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Med Specialty assessment tool

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I retook this quiz, I remember taking it last year. thx for posting link again :)


its funny cause some things are still up there, but other things moved out from being at the top and have gone to the bottom of the rank


Rank Specialty Score

1 nuclear med 40

2 hematology 37

3 allergy & immunology 37

4 infectious disease 36

5 pathology 36

6 occupational med 36

7 neurology 35

8 preventive med 34

9 aerospace med 34

10 plastic surgery 34

11 physical med & rehabilitation 34

12 radiology 34

13 emergency med 34

14 rheumatology 33

15 ophthalmology 33

16 urology 32

17 pulmonology 32

18 endocrinology 32

19 cardiology 32

20 gastroenterology 31

21 radiation oncology 31

22 thoracic surgery 31

23 pediatrics 31

24 neurosurgery 31

25 psychiatry 30

26 anesthesiology 30

27 dermatology 29

28 general internal med 29

29 family practice 29

30 obstetrics/gynecology 29

31 orthopaedic surgery 29

32 otolaryngology 27

33 nephrology 27

34 colon & rectal surgery 27

35 med oncology 25

36 general surgery 24

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Haha, I wanted to become some sot of surgeon since I was a kid. This thing got that right. If I was in medicine, I would probably like Cardiac/thoracic too. I also absolutely detest family medicine a. This computer program is smart.

Rank Specialty Score

1 thoracic surgery 48

2 nuclear med 48

3 pulmonology 48

4 nephrology 48

5 hematology 48

6 ophthalmology 47

7 obstetrics/gynecology 47

8 pathology 47

9 otolaryngology 47

10 radiology 47

11 occupational med 47

12 aerospace med 47

13 radiation oncology 47

14 plastic surgery 46

15 orthopaedic surgery 46

16 urology 46

17 preventive med 46

18 rheumatology 46

19 dermatology 46

20 pediatrics 45

21 neurosurgery 45

22 general internal med 45

23 med oncology 45

24 infectious disease 45

25 general surgery 45

26 anesthesiology 45

27 allergy & immunology 45

28 neurology 44

29 gastroenterology 44

30 colon & rectal surgery 44

31 emergency med 44

32 endocrinology 42

33 cardiology 41

34 psychiatry 41

35 physical med & rehabilitation 40

36 family practice 31

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Well my top 6 stayed the same as from my results from a year ago, which is interesting because I've told myself I'd never do peds, neuro or optho. I was also starting to consider family medicine more as an option this year, but apparently I'd hate that.


01 radiology 43

02 urology 42

03 dermatology 42

04 pediatrics 41

05 neurology 41

06 ophthalmology 39

07 endocrinology 39

08 colon & rectal surgery 38

09 gastroenterology 38

10 pathology 38

11 plastic surgery 38

12 nuclear med 37

13 rheumatology 37

14 allergy & immunology 37

15 anesthesiology 36

16 general internal med 36

17 physical med & rehabilitation 36

18 occupational med 36

19 psychiatry 36

20 preventive med 35

21 aerospace med 35

22 hematology 35

23 emergency med 35

24 pulmonology 33

25 nephrology 33

26 neurosurgery 33

27 otolaryngology 32

28 radiation oncology 32

29 cardiology 31

30 infectious disease 31

31 obstetrics/gynecology 31

32 thoracic surgery 31

33 general surgery 31

34 orthopaedic surgery 30

35 med oncology 28

36 family practice 28

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Rank Specialty Score

1 rheumatology 50

2 physical med & rehabilitation 49

3 pathology 49

4 occupational med 48

5 neurology 46

6 general internal med 46

7 psychiatry 45

8 hematology 44

9 allergy & immunology 43

10 endocrinology 42

11 nephrology 42

12 med oncology 41

13 radiation oncology 41

14 preventive med 40

15 dermatology 39

16 infectious disease 39

17 gastroenterology 38

18 pediatrics 38

19 ophthalmology 37

20 plastic surgery 37

21 thoracic surgery 37

22 neurosurgery 37

23 radiology 36

24 family practice 35

25 anesthesiology 35

26 colon & rectal surgery 34

27 nuclear med 34

28 aerospace med 33

29 cardiology 32

30 pulmonology 32

31 general surgery 30

32 otolaryngology 30

33 emergency med 29

34 urology 28

35 orthopaedic surgery 27

36 obstetrics/gynecology 26


Yeah I guess I can see that. Except for pathology. How the heck did that get up there? I wish I remembered my results from last year - I'd like to compare now that first year is over.

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Here is my Top ten. I am not interested in gunning for Dermatology, though it is reassuring that my personal no 1 choice is my number 2 choice according to the list. I should look into urology as well. I never considered that but have taken the test twice now and Urology was previously my number 1 now number 4.





1 dermatology

2 emergency med

3 obstetrics/gynecology

4 urology

5 physical med & rehabilitation

6 colon & rectal surgery

7 med oncology

8 family practice

9 allergy & immunology

10 otolaryngology




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Thanks for the link.

I remember writing this quiz last year. I ended up with:

1 dermatology

2 med oncology

3 pediatrics

4 rheumatology

5 physical med & rehabilitation


I may retake for fun :)


... Interesting.



1 med oncology 45

2 hematology 45

3 physical med & rehabilitation 44

4 occupational med 43

5 rheumatology 43

6 allergy & immunology 43

7 radiation oncology 42

8 dermatology 42

9 general internal med 42

10 family practice 42

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... Interesting.



