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what a horrible last couple weeks..


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So this month has been a pretty depressing month and thought I would just vent. Two weeks ago my dad went into the hospital and was diagnosed with viral meningitis. Last night my mom went into the hospital and they are thinking its Celiac disease. This afternoon I get in an absolute horrible car accident with my brand new 2013 vehicle. :(


I'm just so stressed out and I am trying to find ways to cope but things just keep piling up. I just want a freaking break.

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On the bright side, you're going to a Canadian medical school:D One of the few things that pretty much guarantees you a successful and rewarding career.


Everybody goes through hardships, some more than others. Take the weekend to spend with your family; I'm sure you can all use each others love and support right now

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So this month has been a pretty depressing month and thought I would just vent. Two weeks ago my dad went into the hospital and was diagnosed with viral meningitis. Last night my mom went into the hospital and they are thinking its Celiac disease. This afternoon I get in an absolute horrible car accident with my brand new 2013 vehicle. :(


I'm just so stressed out and I am trying to find ways to cope but things just keep piling up. I just want a freaking break.


wow....hang in there!

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Thanks everyone. I feel much better today. I am thankful nobody got hurt in the car accident and both my parents will pull through, I know it. I just have to try and keep a positive attitude and stay around family and friends.


School starts soon so that will help keep my mind distracted. I can't wait.

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How is your uncle doing? Thoughts and prayers are with you!


Not that great, but still hard to say. Unfortunately they are at the stage of trying to control it and make sure nothing more comes of it and then we'll see if there are any neurological issues that arise after. Thank you for asking though.

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