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Science students vs non-science and prereq's/mcat

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Some of us who haven't done science courses for most part need to do the prereq's and the mcat. Assume that a non-science student starts doing prereq's and considering mcat in that 3rd of 4th year, so they have to do the prereq's and the mcat soon. Isn't that a pretty impossible task if you don't even have a basic knowledge of the sciences? Taking for most part new courses in your final bachelor years and studying for mcat....to get 3.7 and above on those courses seems pretty impossible to me. Am I just lazy? lol


I'd especially be interested in hearing from non-science students who did well on prereq's and the mcat in thsi type of situation. How much did you have to study without that background?

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i was registered in arts when i did the mcat, i had like on bio, one biochem, one physics, & like 5 chem courses (inc organic).


i worked my ass for 10's in sciences but the verbal & writing were a joke, i put almost no effort n had 99 percentile scores. but that's normal, that was my skill set, i worked my butt off for those 10's in science, which some people would find funny. overall, expect to work very hard, but its doable if you are strong in the arts, good luck!



Some of us who haven't done science courses for most part need to do the prereq's and the mcat. Assume that a non-science student starts doing prereq's and considering mcat in that 3rd of 4th year, so they have to do the prereq's and the mcat soon. Isn't that a pretty impossible task if you don't even have a basic knowledge of the sciences? Taking for most part new courses in your final bachelor years and studying for mcat....to get 3.7 and above on those courses seems pretty impossible to me. Am I just lazy? lol


I'd especially be interested in hearing from non-science students who did well on prereq's and the mcat in thsi type of situation. How much did you have to study without that background?

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It is possible, and very do-able without needing to go over the top, work-wise. Most science prerequisite courses, by and large, are not too challenging (and that's coming from a non-science student). They just require steady effort and a commitment to understanding every concept which builds off the last. Find a group of students you can join up with in your science classes as a "study group". Even better if they're also doing the MCAT soon too, because they you can help on the non-science verbal reasoning practice (if that's your strength).


Best wishes to you!

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What most worries me now is having to include Humanities+Psychology courses into an already tight-for-electives course like Kinesiology.


Anybody have an idea how many electives you get to pick (and how many science+humanities courses are already included) in the York Kin BSc?

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