

-He offered to pay our BIO lab TA to tutor him for CHEM! I felt awkward just watching that from afar

My lovely lab partner for said bio class, thought it would be hilarious to give my phone number fo person X, so that person X could call me on a friday night and have me explain to him for 45 minutes how to do some calculations for a lab. (I'm putting this down as an EC when I apply)

As you may have already guessed, person X, despite being a gunner, is not too bright, so he'll probably never get into med school anyways ( and I take comfort in that).

This thread's title should be Scary, mean, and ANNOYING premeds, so that my story will be relevant :D


Usually I consider gunners to be only the ones who try to succeed at the intentional expense or failure of others. Probably there's more to it, but there's nothing you said about person X that would make me consider him to be a gunner, or even dislike him really, unless he called you and asked for help in a forceful way. The picture you gave me is just of someone who tries really hard, probably too hard, but I would never hold it against someone for being a keener.

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Wow, I haven't been nearly as lucky as you. I go to McMaster and there are definitely many nice people, but there's always some *****y girls who don't want to help you out, but expect help from you. Really really fake and complete users.


I tend to never talk to them again after I figure this out.


Ugh I hate people like that. I'll be a *****y girl if you do nothing but ask for my help because you're too lazy to do things on your own aha.

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lol this site is the closest I've been to a premed

how does everyone meet these people? I'm sure there were people in my bio and chem that were aiming for medicine, but I haven't heard them say anything about it

out of curiosity, do people here have friends who are also wanting to go into medicine? )


This site was the closest you've been to a premed? oh so wrong.

Assume everyone in biology is a premed, it's likely.

Especially anyone whose major is "biomedical science"- Definitely a PREMED!

I'd say it's fair to assume that most people are gunning for some kind of professional program- dent, med, physio, pharmacy etc med being the most common one

Out of everyone I've met at york there was only one guy that wanted a PHD in bio

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This site was the closest you've been to a premed? oh so wrong.

Assume everyone in biology is a premed, it's likely.

Especially anyone whose major is "biomedical science"- Definitely a PREMED!

I'd say it's fair to assume that most people are gunning for some kind of professional program- dent, med, physio, pharmacy etc med being the most common one

Out of everyone I've met at york there was only one guy that wanted a PHD in bio


I think it is safe to say I am the only premed in chemical engineering at my school. :D

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Always curious about the term premed. Is a premed just someone who wants to go to med school?


If so, then i want to go to mars so i'm premars. Oh and i wan a new M5 so i'm prem5 too


I would say wants and is actively pursuing it - so to be pre mars you would have to be doing what you can to get into the space program. If you are doing that - well that would be cool :)

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I would say wants and is actively pursuing it - so to be pre mars you would have to be doing what you can to get into the space program. If you are doing that - well that would be cool :)


I got my tinfoil hat so i'm finitely in the active category. Oh and i'm retraining my body's oxygen and nutritional needs to. I should be all set soon!


I think with the flux capacitor i'm building, i should have the travel means soon as well. Anyone want a ride? We can be premars'ers together!

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This site was the closest you've been to a premed? oh so wrong.

Assume everyone in biology is a premed, it's likely.

Especially anyone whose major is "biomedical science"- Definitely a PREMED!

I'd say it's fair to assume that most people are gunning for some kind of professional program- dent, med, physio, pharmacy etc med being the most common one

Out of everyone I've met at york there was only one guy that wanted a PHD in bio


I mean to say that I haven't met anyone who has actually identified themself as a premed or wanting to go into medicine and definitely haven't met any 'cutthroat' or whatever people in uni that want to go into medicine

You are really the only person I know and met @ York that wants to go into medicine and thankfully you are extremely nice and helpful (and smart :) )

Sorry if my original post was unclear, and also I've met a lot of people in biomed who want to go into teaching or do research, I don't know why you have such strange experiences lol

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I had one who would threaten profs and yell at them if he didn't get a high enough mark. It usually starts off with the pitiful "I need this for med school" and usually escalates into yelling and threatening to drop the class.


