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Summer plans?

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Just need some advice:


What should be an ideal thing(s) to do in summer after first year ? I dont want to waste all my summer and regret afterwards. I would be away from my university so I don't think I would be able to participate in research.



Any kind of advice would be great.





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You have the rest of your life to work.


If you don't need the money desperately... I would suggest going traveling across Canada with a few friends. Or Europe if you have the money.


This is probably your last summer where you don't have to worry about the MCAT, applying to medical school etc.

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Managed to find a volunteer gig at a university lab back home that does research on glaucoma.


And I'm going to do a lot of studying to get a head-start on some of my courses next year. Like you said, I don't want to waste 4 months and regret it afterwards.

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I'm going to cure cancer while I'm on the plane to Africa, where not only will I build orphanages, but I will also train neurosurgeons, even though I am not trained myself. I will then proceed to China, do a few hundred cleft-palate operations (again, no training) while simultaneously, improving working conditions for all factory workers and getting them 500% pay increases. Also, while there, I will make some design modifications on the iPhone 5, that even though Apple will not have sanctioned, they will have to adopt because they are too awesome to ignore.


Oh wait, I did all of that LAST summer in order to get into med school. i'll just lay low and veg this summer, maybe gain a few dozen pounds while shoving junk food down my throat and watching TV. Then again, maybe not...



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Oh man. Summer of first year was awesome. I worked at a non-stressful job (concrete finishing), played video games, relaxed with the girlfriend at the time and bought my first car.


I didn't decide to go to med school until sometime in 3rd/4th year though, so I had a lot less on my mind.


I think if I had to go back and do it again, I would have tried to get one of the paid research positions that were available at my school for 1st year students.


I'd say do something awesome and fun. Something that would make sense on a med school app.

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I'm most likely doing research this summer (interviews next week) as well as taking off on weekends up to my in-laws vacation property where I am building a cabin for me and my wife (was a framer before went to uni.) and will be wakeboarding and wake surfing to beach boys blaring on the boat speakers, ah I can't wait.

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I'm most likely doing research this summer (interviews next week) as well as taking off on weekends up to my in-laws vacation property where I am building a cabin for me and my wife (was a framer before went to uni.) and will be wakeboarding and wake surfing to beach boys blaring on the boat speakers, ah I can't wait.


ok that is pretty awesome :)

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Just a typical Premed summer for me. I have a co-op placement in a lab with my research group from last summer - hopefully I can get a pub :). Volunteering in an other lab. Hospital volunteering at the cancer society once a week. Writing the MCAT in August. And doing my final theory exam in Royal Conservatory of Music. Maybe I will take on another volunteer position.. but thats about it for now.

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I worked as a summer camp counselor up in Algonquin park during the summer between 1st and 2nd year - it was the BEST job I ever had (though the pay was terrible - $1,000 net for 8 weeks!).


It was awesome though! Not only did I gain valuable skills in leadership (was the leader of a 6 day portaging trip through the park with 10 little girls, a CIT and a guide under me), patience (did I mention I had to take care of 10 little girls), team work (with the other counselors)....the list goes on. Plus, I had to get my Bronze Cross swimming cert to do it, learned a lot of life saving skills, met some great people...taught canoeing....and got the best tan of my life.


There is so much I can talk about from that one experience!


Plus I had time left over to travel to Europe and then just chill before I went back to school.


I highly recommend it!

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