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What's On Your Mind?

Robin Hood

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Things I did at work today:


-Tracked and located a skunk den, then set a live trap.

-Fixed a leaking urinal.

-Witnessed an African American tour operator SCREAM at one of her passengers for the walk across the parking lot back to their bus.


All in a day's work.

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i got offered u of t after first year when i went to their institute thingy, psych residencies care more about the fact that you're devoted to psych and show it, in my case I guess I'm also obsessively passionate, so that helps. Funny enough, neuro is often the easiest res to match first choice,I'm guessing because of it's difficulty, psych is generally easy because residencies don't train to the full capacity, or more realistically, a fraction of what we know, so people think it's flaky, hence matching is easy, then again, I suspect as industries plethora of complex superior treatments, still unreleased come to light, psych will become very competitive, because understanding these treatments, and the depth and breadth necessary to utilize what is known, but clinically uncommonly used (check a guy like Dr. Flor Henry, and you'll see what I mean. Personally, I'd do neuro or psych and go for a neuropsyciatry or behvioral neuro fellowship in the states, and make sure you get all the psychotherapy training you can get. MgGill is generally an excellent program though!


Cool. I'm interested in psychiatry and internal medicine (don't know yet which branch or general). I'm assuming these are not the most competitive residencies to get into.
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The Cleveland kidnapper was charged with 300something separate things. Will they actually go through all the evidence and convict him individually of 300 things? If he gets the maximum sentence possible for some of the crimes, what's the point of spending so many resources convicting him of the other charges?

Another thing I don't understand: multiple life sentences..... what is the purpose of sentencing someone to 300 years in jail as opposed to life? Je suis confused

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Lost a baby bird this morning. He was a good three days younger than the others and they were not letting him get fed. It's a common thing for zebra finches to starve their younger siblings, but I try to avoid letting it happen since there is never a lack of food for my birds.


I pulled him out when I noticed his crop was still empty this morning. Sent my husband out for some electrolyte solution and handfeeding formula so we could give him a boost, but no go. He died a few minutes before my husband got home. He was just too far gone.


He was cold when I pulled him out - very bad sign for an unfeathered chick - so at least he died warm and comfortable. That's the best I could have done for him.


It always really sucks to lose one. I've saved many, but sometimes they are just too weak or too sick to keep fighting and there's nothing to be done.




He was sleeping in my hand after I tried to hydrate him. He died an hour later.

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i hate people who are so technologically challenged and smothering


srs my mom goes jumping at the phone the instant it rings, isn't aware that it rings 5 times before it goes to voice mail....she also shouts at me to pick up the phone if she isn't near by (i will wait till the 4th ring before i pick up usually, i screen my calls)


my mom

-can't figure out how to use the macbook trackpad

-finds the stupidest way to get info (wanted a ceiling medallion, but dunno what size so she goes calls her friends when she could of just googled it)

-thinks everyone on kijji is a scammer, how do u know hes not a scammer? (someone having a moving sale...)

-constantly listens to my phone calls and interupts me. (told my friend i just did alright on a test, and she would say what do you mean i thought you got +90!) -> clearly she doesn't understand modesty

-complains about my phone not being able to accept photos, because she didn't want to spend so much to get data

-scared of change....if something isn't working then obv change it

-asks where i am going everytime i leave the house, if it is late at night i understand but if it is to go to the gym which i do 4 times a week on the same day and same time then why bother asking....

