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Do you think being a physician is the best career?


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There is no one best career. It depends entirely upon the individual's interests, aptitudes, qualifications and then, there is the separate supply and demand factor. There are thousands of possibilities and every individual is unique. Moreover, not everybody can become a physician or any other single career.

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I don't think there is one best career, because it's highly personality-dependent.


My husband, I can honestly say, would not enjoy being a physician. He does not enjoy anything science-related, would rather gouge his eyes out than do paperwork on a daily basis (he always has me fill out forms for him because I enjoy it, haha. He always reviews and signs, of course), and does not like dealing with people. He likes hands-on work, especially stuff that involves heavy machinery or computers. He prefers work that doesn't go home with him. Medicine wouldn't be a career that would suit him at all.


For me personally, I think medicine is the best fit for me. A possibility exists that I won't enjoy it as much as I think I will, but I have spent a great deal of time familiarizing myself with it as much as I can from the outside, and I believe it to be the best possible career *for me.*

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consider there's a lot of other stuff involved in being a physician. Dealing with death (in some cases), breaking bad news, trying your hardest to help people and being ignored, trying your hardest to help people and failing anyway.. Etc. I know many doctors and have had a lot of conversations about the ups and downs of medicine.


Overall I think being a doctor is a safe career choice, you will be needed, many will be grateful for your service and you can feel like you have a positive impact on society, so in that regard it is a good job- but it's not all rainbows and butterflies

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I doubt there is really a "best career in the whole world" and I REALLY doubt that at the time when I chose my career, I really knew what it would be like. I don't think any of us do until we're in it. But I think this is the best choice for me and so far I don't regret it.

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Apart of me really thinks being a physician is the best career in the whole world.

-rewarding life of helping others


-saving ppl from the brink of death

not usually at all

-maybe one day open you own practice :o

in Canada? I guess thats fam med. Everyone else works in a team usually

-great pay

in Canada? Plan on doing lasik for a living. Or being very financially savvy

-good hrs for family med



I do not know any better career out there.


In all honesty there are a lot of other careers that on paper would be a lot better. I was on 2 other career paths previous to medicine. I think what eventually draws people into medicine is they can't see themselves doing anything else. Even though when you take off your rose tinted glasses there are a lot of reasons not to choose it. Kinda like how surgeons become surgeons despite the crappy life because they can't see themselves doing anything else. They just love cutting, groping, and then stitching people too much.

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I picked this because it was better than my old job prospects: sitting at desk - calls/emails, sitting at large table - teleconference, sitting at larger tables - meetings. Being a doctor means I get to interact with people in person (and in real time!!) and move around, and it pays well, to boot!


I have two "categories" for best job:

Category A: best job based on pay - investment banking or management consulting. The hours SUCK.

Category B: best job based on fun-ness - chefing. The pay SUCKS.


MD-ing: Hours don't have to suck, pay doesn't have to suck, ergo... happy medium.

THE BEST, however?! Far from it, imho!

People generally follow to things in life: their head/passion, or the money. If you want to do both... med is not the place to be, DENTISTRY IS! ;)

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The best career would be an MLB starting pitcher (or big time slugger). Baseball players have a longer shelf life compared to most other sports. Good pay plus your job kicks ass.

lol sure...


"best career" is relative -- that's why not everyone is interested in medicine. Do I think it's the best career for myself? absolutely. But I wouldn't say it's the best career in the world.

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Hopefully medicine is "the best career" for many of us, otherwise we're all gonna miss out in the long run. I'm sure medicine can be the best for someone in some way, e.g. interest in science, job security, variety, portability (depending on what specialty), chicks, money, power, chicks. Then again, it might not be the most enjoyable career. I would probably like to be a professional photographer more than a doctor, but I'm pretty sure it's just not gonna happen (seems pretty risky, less job/financial security, requires lots of talent). You just have to prioritize what you're looking for in a career.

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I doubt there is really a "best career in the whole world" and I REALLY doubt that at the time when I chose my career, I really knew what it would be like. I don't think any of us do until we're in it. But I think this is the best choice for me and so far I don't regret it.


Becoming a male porn star is obviously the best career in the world.

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I doubt there is really a "best career in the whole world" and I REALLY doubt that at the time when I chose my career, I really knew what it would be like. I don't think any of us do until we're in it. But I think this is the best choice for me and so far I don't regret it.
Exactly this. Well said.
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