Also involves coaxing/bully answers and hints out of new-ish profs who don't know any better.


We had one midterm class average was <50. Everyone did HORRIBLE, the second highest mark in the class was <70. This dud complains about his 97 because he messed up a convention.


We know that he got such a good mark because he went and bugged the prof everyday and forced her to give him examples similar to what was on the midterm. How do we know he did that? Prof says: "Nobody ask for help before the next midterm, especially not ______ (douchebag in question) " right after she hands all the midterms back.


OP - be very, very glad that you've never met anyone like that! :) They are kind of a rare special case.

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Kudos to the guy who got the 97. He was proactive and had enough foresight to see the impending trainwreck that were this professor's exams.


Naw, that's just his regular protocol - to bug every prof for sample midterm questions. He actually screwed the rest of the class over by getting 97. This prof usually curves midterms and people know that. Because of him, no curve. It's the ol' gunner attitude at play: "It's not enough that I succeed. Everyone must fail."

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Naw, that's just his regular protocol - to bug every prof for sample midterm questions. He actually screwed the rest of the class over by getting 97. This prof usually curves midterms and people know that. Because of him, no curve. It's the ol' gunner attitude at play: "It's not enough that I succeed. Everyone must fail."


It's not his fault that nobody else took the initiative. I doubt he was thinking "hehehe, I must get a good grade so that it will cause others to fail!"


I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Everyone was probably just pissed that they did so badly while this one guy aced the test.

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Im going to agree with this aswell, kudos to the guy with the 97, he played to win. I respect the determination.


If you want to win, emulate the winners.


It's not his fault that nobody else took the initiative. I doubt he was thinking "hehehe, I must get a good grade so that it will cause others to fail!"


I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Everyone was probably just pissed that they did so badly while this one guy aced the test.


Of course everyone was pissed. And no, there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking initiative to do well.


I was trying to illustrate that some people have horrible attitudes and do things that ruin it for everyone. It was the complaining about the extra 3% and arguing for marks that he didn't get in front of everyone that got on people's nerves. And also the harassing the prof part. After which the prof refused to see people for extra help before exam, as I had stated on the original post (but may be that wasn't stated clearly enough).



We had one midterm class average was <50. Everyone did HORRIBLE, the second highest mark in the class was <70. This dud complains about his 97 because he messed up a convention.




We know that he got such a good mark because he went and bugged the prof everyday and forced her to give him examples similar to what was on the midterm. How do we know he did that? Prof says: "Nobody ask for help before the next midterm, especially not ______ (douchebag in question) " right after she hands all the midterms back.



(I have had the particular prof before. She is nice but shy and she has NEVER refused to help anyone before. He must have said or done something really offensive to her.)


This people do exist, abuse privileges and they treat people badly. I just don't think that saying "oh he's just keen", "oh good on him for having the initiative" really solves the problem of everyone else in that class not getting adequate help/or having to go to other profs for help. He STILL RUINED IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE.

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mm88, I think the teacher ruined it for everyone by refusing to help her own students. She could have easily narrowed her unwillingness onto him in particular.


The student's intention doesn't appear to be "ruin it for everyone", it's more along the lines of "use every fair source to maximize my chances of receiving the best mark possible".


You haven't provided any evidence of him "abusing privileges" or "treating people badly", so I don't think he counts as one of "this" people you're theorizing about.

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mm88, I think the teacher ruined it for everyone by refusing to help her own students. She could have easily narrowed her unwillingness onto him in particular.


The student's intention doesn't appear to be "ruin it for everyone", it's more along the lines of "use every fair source to maximize my chances of receiving the best mark possible".


You haven't provided any evidence of him "abusing privileges" or "treating people badly", so I don't think he counts as one of "this" people you're theorizing about.


Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just too "close" to this incident to see things for what they really are.


She was one of my favourite profs..... who ended up with a complete 180 in attitude. It was just easier to blame the guy that always argues with/yells at profs (see previous posts) than to blame my favourite prof.

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