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Supplementary Form

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is october 5th the deadline they must receive the application or just the date we drop it off at the postoffice?


It's the deadline when they stop accepting mailed apps. So better send your printed supp apps early and use priority mailing services to be safe.

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Hey guys, a question on the Supplementary application. I downloaded it from the link on the website, but I can't save typed information into it when I try to save it as a PDF. Are you guys going to fill in this application by hand (i.e., with a pen)? Or else maybe put in the necessary info into a Word Doc, and copy and paste it in and print it in one go?

I'm not very tech-savvy so is there maybe a way I can manipulate the PDF to get it to save the typed data?

Thanks :)

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You can try to line up the manually in Acrobate reader and use the signature fxn to type on the form.


I highly recommend that you just print and mail.


Everyone mailing: send as registered letter, or if you're sending along with transcripts, use expresspost. It ends up being cheaper than individual registered letters if you send it in one expresspost envelope.

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By the way, the website says postmarked by October 5th, so as long as you post it by that date you are fine


i saw that too, and was kinda confused. it doesn't explicitly say that it has to be in by Oct 5, whereas it DOES say on the critical info sheet that it can be postmarked if sending by mail :confused: . i'm confused because at other times it just says "supp app form due oct 5". doesn't say received or post marked, but that kinda makes it sound like it needs to be received. so, i did think that it just had to be post marked, but i'd still send asap to be safe lol

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Yeah to be honest, I'm really weirded out by how short this application is. And the lack of detail. You can't even describe your activities.

Maybe that's why they requested two transcripts?


I have another question regarding the Supplementary Application...if you look under both Employment History and Volunteer Activities it says this: "Information submitted is not scored and does not contribute to the composite score but may be used for verification of information submitted in the application." I have absolutely no idea what they mean by this! Do they mean all this employment and volunteer info isn't going to be scored at all? So it's just GPA + MCAT that makes up our application? And if this information is not being scored....what is the information that they are verifying?

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Yeah to be honest, I'm really weirded out by how short this application is. And the lack of detail. You can't even describe your activities.

Maybe that's why they requested two transcripts?


I have another question regarding the Supplementary Application...if you look under both Employment History and Volunteer Activities it says this: "Information submitted is not scored and does not contribute to the composite score but may be used for verification of information submitted in the application." I have absolutely no idea what they mean by this! Do they mean all this employment and volunteer info isn't going to be scored at all? So it's just GPA + MCAT that makes up our application? And if this information is not being scored....what is the information that they are verifying?


lol i was wondering the exact same things.

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Yeah to be honest, I'm really weirded out by how short this application is. And the lack of detail. You can't even describe your activities.

Maybe that's why they requested two transcripts?


I have another question regarding the Supplementary Application...if you look under both Employment History and Volunteer Activities it says this: "Information submitted is not scored and does not contribute to the composite score but may be used for verification of information submitted in the application." I have absolutely no idea what they mean by this! Do they mean all this employment and volunteer info isn't going to be scored at all? So it's just GPA + MCAT that makes up our application? And if this information is not being scored....what is the information that they are verifying?


The pre-interview formula is: (27.3%AGPA + 72.7%MCAT) X (rurality co-efficient if >0) X (academic co-efficient if >0), so it's pretty much GPA and MCAT that makes up the application. Perhaps they want to verify info in LORs or the stuff you say in the MMI (esp. the written station? Just speculation.)

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Btw when they saw application fee, they mean the initial fee we had to pay when we created a username and stuff? Nothing extra we needed to mail in with our supplemental?


I wish they would let us monitor receipts of applicaion and transcripts online like other school, so panoriod that my stuff will get lost or not on time and I wouldn't know about it

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I'm having internet issues and can only use my phone, the U of M website is hard to navigate on it. can someone please tell me, as long as I sent my transcripts and supplemental application in, I'm good? or am I missing anything else?






they have just a couple of different dates as you prob know. these are the ones from the checklist that they have on their site:


Application Form, Supplemental Application Form and Fee Oct 5


Official Transcripts (TWO copies) from all

INCLUDING transcripts from Exchange, Transfer, Letter of Permission and Colleges. post secondary institutions Nov 1


MCAT Nov 1


Proof of Manitoba Residency TBD


Proof of Canadian Citizenship Nov 1


Proof of English Language Proficiency Nov 1


References November 30, 2012 (for Manitoba and Aboriginal Applicants) February 8, 2013 (for eligible Out of Province)


Hope this helps! someone please correct any missteps!

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Btw when they saw application fee, they mean the initial fee we had to pay when we created a username and stuff? Nothing extra we needed to mail in with our supplemental?


I wish they would let us monitor receipts of applicaion and transcripts online like other school, so panoriod that my stuff will get lost or not on time and I wouldn't know about it


correct - just the one time fee.

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Hey guys I just thought I would run something by you all... I tutored all through my grade 12 year and although I have the first and last name of the child I tutored I totally forget both of the parents names and their last name is unlisted. Since I did this for a full year and got paid I was going to put in under the employment section.. but if I only have a last name and no phone number I thought it might look a bit sketchy. Thoughts?

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they say your ECs, employment, and Volunteer work is not scored and but if you put it down, they might verify it so I wouldn't risk it since it's not even gonna add to your application points, especially when it's something so long ago as high school .just my opinion


That's what I was thinking. Thanks!

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