1 med oncology 45

2 hematology 45

3 physical med & rehabilitation 44

4 occupational med 43

5 rheumatology 43

6 allergy & immunology 43

7 radiation oncology 42

8 dermatology 42

9 general internal med 42

10 family practice 42



Why not pediatrics or ob gyn?

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Why not pediatrics or ob gyn?


I dunno? Like I'm not really interested in any of my top 10 answers, except for family? Possibly internal... And peds (from last years results).

And why does oncology keep popping up?

I'm so confused.

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1 occupational med

2 physical med & rehabilitation

3 hematology

4 radiation oncology

5 med oncology

6 infectious disease

7 rheumatology

8 dermatology

9 nephrology

10 pathology


I've always been interested in physical and manual medicine and managing chronic illnesses so I guess these results are spot on. Surprised that family med isn't among my top 10 cuz I like that too.

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1 occupational med

2 physical med & rehabilitation

3 hematology

4 radiation oncology

5 med oncology

6 infectious disease

7 rheumatology

8 dermatology

9 nephrology

10 pathology


I've always been interested in physical and manual medicine and managing chronic illnesses so I guess these results are spot on. Surprised that family med isn't among my top 10 cuz I like that too.


We have a lot of overlap in our top 10!

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Rank Specialty Score

1 pathology 47

2 nuclear med 46

3 radiology 46

4 preventive med 45

5 occupational med 45

6 infectious disease 45

7 general internal med 45

8 dermatology 45

9 allergy & immunology 45

10 thoracic surgery 44

11 neurology 44

12 neurosurgery 44

13 anesthesiology 43

14 endocrinology 43

15 pulmonology 43

16 nephrology 42

17 emergency med 42

18 physical med & rehabilitation 42

19 aerospace med 42

20 plastic surgery 41

21 psychiatry 41

22 rheumatology 41

23 family practice 41

24 obstetrics/gynecology 41

25 colon & rectal surgery 40

26 otolaryngology 40

27 pediatrics 39

28 gastroenterology 39

29 med oncology 39

30 urology 39

31 ophthalmology 39

32 radiation oncology 39

33 hematology 38

34 cardiology 38

35 orthopaedic surgery 38

36 general surgery 38


Hah my favorite two dead last.


I wonder why neurosurgery and thoracic surgery are high, but ortho and general dead last...


Clearly my scores reflect somewhat of a misanthropic nature, so if anything I would think neurosurgery would be low because sometimes you have to talk to your patients during surgery!

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I think alot of us are getting specialities that we were not expecting (i.e. pathology, physical rehab med., oncology) because we answered many questions based on factors outside of medicine ...


For example it asked twice if you have lots of interests outside of medicine and asked twice whether you were willing to work long hours. I answered both of these that I had lots of interests outside of medicine and wasnt willing to work long long hours so it guided me to specialties that have more controlled hours (i.e. Emergency med where you work your 4 x 12 hr shifts then you are done).


I suspect that med onc, pathology, emerg, physical rehab have good life/work balance.

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Cool! I've been interested in doing my top 4 all at different points in the last two years! Thats neat!


Rank Specialty Score

1 pediatrics 44

2 rheumatology 43

3 radiology 42

4 med oncology 42

5 dermatology 42

6 radiation oncology 42

7 infectious disease 41

8 hematology 41

9 endocrinology 41

10 psychiatry 41

11 nuclear med 41

12 neurology 41

13 ophthalmology 41

14 pulmonology 40

15 urology 40

16 occupational med 40

17 aerospace med 40

18 gastroenterology 40

19 anesthesiology 40

20 allergy & immunology 40

21 physical med & rehabilitation 39

22 emergency med 39

23 general internal med 39

24 preventive med 39

25 nephrology 38

26 neurosurgery 37

27 obstetrics/gynecology 37

28 otolaryngology 37

29 thoracic surgery 37

30 general surgery 37

31 plastic surgery 37

32 family practice 37

33 colon & rectal surgery 36

34 pathology 36

35 cardiology 35

36 orthopaedic surgery


Its kinda funny that cardiology is second last seeing as I'm working in cardiology clinical research right now :P

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i love er actually… i just never talk bout it, u can do tons of psych in er, totally diff kind, u of t even has an emergency psychiatrist… plus er n me r like, wow perfect, new thing, new thing, new thing, sweet, i need my meds if i wanted to do psych for 8-9 hrs a day, can't sit in that ****ing chair u know ;)... id prob need to space hr interval bw every hr session… lol, sumtimes ppl have opposite interests for diff reasons :P


If the test doesn't give you psych, then either you did it wrong, or it can't be trusted. :P
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i saw my adhd doc today and all the sessions were outside on the roof deck thingy because it was sunny out, i couldn't help but ask if there was a study supporting the efficacy of patio based therapy versus indoors based therapy, maybe the sunlight facilitates communication, thats what they always say, well… there's a first time for everything… guess there'll have to be an outdoor clock to make it 50 on the button, unfortunately theres no clock in the office either… what if you do 2 hours when the max billing is 1.5… and usually for initial assessment… the horror, the horror, then 10 min of unpaid charting on top of that ;)


In the movies they are only 50 minute long sessions ... :) Perhaps the additional 10 is for charting once the pt is gone:p
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