-gets mad when i tell her to wait 5 mins (wanted me to go get the mail i told her just wait 5 mins) gets all mad and does it herself, srs calm down it is just mail and i am doing you the favour

-got mad when i purchased like 6 packages of 200pgs of lined paper from walmart. wouldn't let me finish that the cost was only 60cent

-complains that i study so much

-she complains how i am so ungrateful but what does she want me to do. i ask her what she wants she says help out around the house, and i say what inspecific and she doesn't say anything.....**** me for not being a mind reader (i have a life and I am busy)




next summer i will not be moving back home, mom will not leave me alone


I also need to find a better way to avoid my parents

-i already put a digital piano in my room (we had one in storage), because i rather not deal with her downstairs when i play on the upright piano. she would shout and be like OMG OMG I know this song....


can't avoid

-eating + cooking downstairs, i do not want my room to smell of food

-playing video games on the big screen (we have more than one though)


super embarassing when with friends

-made the mistake of bringing a girl home, then her and my mom became fb friends and my mom is telling me how to date. not to go to certain places and to treat her right (if i didn't like the girl and didn't want to treat her right i wouldn't of kept dating her)

-thinks i am an idiot for breaking up with my ex...comparing everyone i am seeing to her

-makes awks comments about my friends (hes good looking, he looks like Sam from glee)

-calls me out for joking around with the waiter at milestones, apologizing on my behalf for playing tug of war with the menu (the waiter is one of my close friends)

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Are you abused at home?

Do your parents provide you with food and shelter?

Do you pay rent?

Do you pay for your own schooling?


If the answer to these questions is no then stop your whining. There are millions of kids who's trade places with you in a heartbeat and deal with the little annoyances that you have to deal with over the life crippling ones they have to deal with.







i hate people who are so technologically challenged and smothering


srs my mom goes jumping at the phone the instant it rings, isn't aware that it rings 5 times before it goes to voice mail....she also shouts at me to pick up the phone if she isn't near by (i will wait till the 4th ring before i pick up usually, i screen my calls)


my mom

-can't figure out how to use the macbook trackpad

-finds the stupidest way to get info (wanted a ceiling medallion, but dunno what size so she goes calls her friends when she could of just googled it)

-thinks everyone on kijji is a scammer, how do u know hes not a scammer? (someone having a moving sale...)

-constantly listens to my phone calls and interupts me. (told my friend i just did alright on a test, and she would say what do you mean i thought you got +90!) -> clearly she doesn't understand modesty

-complains about my phone not being able to accept photos, because she didn't want to spend so much to get data

-scared of change....if something isn't working then obv change it

-asks where i am going everytime i leave the house, if it is late at night i understand but if it is to go to the gym which i do 4 times a week on the same day and same time then why bother asking....

-gets mad when i tell her to wait 5 mins (wanted me to go get the mail i told her just wait 5 mins) gets all mad and does it herself, srs calm down it is just mail and i am doing you the favour

-got mad when i purchased like 6 packages of 200pgs of lined paper from walmart. wouldn't let me finish that the cost was only 60cent

-complains that i study so much

-she complains how i am so ungrateful but what does she want me to do. i ask her what she wants she says help out around the house, and i say what inspecific and she doesn't say anything.....**** me for not being a mind reader (i have a life and I am busy)




next summer i will not be moving back home, mom will not leave me alone


I also need to find a better way to avoid my parents

-i already put a digital piano in my room (we had one in storage), because i rather not deal with her downstairs when i play on the upright piano. she would shout and be like OMG OMG I know this song....


can't avoid

-eating + cooking downstairs, i do not want my room to smell of food

-playing video games on the big screen (we have more than one though)


super embarassing when with friends

-made the mistake of bringing a girl home, then her and my mom became fb friends and my mom is telling me how to date. not to go to certain places and to treat her right (if i didn't like the girl and didn't want to treat her right i wouldn't of kept dating her)

-thinks i am an idiot for breaking up with my ex...comparing everyone i am seeing to her

-makes awks comments about my friends (hes good looking, he looks like Sam from glee)

-calls me out for joking around with the waiter at milestones, apologizing on my behalf for playing tug of war with the menu (the waiter is one of my close friends)

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today, i need to send my loans application for the coming year.

this is a scary thing & i hate myself for the amount of debt i will have after undergrad, let alone medschool (if i ever get in). :(


sometimes, i regret not staying in-province (Quebec) for school.. i would be debt free like all my high school friends and that would be sweet.

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